Having a miscarriage can be devastating. Mothers to be and their partners often go through a variety of different emotions. Most importantly, do not blame yourself. It’s really common for mothers who go through a loss such as miscarriage to feel like they should’ve done something differently to prevent it. There’s also a lot of physical pain and emotional pain that goes along with having a miscarriage. You might feel like your body is failing you or it is hard to trust your body. Additionally, having a miscarriage is one of the losses that does not get public support. When you have a loved one such as a grandparent pass away, hundreds of people may attend the week and funeral ceremony. Miscarriage counseling and trauma therapy is available at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Holistic miscarriage counseling and trauma therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut supports the grief process
For a miscarriage, it is very different loss and trauma. It is a very private loss that is often only grieved individually or as a couple. As well, as a woman, it might feel like your grief process is very different than your partners. When your partner finds out that you’ve had a miscarriage, they might isolate, become still work, and not know how to give you the emotional support that you deserve. Your partner make it angry more easily or become irritable because their hopes and dreams have vanished too. Working together and couples therapy and an individual counseling can help. Counseling helps you truly grieve the trauma of your miscarriage and loss.
Miscarriage counseling and trauma therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut

Having a miscarriage while pregnant can lead to feelings of self doubt and self blame.
For one, it might feel like your body is turning on you. You may have been struggling with infertility challenges for a long time now. Additionally, you may have been trying to get pregnant for months or even years. So, simply realizing you’re having a miscarriage is very devastating and heartbreaking. You already started to build a loving relationship with a baby in your body that you were growing. And, you started picking out baby clothes and baby items to be ready. Additionally, there might be shame, guilt, or embarrassment because you excitedly told friends and family that you were expecting a baby. Now, you have to go through the sad and heartbreaking process of telling your friends and family you are not pregnant any longer. It has been an emotional roller coaster and therapy can help you get through this traumatic time.
How can miscarriage counseling and trauma therapy support the grief process?

It’s normal to feel like there’s a hole in your heart and in your body.
After years and months of infertility, going through a miscarriage is emotionally painful and traumatic. It is always okay to cry. Often times, couples can heal together by crying and expressing emotions together. Also, holding hands, taking time off work, and being sad are important ways to grieve. Connecting with others who are experiencing miscarriage on Instagram or on social media can be supportive. On Facebook, there are support groups for other people experiencing miscarriage and infertility. Importantly, know that you are not alone and you did nothing to cause this. The human body will naturally have a miscarriage if the genetic make up is not correct. As well, holistic miscarriage counseling and trauma therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut can help if you have trouble trusting your body. You might worry that you will have another miscarriage after this one or you will never be able to get pregnant again.

So, allow yourself to feel all of the feelings that you have due to miscarriage.
This is a loss that is important to grieve. So, see if you can make a scrapbook, memory book, or a photo album as a ritual of loss. Draw pictures of your experience of being pregnant in your experience of miscarriage. Plus, painting and doing art can be very healing when it comes to grieving loss and trauma. In your scrapbook, put the first ultrasound, or pictures of baby clothes you bought. Journal and write about your experience of sadness, loss, and emotional pain. As well, working with a therapist who specializes in complex trauma and the loss of miscarriage can be very helpful. You can gain relaxation tools, and a newfound trust within your body.
Talking with a therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling who specializes in complex trauma and miscarriages can help you realize you are a whole person in mind, body and spirit.
When going through a severe trauma like a miscarriage, it is important to take really good care of your body. At times, you might feel mad at your body or blame yourself. Your hormones and your body are going through a lot. Letting go of self blame is a huge part of healing and counseling.
Holistic miscarriage counseling and trauma therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut helps you manage painful emotions in healthy way
Numbing out is common after miscarriage
Also, you might want to numb out all your painful emotions. So, going through a miscarriage may trigger wanting to be reckless or numb out. You might want to drink alcohol in excess, take part in reckless behaviors, do drugs, work out too much, or overuse technology. Also, after miscarriage, risk of depression, suicidal thinking, and suicide increases drastically. Meeting with a PTSD therapist can help you channel negative feelings and release them in healthy ways. Instead of hurting yourself through self harm behaviors, cutting, or alcoholism, you can learn to nurture yourself through healthier behaviors. Instead, working with a therapist who specializes in complex trauma and miscarriages can allow you to have a safe space to release intense emotions in healthy ways. gain positive coping strategies for this difficult time in holistic miscarriage counseling and trauma therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut.
Holistic miscarriage counseling and trauma therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut helps you develop positive coping tools.
In counseling, you can talk about healthy coping tools such as making nutritious meals, gardening outside, or practicing meditation. Healing after a miscarriage is a major time of sadness and loss. It means practicing self-care, loving yourself, and gaining a sense of acceptance for this unfortunate trauma. Sometimes, it might feel like waves of sadness and tears come without any warning. Your holistic trauma therapist can help you gain a positive coping toolbox to manage distressing emotions and the feeling of helplessness. Holistic miscarriage counseling and trauma therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut gives you self-soothing tools.
To begin, click the button below for your phone consult for miscarriage counseling and trauma therapy.
Your partner may not know how to validate your emotions after a miscarriage, so couples therapy can help.
Holistic miscarriage counseling and trauma therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut incorporates couples therapy. For one, you may have already started planning your baby shower, gender reveal party, and painting your nursery room. As well, you had joy, excited anticipation, and were really looking forward to starting your family. When going through grief, your partner might not know how to comfort you. They may want to help you deeply, but they might have their own limitations that get in the way. Couples counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut can help you and your partner team up and support each other emotionally through this time of loss and uncertainty due to miscarriage.

You and your partner might feel angry, irritable, frustrated, sad, and tearful.
Sometimes, your partner might know exactly what to say. And, at times, your partner knows how to emotionally validate you. Other times, it feels like your partner is on a different planet. Working together in couples counseling supports grief therapy together. Your couples counselor can help your partner understand what you are going through, the hormones changing, and the emotional pain that you are experiencing.
What are triggers when grieving?
Now, when going through the loss of a miscarriage, it can be incredibly painful to see other people continue through their pregnancies. Let’s say your friend also finds out they are pregnant at the same time you are. Essentially, in the beginning, you share an excitement and surprise together.
Now, it is very sad and triggering watching your friend continue through their pregnancy.
Getting invited to a baby shower can be heartbreaking. Also, you might not emotionally be able to attend the baby shower for your friend after going through a miscarriage. A part of you wants to tell your friend that you are grieving and going through miscarriage. However, another part of you doesn’t want to bring negative emotions to their baby shower or her exciting time. Seeing a pregnant woman in the grocery store can cause you to have a panic attack or a trauma trigger. And, you might want to use in-home delivery grocery services like Instacart or Stop & Shop Peapod. This way, you can have time at your home without having to potentially seeing a pregnant woman.
Avoiding triggers for a short period of time, can help with the grieving process.
On social media, seeing a friend announce that they are pregnant can be very triggering and traumatic. Working with a trauma therapist at Wisdom Within counseling during this time of grief can be supportive and nurturing. Also, on social media, seeing a friend announce that they are pregnant can be very triggering and traumatic. Working with a therapist who specializes in miscarriage healing during this time of grief can be supportive and nurturing. Holistic miscarriage counseling and trauma therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut is available at Wisdom Within Counseling.
How can holistic miscarriage counseling and trauma therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut help?
Counseling at Wisdom Within can be a safe place to grieve. Miscarriages can be incredibly isolating and dramatic. If you have been trying to conceive for months or years, realizing you’re miscarrying, you might feel anger, self blame or self-doubt.
The feelings and emotions might be overwhelming and you want a therapist to listen to your story. Holistic miscarriage counseling and trauma therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut helps you remember that you are not to blame. There’s nothing you did to cause a miscarriage. Your therapist can remind you that 25% of women who get pregnant will have a miscarriage. Essentially, your body created the miscarriage due to genetic abnormalities that would be much too severe for the baby to survive once born. As hard as it is emotionally, your holistic trauma therapist can help you develop resilience and positive coping strategies.

To begin, click the button below for your phone consult for miscarriage counseling and trauma therapy.

How can art therapies and holistic therapies be a part of miscarriage counseling and trauma therapy?
Painting, glitter gel pens, and are in therapy can be a wonderful part of loss and trauma counseling. Using art materials can help you express your feelings of loss and grief and weighs beyond words. You might want to paint what it felt like to be on the motherhood journey. As well, your trauma therapist can incorporate Art into couples counseling sessions for emotional expression. Painting, the use of modeling clay, glitter gel pens, and more can be very healing.
Walk and talk therapies and yoga in therapy
As well, we offer mindfulness meditation, yoga in therapy, breathing techniques, and outdoor walk and talk therapies for trauma healing. Going outside for a gentle walk in the sunshine, breathing the fresh air, and walking by the ocean can be very relaxing while talking about a trauma like miscarriage.
Additionally, we offer music in therapy.
Making playlist, playing a crystal singing bowl, or a big drum in counseling can help you you sounds and you’re grieving process. Plus, making music and banging on a drum can communicate well you are feeling and when he is beyond just talking. We offer out of the box therapies beyond yesterday national talking to help with complex trauma recovery.

Realizing your baby‘s heart has stopped beating after attending a medical appointment is life shattering. Your hopes and dreams feel ripped right out of your arms. As well, you might feel a sense of self doubt, self blame, sadness, and anger. All of these emotions are part of this complex grieving process. So, working with a counselor who specializes in complex trauma can help you develop resilience and emotional coping strategies. As well, a mixture of couples counseling and individual counseling and help you feel nurturing and unload your story. Holistic miscarriage counseling and trauma therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut is available at Wisdom Within Counseling. Wisdom Within Counseling Specializes in complex trauma recovery and offers a holistic, creative approach for your healing process.