Right now, it might feel like you are on the brink of divorce. Does your marriage feel like is isn’t where you want it to be? You might feel exhausted, trying to figure out how to resolve conflict right now. Right when you want your partner to listen to you, they walk out of the room. Do feel ignored, insignificant, disrespected, and unimportant in your marriage? Does sex feel like a chore, obligation, or dissatisfying? As well, it feels like your partner is always trying to initiate sex. When your partner goes to rub your back, do you feel like you are obligated to give them sex? Meeting with a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling can give you and your spouse a safe place to talk about conflict resolution, sex, and intimacy
You want couples therapy because the playfulness and lightheartedness in your marriage is gone. Everything in your marriage feels complex and overwhelming.
In couples therapy, you can gain healthy communication tools, positive self-care strategies, and build meaningful connection.

Working with a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida gives you tools to calmly talk and better communicate your feelings.
Marriage therapy in Sarasota, Florida can help if your arguments feel upsetting. Arguments are increasing and escalating and you know that you need the help of a marriage professional to stop this vicious cycle. Sometimes, you just want to call it quits and file for divorce. However, you do love many things about your spouse and parts of you are hopeful that your relationship can work out.
There are times when you feel close, but then, a fight gets out of hand. You might have children together, and are really good at parenting. As well, you might run a business together and feel really good at being business owners. Or, you might really enjoy living together. But, conflicts become hurtful. One of your goals for couples therapy is to be able to talk about intensely triggering topics calmly.
To add, you want your partner to appreciate you and respect you more. You don’t want your partner to call you derogatory names when they are upset or angry. There are some things that you want to change in order to feel like your marriage is successful.
You want to feel like a united, strong team again!
But, the romantic and intimacy aspects are just not going the way you want.
Marriage therapy is a safe place to gain healthy relationship skills. You and your partner can feel closer, build meaningful connection, and emotional intimacy.

To begin, book your phone consult for positive communication skills from working with a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida.
Your spouse can learn how to listen to your feelings and emotions and better understand you from working with a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida.
Couples can step out of fear, anxiety, and anger cycles. With the help of a marriage therapist, you and your spouse can team up and problem solve together. Instead of feeling like you are each other’s enemies, you can learn to deal with conflict with a sense of togetherness.
The team of marriage and family therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling help distant, fighting couples who are at a crossroad.
To add, your marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida can offer a professional marriage help. You can talk about sex, intimacy, and how to deal with conflict. Instead of having angry blowups, or feeling helpless after an argument, couples can heal in marital counseling.
Arguments about money and finances
Your marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida can give you tools to deal with the conflict that you are having. You might fight about money, who should pay for what, and finances. Instead of feeling at odds, your marriage therapist can help you avoid divorce. Maybe, one of you wants to loan a family member thousands of dollars. The idea of lending money to a family member can lead to intense marital conflict.
Couples therapy can help you learn positive communication strategies to talk about money values.
Parenting conversations
Additionally, you want might want marriage therapy because of parenting differences. One of you might have different parenting values than the other. In counseling for couples, parenting styles are a great thing to talk about. As well, sometimes couples fight about the number of children they want to have. One person may only want one child. The other person may want three or four children. Talking about how many children you would like and the meaning behind parenting values can be beautiful parts of marriage therapy.

To begin, book your phone consult to bond and develop meaningful connection in couples therapy in Sarasota, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Are you looking for a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida that is an expert, after a bad past experience with your last couples therapist?
As well, we work with couples who have had a bad past experience in marriage therapy. Perhaps, you had a couples therapist that picked sides, or caused you or your partner to feel invalidated. Maybe, you left the marriage counseling sessions feeling angry. Perhaps, you fought after the marriage therapy sessions in the past, and you don’t want that to happen again. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Sarasota, Florida, you can work with a specialist in marriage therapy.
Your marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida can teach your partner how to value you, respect you, and appreciate you.
So often, couples are trying to communicate, but are going about it all wrong.
Aggressive conversations, and yelling never leads to a more positive marriage. Often times, couples get stuck name calling each other. When you are emotionally exhausted, you might say something you don’t mean. Hurt feelings can add up in your marriage.
Right now, if it feels like your conflicts are escalating and getting worse every day, Sarasota, Florida marriage therapy can help!
As well, when your partner is under stress, they may threaten to end the relationship. Instead, marriage therapy can teach you and your spouse how to express deeper feelings under anger. As well, couples can learn from working with a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida how to express gratitude for each other. Couples can learn to experience multiple emotions at the same time. You may feel grateful for your spouse, and hurt and upset all at the same time.
Distant couples also have challenges when it comes to creating rituals of connection.
You can also learn skills for connection. The morning time can be an important ritual of connection for many couples. Instead of looking at your phone first thing in the morning or checking work emails, you can learn to look your partner in the eye and appreciate them. For instance, first thing in the morning, you and your spouse might have anxiety and jump out of bed. Working with a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida can help pinpoint limiting beliefs or limiting emotions that are preventing rituals of connection from being part of your marriage.

To begin, book your phone consult to meet with a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Are you on your second, third, or fourth marriage, and deeply want to have a successful marriage?
As well, if this is your second, third, or fourth marriage, you may have anxiety and trauma. Being married for a third, or fourth time, you may deeply want it to be more successful than the last. As well, having been married before, you may know exactly what you want and need from your partner. You know that you don’t want to get walked all over or be used again. And, if your ex partner cheated on you, you may have fears or anxieties that you bring to this marriage. Therefore, working with a Wisdom Within Counseling marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida can help you vocalize your fears and anxieties.
If your ex partner cheated on you, you may have felt humiliated and never want that to happen again. Being able to verbalize these vulnerabilities can help your current partner understand you better. Your partner may have a different meaning around marriage and even a different idea of how to problem solve conflicts. Your marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida can help you overcome different marital perspectives and develop a shared vision.
With Sarasota, Florida marriage therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can heal from past relationship trauma and build a secure, playful bond.

Talk with your marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida about past trauma
As well, many couples do not talk about trauma from past relationships. More often than not, trauma can bring up anxiety, fear, and anger. Couples may avoid talking about the past, leading to greater issues. To note, talking about your past relationships, and the things you didn’t like, can be a very positive part of marriage counseling.
In addition to trauma from past romantic relationships, childhood trauma plays a role in high conflict fighting
The cycle of fighting and conflicts that you may be experiencing can also be rooted in childhood trauma. If you grew up with a mother or father who is emotionally neglectful or narcissistic, abuse has a lasting impact. Growing up with a mother who was narcissistic means that you did not get the affection, love, or respect that you deserve.
In your childhood, you may have also faced verbal abuse or intense criticism from your narcissistic father. Perhaps, your narcissistic and abusive father physically hit you. Being slapped, and even physically abused is not acceptable treatment for a child. Marriage counseling can be a safe place to tell your life story.
Emotional abuse in childhood can also play a role in high conflict fights in your marriage.
As a child, your parents may have told you that it was weak to show any emotion besides happiness. Narcissistic parents do not teach their children that emotional expression skills are normal. Instead, narcissistic parents are highly critical and often emotionally abuse their children. Growing up, with narcissistic parents, it may not have been saved to be yourself or show your emotions. You may have learned to stuff your emotions away due to having emotionally abusive parents.
If you cried, you may have been physically abused. Crying and being vulnerable was not allowed because you had narcissistic, emotionally abusive parents. You may have gotten spanked, slapped, or hit if you showed any sign of weakness or tears.
Growing up with narcissistic, sexually abusive, and physically abusive parents means that they did not teach you positive relationship skills. Also, growing up around an environment of power and control isn’t healthy. If your parents were narcissistic and emotionally abusive, you didn’t learn how to have a healthy relationship or marriage from them.
Couples counseling at Wisdom Within can be the first time that you and your spouse get to learn healthy relationship skills.

To begin, book your phone consult for positive communication skills from working with a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida.
Your marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling has training in complex childhood trauma
As a result, we bring a lot of our childhood trauma experiences into our romantic relationships.
Marriage therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling in Sarasota, Florida can help you develop self compassion and self forgiveness. If you experienced sexual abuse, incest, unwanted touch, or molestation in childhood, these experiences complete a role in your marriage. Sometimes, molestation and sexual abuse in childhood can lead to sex life and intimacy issues in your marriage.
Talking about the past can be very beneficial in the safe, confidential space of marriage counseling.
Your partner may be able to gain insight around the painful childhood experiences you endured. As a result, your partner can better understand your current needs and fears, to promote a more meaningful connection. Overall, working with a Wisdom Within Counseling marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida can be exactly what you need to bond, connect, feel safe together, and fall in love again.
No matter how long or how short you have been in your romantic relationship, difficult conflicts may arise. For instance, if you have been together six months, you may be stuck in a high conflict cycle. Or, if you have been together six years or 25 years, you may benefit from working like a marriage therapist in Sarasota Florida. Each couple has different stressors.

To begin, book your phone consult for positive communication skills from working with a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida.
Working with a Wisdom Within Counseling marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida can help reduce stress and conflict around infertility and wanting to have a child.
For some couples, trying to get pregnant and trying to have a baby is very stressful. Infertility can be a struggle that creates conflict over many years. When you and your spouse are trying to have a baby, but can’t, this can lead to feelings of inadequacy. As well, trying to get pregnant can you put a damper on your sex life and intimacy.
When you are trying to get pregnant and struggling with infertility, it might feel like sex becomes an obligation.
Sex may begin to feel like work and become dull and boring. Additionally, going to fertility clinics and doing IVF treatments to have a baby can be emotionally draining. Being able to have the expertise of a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida can be very positive. You and your spouse can learn to get playful again, even though you may be trying to reach pregnancy goals.

Working with a Wisdom Within Counseling marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida can bring back your sex life and intimacy
In addition to infertility and wanting to have a baby, your sex life and intimacy may fall to the back burner for other reasons. In the beginning of your relationship, your sex life was amazing. You felt close and making out and french kissing were easy. Now, it feels like you and your partner only peck, and share a short kiss here or there.
In the beginning of your relationship, your sex life was hot and heavy.
Likewise, you wonder how to get back to having a healthy sex life and having regular intimacy. Emotional intimacy is a precursor to sexual intimacy. If you are getting into high conflict flights, it might feel like your partner doesn’t want to have sex with you. Essentially, emotional intimacy means being able to be emotionally vulnerable.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, your marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida can help you gain emotional intimacy skills. So often, couples call each other names, attack each other, and angrily argue. Using criticism can lead your partner to feel emotionally distant.
Often, distant couples are not even conscious that they are using negative communication tactics until starting in marriage therapy.
Working with a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida can help you identify unhealthy communication tactics. As well, you can replace unhealthy communication tactics with healthy, effective communication strategies. Arguments can detract from a healthy sex life.
Part of couples therapy is creating emotional safety and using effective communication. Effective communication allows you and your partner to calmly share beliefs and viewpoints without blaming each other.
To begin, book your phone consult for positive communication skills from working with a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida.
Meeting with a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida how does couples feel confident and comfortable talking about sex and intimacy
Often times, couples do not know how to talk about sex and intimacy.
Working with a Wisdom Within Counseling marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida, you can explore topics of sex intimacy. Erectile dysfunction, the female pleasure system, trying to sex toys, and role-playing can all be a positive part of sexual conversations.
We often don’t grow up in a sex positive culture. More often than not, you and your partner may have fears and anxieties around sex and sexuality.
Talking about sex and intimacy can help couples understand each other’s sexual needs better. Your partner might not understand how long you want to be sexually intimate for. As well, couples therapy can improve communication around foreplay. Sometimes, a female partner will sexually reject her partner because sex is boring, dull, or painful.
One reason why sex can be painful is because there is not enough vaginal lubrication. Lack of vaginal lubrication is often a result of inadequate foreplay. Marriage counseling in Sarasota, Florida can be a safe place to talk about orgasming, foreplay, sexual desire, sex, and intimacy. You can get in sex positive education around the female pleasure system and what adequate foreplay looks like for a female.
Working with a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you understand the importance of sexual foreplay for a healthy sex life.
To note, a male’s body only requires 3 to 8 minutes of foreplay to reach sexual arousal.
On the other hand, a female’s body requires 45 to 90 minutes of sexual foreplay to reach that same level of sexual arousal.
There is a sexual arousal gap between male and female partners.
So, if a male goes into a sexual experience thinking that his female partner only needs eight minutes of foreplay, she will not be sexually satisfied.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for marriage therapy to get comfortable learning about sexual pleasure, and create a more satisfying sex life.
A female may be disinterested in having sex and not want to be intimate due to boring or painful sexual experiences or feeling rushed
Sex may be incredibly painful due to the lack of vaginal lubrication.
It takes about 45 to 90 minutes for a female’s body to become sexually aroused.
During sexual arousal, and foreplay, a female’s clitoris becomes engorged with blood. The inner and outer labia will become more plump and she will even feel a throbbing around her vagina. Additionally, during foreplay, a female’s vagina and vaginal area will become naturally wet.
Now, natural lubrication increases as a result of sexual desire increasing and sexual arousal. An adequately lubricated vagina promote more pleasurable sex. Diverse foreplay experiences can also increase sexual desire in sexual libido. Additionally, foreplay allows a female partner to feel wanted, safe, attractive, and sexually desirable.
For a female to feel sexually aroused and sexually excited, this foreplay process takes about 45 to 90 minutes.
Marriage counseling in Sarasota, Florida helps couples have adventurous, mysterious, suspenseful, and regular sexual experiences together.
Therefore, a male partner can learn proper sexual health education about the female pleasure system from marriage therapy.
As sexual foreplay becomes more enjoyable and satisfying for a female partner, she may no longer need to sexually reject her male partner. Also, as a male partner learns more about the female pleasure system, his female partner can become more sexually satisfied.
From learning about sexual arousal and how to rebuild sexual desire, sex can become exciting again. Instead of sex being the same, old, boring routine, couples can make sex playful.
Then, a female partner can look forward to a future sexual experience as a result of her male partner understanding her needs for adequate foreplay.
Unfortunately, many men receive their only sexual health education from a five minute health class in high school or pornography videos. Pornography is not proper sexual health education.
Instead, pornography consist of paid actors and actresses. As well, pornography can be erotic and sexually arousing, it is not proper sexual health education.
To begin, book your phone consult to meet with a sex positive intimacy and marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida.
Working with a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida can provide sex positive education on the female pleasure system.
This can be beneficial when a male partner suffers from sexual rejection and feels confused about why his partner may be disinterested in sex. Making sex more enjoyable for a female partner can allow sex to be a mutually enjoyable and pleasurable experience.
Overall, you and your partner can talk about foreplay, your sex drives, orgasming, sexual pleasure, and rebuilding your sex life in couples therapy.
If you are lacking a healthy sex life, your partner might tell you that they don’t want you watching pornography. Or, you may have a pornography addiction, that you keep a secret.
What can cause a low sex drive and lead to sexual rejection cycles?
Furthermore, certain prescription medications can have side effects of a low sex drive. Additionally, anxiety and depression impact sex drive.
To add, losing a parent or losing a friend, as well as other grief experiences can create a low sex drive. Miscarriage and other losses can lead to a low sex drive and low sexual desire.
Internalized shame and guilt around one’s own sexual identity can lead to a low sex drive.
Additionally, if one person has a compulsive pornography addiction, this can lead to a low sex drive. Pornography can create unrealistic sexual expectations, and lead to a lack of interest in sex with a real life partner.
If sex feels boring or like an obligation, this can lead to a low sex drive. If you feel confused as to why your partner has a low sex drive, Sarasota, Florida marriage therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can help.
Marriage therapy in Sarasota, Florida can be a safe place to get comfortable talking about sex and intimacy. You can bring back the spice, passion, and playfulness in your relationship through marriage therapy.

To begin, click below to book a phone consultation to work with a Sarasota, Florida intimacy specialist and marriage therapist.
Your Wisdom Within Counseling marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida can help you talk about anger and jealousy
For a healthy sex life and regular intimacy, it’s important that you and your partner feel emotionally safe together. Creating emotional safety means staying calm when talking about triggering subjects.
Now, name-calling, slamming doors, and hanging up the phone while your partner is mid-sentence are negative communication tactics. If these negative communication tactics are occurring in your marriage, working with a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida will be helpful. Some couples sweep arguments and conflicts under the rug and never talk about them.
To note, angry conflict doesn’t happen all the time for many couples. But, when it does, it really takes the fun out of your date nights and time together. You may have really good times together. But, when you experience a conflict or a bad time, it’s really bad.
Slamming doors and criticizing each other does not promote a healthy marriage or a satisfying sex life.
As well, other negative communication tactics include interrupting, swearing, yelling, and walking out of the room while your partner is speaking. As well, high conflict fighting maybe something that you wish you could change, but know you need the help of a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida to do so.

To begin, book your phone consult for positive communication skills from working with a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida.
The team at Wisdom Within Counseling in Sarasota, Florida helps angry conflict reduce
Also, distant, fighting couples may need help talking about the core emotions beneath anger.
Anger is often the easiest emotion to show. However, underneath the emotion of anger may be a variety of different emotions. You and your spouse can learn to talk about and express the different emotions underneath anger for a better marriage. Jealousy, hurt, humiliation, embarrassment, feeling insignificant, loss, fear, overwhelm, hurt, betrayal, shock, and frustration can all be under anger.
Underneath anger maybe the feeling of jealousy. We can become jealous and envious about all different things.
Deal with jealousy in a healthy way through couples counseling
For instance, your spouse might look fondly at someone else across the room and you feel jealous. Due to the high intensity conflicts, your marriage feels very difficult and complex. At a party, you may feel jealous that you observe your spouse having a very easy time talking with someone else.
You might feel jealous that it is so easy for your spouse to socialize with and complement other people. Additionally, deep down, you want your spouse to complement and appreciate you, not start talking about the other attractive person at the party.
You might feel left out or forgotten about in social settings. Also, you may struggle with social anxiety and feel jealous and envious that your spouse is so outgoing and well loved by everyone.
Instead of getting angry after the party, you can learn to talk about the jealousy that you’ve experienced. Being vulnerable and sharing your deeper emotions is a benefit of couples counseling. As well, you can learn to articulate your needs in counseling, such as needing to feel close in a public setting.
You might need more check ins during the next party in order to feel reassured that your spouse is still attracted to you. Marriage therapy in Sarasota, Florida can help you vocalize your needs for togetherness in a calm way, versus being passive aggressive or angry.
Your Wisdom Within Counseling marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida can help you and your spouse be emotionally vulnerable
Anger is often easier to show than being vulnerable. Couples therapy can help you and your spouse talk about the emotions beneath anger. Jealousy, envy, insecurity, hurt, and anxiety are just a few. By talking about the emotions you are experiencing, you can develop a deeper emotional connection to your spouse.
Also, when you are angry, your spouse may perceive you as controlling or over bearing. When your spouse perceives you as overbearing, this can cause them to get defensive and more angry themselves.
Breaking this high conflict cycle is a great thing that you and your marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida can do together.

To begin, book your phone consult to bond and develop meaningful connection in couples therapy in Sarasota, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Learn to talk about your emotions in Sarasota, Florida marriage therapy to promote marital connection
Instead of approaching the situation with anger, you can learn to talk about jealousy and envy to promote marital connection.
As well, you might feel jealous that your spouse spends more time at work, or with work friends that with you.
You may feel jealous that your spouse keeps accepting overtime shifts at work, rather than spending a day with you. Also, you might be jealous that your spouse gets to be at work, when you have all this housework to do. Likewise, learning to express your needs and wants can be a form of effective communication.
With your marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida, you can learn how to vocalize your needs and wants. Instead of being angry, you can learn to vocalize a need for quality time together.
Couples therapy can be the time that aside each week to prioritize your marriage. Often times, with responsibilities of raising children, loss of a parent, career development, and caring for a sick loved ones, your marriage and romance falls to the back burner.
It is normal to want to set aside quality time together. However, if you go about trying to get it in a passive aggressive or angry way, this will only push her spouse away more. Being passive aggressive and angry can make your spouse withdraw from you further.
When couples spend quality time together, they feel closer, and develop a deeper connection. Learning to articulate a need for quality time together can be a part of couples counseling in Sarasota, Florida.

There may be jealousy around relationships that you have with your children too.
Anger can result when one parent feels helpless to soothe or comfort a child. When you have a child that is having an emotional moment, distressed, or having a meltdown, your child may reject you.
Maybe, you feel jealous that your spouse and your child have a much closer bond than you do. At times, you feel jealous that your spouse can soothe your child and offer comfort, and you feel helpless as a parent.
You might feel sad when your child rejects you and requests a hug or comfort from your spouse. To add, talking about parenting young children can be a part of Sarasota, Florida couples counseling.
As well, talking about parent child relationships can lead to anger and conflict in your marriage. Even an adult child may cause a parent to feel rejected. It might seem like your adult child calls your spouse much more frequently than they call you.
Maybe, but adult child that you shared together has been starting to push you out, while getting closer to your spouse, their other parent. It feels like your spouse doesn’t do anything or say anything to your adult child to stand up for you.
Therefore, at Wisdom Within Counseling, couples can talk about relationships with adult children, step-children, adult step-children, and grandchildren. Sharing the deeper emotions in regards to family relationships is a part of marriage therapy.

To begin, book your phone consult to bond and develop meaningful connection in couples therapy in Sarasota, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Working with a Wisdom Within Counseling marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida supports emotional conversations for closeness
When couples get into angry conflicts, there are usually a variety of emotions and not being talked about. Professional marriage counseling in Sarasota, Florida can help you and your spouse talk about the emotions underneath anger.
What might you be feeling under ager?
Under anger, you might feel neglected, sad, or even want to talk about self-esteem. As well, underneath anger maybe feelings of rejection or feel like you are walking on eggshells at home.
Anger is important to notice and look into. Many times, couples show anger, but really, there is a desire to feel respected.
Underneath anger and fighting may be a desire to feel closer and valued. Working with a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida allows you and your partner to be vulnerable emotionally.
Emotional vulnerability is a key school and having a successful, playful bond and marriage.

LGBTQIA+ queer, same sex couples, non-binary, gay, lesbian, transgender, and gender questioning couples welcome
Additionally, you and your spouse may be dealing with LGBTQIA+, gender identity, sexual orientation, or different issues related to gender expression. For instance, LGBTQIA+ queer, same sex couples, non-binary, gay, lesbian, transgender, and gender questioning couples can face more stress.
Our marriage therapists work with consensually non-monogamous couples as well as monogamous couples. If you are polyamorous or if you are in a monogamous relationship, our couples therapist can help.
We help LGBTQIA+ queer, same sex couples, non-binary, gay, lesbian, transgender, and gender questioning couples heal and overcome marital conflict. Maybe, growing up was hard. And, coming out in your family was really painful and traumatic.
As a result, you might become estranged from your family and not have the support of your parents. And, you may rely more on your spouse for emotional support because you don’t have a connection to your biological family.

To begin, book your phone consult to bond and develop meaningful connection in couples therapy in Sarasota, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Are you in an ethically non-monogamous relationship and wondering how to introduce your multiple partners to your family members?
Furthermore, if you are in an ethically non-monogamous relationship, you may have fears about coming out to your family. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Sarasota, Florida, polyamorous and consensually non-monogamous couples.
However, you may have been raised in a strict, religious home. Your mother and may be a devout Catholic. And, you are afraid that she will react in a negative way to you bring your multiple romantic partners to a family reunion.
Maybe, you have only been given a plus one to your siblings wedding. Deep down, you wish that you could ask your sibling for a plus two or three, so you can bring your multiple romantic partners.
You may face rejection or fear being ostracized from your family for being in an alternative style relationship. Now, coming out process is not the only topic polyamorous couples counseling can support with. Within both polyamorous and monogamous relationships, betrayal, cheating, lying, and secret keeping behaviors are dysfunctional.
If you and your partners are polyamorous, Wisdom Within Counseling is a safe place to talk about healthy relationship skills and coming out.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with the couples therapists who are LGBTQIA+, transgender, same sex couples, and queer affirming in Sarasota, Florida.
Has your spouse come out as gender diverse, gender questioning, or transgender?
Maybe, you and your spouse have been together for 10, 40 or 50 years. However, in the last few years your spouse has been talking about gender diversity topics more and more.
Now, your spouse has been talking about how they want to transition genders. Your spouse may have come out to you as transgender. At first, your spouse was straight, when you got married.
After five or ten years, they came out to you that they were bisexual. In the last few months, your spouse told you that they are non-binary and gender questioning. Now, your spouse is telling you that they are transgender and want to start taking hormones. You may need help as a spouse, to be LGBTQIA+ affirming during your spouse’s gender transition.

Working with marriage therapist in Sarasota Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling can offer lesbian, gay, transgender, queer, and gender diverse education.
This might be the first time that you are learning about they and them pronouns. You may have your own fears and mental limitations due to a strict, religious upbringing.
Couples therapy is a safe place to overcome myths that you may have learned due to a strict, religious upbringing.
As well, you can process the emotions you are feeling around your spouses gender transition and transgender identity. Being able to open your mind as a spouse, can help your spouse feel accepted. One of the worst things that you can do is to reject your spouse or threaten divorce as a result of their gender transition.

When you are looking for a therapist who is educated and affirming in lesbian, gay, transgender, queer, sexual orientation, non-binary, and sexuality topics, look no further.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can work with an LGBTQIA+ transgender affirming marriage therapist who can help you and your spouse feel a sense of togetherness through these new adjustments.
To begin, click below to work with an LGBTQIA+, transgender, and queer affirming marriage therapist.
Self-care and personal stress management skills are important for a healthy marriage.

Meeting with a Wisdom Within Counseling marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida gives you healthy relationship skills
So often, couples do not take good care of themselves. You might find yourself drinking more alcohol than usual. Or, you might find yourself drinking alcohol earlier and earlier in the day.
In the past, you may have had an alcoholic drink or a single beer at 6 PM at night. But now, you have an alcoholic beverage at noon.
Maybe, you are now having five or six beers at one time rather than just one. You find your alcohol consumption increasing and leading to more intense marital conflicts.
To begin, book your phone consult to bond and develop meaningful connection in couples therapy in Sarasota, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.

Wisdom Within Counseling offers a holistic perspective to couples therapy
If you are eating junk food, living off caffeine, and high sugar foods throughout the day, you will often be emotionally exhausted. Creating healthy lifestyle changes and having adequate nutrition can make a big difference in your romantic relationship. From having adequate nutrition and wholesome foods, you can connect with your partner with more mental energy.
You may come home from work angry and upset about your day. Your spouse may feel upset that you come home from work angry. Professional marriage therapy in Sarasota, Florida can support personal stress management skills. You and your Sarasota, Florida marriage therapist can talk about what positive coping tools help you return refreshed to your marriage.
Maybe, you listen to your favorite podcast on the way home from work. This way, you can forget about how awful your boss is. Perhaps, you listen to your wedding song on the way home from work, to destress and remind yourself of your marriage goals. Distraction techniques can help you manage stress in a healthy way.

Each person in the relationship needs to have personal stress management skills to create a healthy marriage.
Additionally, developing stress management tools can help you cope with stress in a healthy way.
Learning to create work life balance on a personal level can help improve your marriage. As well, learning how to journal, exercise, eat nutritious meals, and get enough sleep can positively impact your romantic relationship.
Managing stress in healthy ways can help you bring the best version of yourself to your relationship. From self-care tools, you can work together to create a healthy marriage.
Taking care of oneself is essential for maintaining healthy relationships.

Learn positive self-care strategies that couples with the help of a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Practice mindfulness and meditation together in couples counseling, and at home. Couples therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can teach you mindfulness practices. Your marriage therapist can guide you in a progressive muscle relaxation, which can naturally reduce anger. By learning yoga and mindfulness strategies in couples counseling, you can reduce anxiety.
Couples can become more mindful and live in the present moment, to truly enjoy each other. You and your spouse can learn how to do a body scan and mindfulness meditation skills to connect and build more intimacy.

To begin, book your phone consult to bond and develop meaningful connection in couples therapy in Sarasota, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Sarasota, Florida marriage counseling can be the time aside each week to prioritize your relationship.
Sadly, many couples who are distant and fighting are living individual lives. There is too much independence. You feel like two ships passing in the night or like two roommates.
Setting aside nonnegotiable Quality time together is important when rebuilding your marriage. So often, you and your spouse might be saying “yes” to a child’s birthday party, work party, or dinner with your family. And, alone time for just you and your partner never happens.
Your marriage therapist will encourage you to set aside time for each other, in addition to couples counseling.
Marriage therapy can be a weekly time dedicated to bettering your relationship. In addition to your weekly appointment for a couples therapy, go for a hike together.
Spend 20 minutes before you both fall asleep giving each other back rubs. Your marriage therapist will encourage you to cook together and try a new recipe. You might even book an overnight in a hotel and go in the hot tub together.
More so, in addition to couples therapy, you and your partner can tackle lifestyle goals together.
As well, Sarasota, Florida marriage counseling can give you a safe space to reflect on how to increase quality time together.
Quality time does not mean looking at social media posts individually on your phones while sitting on opposite sides of the couch.
Instead, quality time means truly building emotional intimacy and being present for one another. Marriage counseling can help you create excitement around quality time together. You might want to start your day by eating breakfast together.
Maybe, once a week, together, you attend a yoga class for a regular exercise routine. Perhaps, you and your spouse schedule a vacation in the next month, for just the two of you.
Couples can learn how to say “no” to the pressures of life, and “yes” to prioritizing their marriage
Couples counseling in Sarasota, Florida can help you and your partner say “no,” to others, and prioritize alone time together. Having open and honest communication about your needs for quality time together will be important for a healthy marriage.
In general, healthy couples prioritize their marriage over obligations with others. Taking care of your marriage will allow you to have a healthy, playful relationship with your spouse.
To begin, book your phone consult to bond and develop meaningful connection in couples therapy in Sarasota, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Your marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you bond, feel closer, and build meaningful connection
When you are arguing about money, couples therapy in Sarasota, Florida can help. No matter what damage has been done to your marriage, getting into marriage therapy sooner than later will be very important.
There may be hurt, betrayal, infidelity, and unfaithfulness that you want to talk about. Some couples get into Sarasota, Florida marriage therapy a few days after consulting with a divorce attorney.
Instead of thinking that divorce is your only option, you and your partner can reconnect and build a meaningful bond.
Growing up, you may not have learned how to recover from conflict, empathize, and your parents may not have showed you a healthy or strong marriage.
Sarasota, Florida couples counseling can be a safe place to look at the root of many high conflict fights.
High conflict fights may be rooted in childhood trauma, growing up with a narcissistic parent, and past relationship trauma. As a result of trauma, you and your partner can meet with your marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida to learn life-changing communication tools.
Working with a marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida might be the first time in your life that you get to create better habits and truly rebuild passion.
Sometimes, when you are feeling hopeless and upset after an argument, you don’t know what else to do besides quit. Instead, with couples therapy, you can gain empathy skills, and emotional expression techniques.
Marriage counseling in Sarasota, Florida helps you feel close, form an emotional connection, and overcome conflict.
You can learn personal stress management skills to bring a relaxed mindset to overcoming marriage conflict.
If you notice negative communication skills causing conflict, couples therapy can be helpful. You might be yelling, slamming doors, or aggressive in how you talk to each other.
Marriage therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling in Sarasota, Florida can help you connect with your partner in a more loving and meaningful way.

To begin, book your phone consult to work with an LGBTQIA+ queer affirming marriage therapist in Sarasota, Florida.
Where, in Sarasota, Florida can you work with the Wisdom Within Counseling couples therapy specialists?
Now, in Florida, Wisdom Within Counseling is a group of marriage therapy, couples counseling, and complex trauma specialists in Lake Mary, Tampa, Chattahoochee, Sarasota, Bradenton, Pensacola, Gainesville, Davenport, Caryville, Cedar Key, Weston, Blountstown, Palm Coast, Ormond Beach, Sebring, Venice, Fruitville, Nokomis, Pinecrest, Melbourne, Naples, Cape Canaveral, Babson Park, Tallahassee, Apalachicola, Destin, Daytona Beach, Edgewater, Greenville, De Leon Springs, Jacksonville, Belle Glade, Key Biscayne, Deland, Satellite Beach, Atlantic Beach, Cocoa Beach, Wildwood, Williston, Winter Beach, Lynn Haven, Melbourne Beach, Starke, Rotonda West, Stuart, Tavernier, Titusville, Beverly Hills, Bushnell, Bradenton Beach, Cooper City, Florida.
As well, in Florida, Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in marital and couples counseling near Greensboro, Doral, Cape Coral, Palm Bay, Vero Beach, Venice, Tarpon Springs Miami, Deerfield Beach, Orlando, Anna Maria, Bonita Springs, Marco Island, Dover, Webster, Ebro, Miramar Beach, Merritt Island, Panama City Beach, Micanopy, Mexico Beach, Key West, Jensen Beach, Waldo, North Palm Beach, Fisher Island, West Palm Beach, Bowling Green, Gulf Breeze, Branford, Zolfo Springs, Sanibel, North Port, Palm Beach, Port Saint Joe, Oviedo, Parkland, Holiday, Port St. Lucie, Wausau, Roseland, Horseshoe Beach, Safety Harbor, Neptune Beach, Florida.
Additionally, we offer the speciality of couples and marriage counseling in Live Oak, Ocala, Sanibel, Sweetwater, Sanford, Crystal River, Milton, Sebastian, Zephyrhills, Groveland, Pinecrest, Greensboro, Doral, Miramar Beach, Merritt Island, Panama City Beach, Micanopy, Mexico Beach, Key West, Jensen Beach, Waldo, Mulberry, Sunny Isles Beach, Boca Raton, Palatka, Coral Gables, Zellwood, Penney Farms, Coconut Grove, Yalaha, Tequesta, Englewood, Yankeetown, Holmes Beach, Minneola, Fort Myers, Lake Alfred, Big Pine Key, Leesburg, St. Petersburg, Pompano Beach, Hialeah, Lakeland, Lake City, Lacoochee, Indian Harbor Beach, Campbellton, Palmetto, Canal Point, Quincy, Reddick, Woodville, Longboat Key, Tavares, Keystone Heights, Marathon, Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda, Winter Haven, Winter Park, Dunedin, Florida.