Shame, guilt, anger, and anxiety can all play a role in intimacy issues couples experience. If you feel sexually insecure due to lack of sexual education and a strict, religious upbringing, you are in the right place. Do you experience shame and guilt around intimacy from a strict religious upbringing? Meeting with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida can be very helpful when struggling with any of these topics.
What are some other great reasons couples struggling with sex and intimacy issues can benefit from working with an intimacy specialist?
Are you struggling with pornography addiction? Do you have secret keeping issues around pornography use that cause sex and intimacy issues? Pornography addiction behaviors and compulsive pornography use leads to sex and intimacy issues.
Has there been a past affair, infidelity, or betrayals that has cause suspicions or trust issues you want to overcome? In general, any anxiety that your partner may be cheating or lying directly leads to sex and intimacy issues. Couples who struggle to be honest and keep secrets from one another often have sex and intimacy issues.
Losses and trauma experiences can result in sex and intimacy issues. Have you and your spouse been dealing with loss of a parent or loss due to family estrangement? Do you have a sibling or loved on with addiction and alcoholism issues that feels like a loss for you? Meeting with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida can be very helpful when struggling with any of these topics.
Anxiety about being attractive and body shape, worry about weight, and body image issues cause sex and intimacy issues. Yes, we all have self-doubt. But, when self-doubt and your inner critic are taking over, you may have sex and intimacy issues. As well, obsessive thoughts, and OCD can negatively impact sex and intimacy. Are both of you suffering from high levels of anxiety and need tools for better self-esteem?
Many couples don’t talk about their sexual interests, sexual fantasies, and avoid gender expression as a whole. If you feel like you can’t be your authentic self around your spouse, Wisdom Within Counseling can help. Are you looking to have a safe place to explore your gender identity? Do you want to discuss your gender expression, your sex life, BDSM, role play, or your sexuality?
Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in sex and intimacy issues in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida.
The team of couples therapists in Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize with couples. Couples counseling can help you gain meaningful connection and get the sexual passion you’ve lost back. You can address the emotional issues that are preventing you from creating a healthy sex life.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within.
Shame and guilt from a religious upbringing is important to discuss when meeting with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida
Growing up in a home that was strict can lead a child to feel shame and guilt. In adolescent years, your parents may have never talked to you about sex. Maybe, you learned that you were dirty or would goto hell for having sexual urges. Children who feel shame and guilt may have also been told being gay, bisexual, or transgender was shameful. To note, growing up with these negative messages around sex leads to intimacy problems in married life. As well, there may be shame and guilt around normal sexual urges to this day. Your parents may have lacked the sexual education to help you develop a positive relationship with others. Each family has their own culture and standards due to strict, religious views.
As well, some families don’t allow their children to express their emotions. Some parents shame their children for crying and feeling sad. In some families, showing tears is wrong or a sign of weakness. Basically, anything that doesn’t fit into the traditional mold can cause shame.
Your childhood upbringing, culture, and parents all influence who you are and how you act sexually with in your relationship. Having the expertise from an intimacy specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida supports self-awareness. The more you can talk about you story, you can start to overcome shame and guilt. Your intimacy therapist finds it helpful to learn about your adolescent and teen years. Furthermore, your intimacy therapist can help you learn about your childhood influences and religious shame and guilt.
In a strict, religious home can lead a child to reject parts of themselves due to facing parental, religious, community, and family rejection.
As well, being raised by parents who are strict, religious, and traditional can cause internal guilt. You might feel insecure or that your sexual desires are wrong. In fact, talking about your sexual desires can be a healthy part of your marriage. On that note, religious shame can make a child who is different or alternative feel insecure. From a strict, religious upbringing, you may have received negative messages that self-pleasure and masturbation were evil or bad.
You might be afraid to masturbate or self-pleasure due to your upbringing. In fact, self-pleasure and masturbation can be a healthy way to get to know what you like sexually. Self-pleasure and masturbation can help you know yourself. For instance, you can understand what kind of touch and pressure you like best. As well, you can learn about which areas of your body you like touched from self-pleasure. You may have taken on negative, shameful, and self-sabotaging feelings about masturbation.
Sessions with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay Florida can help you talk freely about sex
Due to being raised in a strict, religious home, you and your spouse may never talk to each other about sex. When you parents and role models don’t talk about sex in a positive way, you learn it is a taboo subject. In couples counseling, you are encouraged to talk about your sex life and sexual pleasure. Marriage therapy can be the place to discuss and share your sexual desires and fantasies. Many times, couples have a dissatisfying sex life because they never talk about their sexual fantasies.
To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within.
In your childhood, you may have felt like you couldn’t be yourself. You had to push away and hide a part of yourself. Shame, guilt, and sexual insecurity can cause sex life issues and intimacy issues. When you experience sex life and intimacy issues, intimacy and marriage therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can help.

Many people never talk about what turns them on and never learn what turns their spouse on sexually.
Couples therapy near Miami, Florida can support you and your spouse in sexual confidence. Maybe, you want to use a new sex toy, vibrator, or role play. But, you feel afraid that your spouse will reject you. You want professional guidance from an intimacy specialist and marriage counselor to encourage sexual playfulness. Being open sexually and build sexual passion starts with emotional intimacy. In Palmetto Bay, Florida, you and your spouse can have sex positive conversations.
Perhaps, you want to explore sexual pleasure, anal sex, or multiple orgasms. But, you may feel shame or guilt about exploring your body. You may not know where to start when it comes to exploring sex toys. Your marriage therapist and intimacy specialist can support you in gaining courage to buy sex toys. At times, your spouse may have questions and anxiety about using a new sex toy. Your spouse can share their anxieties about using a new sex toy in intimacy and marital counseling.
You can have time set aside each week to openly communicate about your sex life.
In marriage counseling, you can learn more about body confidence, sexual health and sexual pleasure.
Therefore, meeting with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida can give you sexual confidence. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling specializes with intimacy, sexual issues, and anxiety around sexual performance. You can gain awareness of the connection between your sex life and performance anxiety.
As well, in marriage therapy, you can talk about religious shame, using new sex toys, masturbation, and intimacy. When you think about your sexual development, you feel you didn’t get the education you needed. There may be part within you that rejects your religious upbringing. Other parts of you may feel like your religion is a tradition you want to carry on. Parts of your religion remind you of your family’s history. Feeling shamed in childhood due to a strict, religious upbringing can directly impact your sex life.
Rather than feeling insecure sexually, you therapist can help you talk about sexual desire and self-pleasure. In couples counseling near Miami, Florida, you can have positive conversations about masturbation, sex, and intimacy.
To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within.
If you identify as queer, gender fluid, gay, transgender, or bisexual is raised by strict, religious parents, you may have developed internal shame and guilt.
A child may grow up hating themselves or feeling ashamed for who they are. It is more common that not to grow up with parents that don’t talk to you about sex. Maybe, one of your parents was sexually abuse or sexually inappropriate. In counseling, you can talk about consent and sexual boundaries. You can also talk about those times when you experienced sexual trauma, unwanted touch, and felt sexually violated. Marriage counseling can give you the sexual health education you never got from your parents.
Many women are taught from a young age to forfeit their own sexual pleasure.
Young girls receive messages that their body is for their partner’s pleasure only. Unfortunately, many women suffer through painful, uncomfortable sexual experiences even within married life. You may have never experienced pleasurable sex. And, you may have never had a clitoral orgasm or multiple orgasms. Negative sexual messages may be telling you that you have to “just take it” if sex is painful.
Many male partners lack the proper sexual education to know how to properly support the female orgasm.
Couples therapy and intimacy counseling can be a place for male partners to better understand female sexual pleasure. From intimacy and couples counseling in Florida, you can have a safe place to talk about your boundaries, sexual needs, sexual fantasies, and sexual urges.
Intimacy therapy for couples provides a safe environment to talk about rebuilding sexual desire.
You and your spouse can be encouraged to talk about sexual fantasies. Additionally, you can gain sexual health education, learn about foreplay, and understand female pleasure. Overall, meeting with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida supports confidence.
The team of couples therapists in Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you overcoming religious shame and guilt due to negative sexual messages you received in childhood. Male spouses can gain proper sexual health education around female pleasure.
To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within.
Couples therapy and working with an intimacy specialist can help women have a voice sexually.
Many women need encouragement to speak up and advocate for their own sexual pleasure. A woman may seem bored or fake an orgasm when she is really experiencing pain during sex. In marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within, you can talk about what feels good to you body. Sex should never be painful or hurt. And, a woman should never have to “grin and bear” painful sex. Your intimacy therapist can help you know that you deserve to experience sexual pleasure.
Working with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida helps couples talk about sex and female sexual pleasure. As well, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling help couples improve communication skills and develop newfound closeness and intimacy after religious shame and guilt has done damage.

Pornography addiction issues are an important topic when working with your intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida
Addiction to pornography can negatively impact sex and intimacy in your marraige. Couples therapy can be a safe place to talk about sexual pleasure and when your porn use began. At times, a person may start using pornography subscription sites onlyfans. When kept a secret, using a subscription porn site can lead to sexting others, which can be damaging.
Secret keeping behaviors around sexual fantasies and not talking about turn ons damage intimacy. In relationships, keeping secrets about how frequently you are using porn is a sign you would benefit from intimacy and marriage counseling near Miami, Florida. When one or both people struggle with an addiction to pornography, there can be challenges around intimacy.
A pornography addiction can cause a person to no longer become sexually aroused by their romantic partner.
Pornography is a form of erotic material, but it is paid actors. From watching too much pornography, a person may become addicted. Watching pornography can also make someone feel “high.” Depending on what porn a person watches, pornography can make violence to women seem acceptable. Also, a person who watches pornography compulsively can develop realistic expectations around sex. Introduction to pornography at a young age can be where a pornography addiction starts.
Overuse of pornography can lead to challenges with your spouse in the bedroom. When you have a pornography addiction, you may struggle to have sex in person. You may also struggle to maintain you sexual arousal with your spouse when you have a porn addiction. As well, you may only be able to get turned on from watching pornography. Your spouse’s body, smell, and affection no longer turns you on or sexually arouses you when you have a porn addiction. With a porn addiction, you may only be able to orgasm from watching pornography.

Couples counseling can help you learn to love sex with your spouse again rather than being addicted to pornography.
Overall, couples counseling can help you enjoy sex with your spouse, a real-life person. Meeting with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you learn positive coping tools. You may be using your pornography addiction to numb out from losses and traumas in your life. It is common that a porn addict turns to porn when life is overwhelming. When you feel stressed, couples counseling can help you find alternative stress outlets.
To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within.
As well, an addiction to pornography, sexual pleasure, using pornography subscription sites onlyfans in secret can lead to intimacy challenges in your marriage.
Secretive pornography use and having an addiction to pornography can make it difficult to experience sexual pleasure with your spouse. Your body may also be chaffed, hurt, bruised, or you may have dry skin on your genitals from too much masturbation.
Likewise, using pornography subscription sites onlyfans may lead to an increase in dopamine levels in the brain, where you can only feel happy from using those sites and looking at porn. You may find that you feel down, depressed, and irritable if you can’t get your fix of watching pornography on a daily basis. If you can’t watch porn, you may withdraw from your spouse or self-isolate.
Looking at pornography and keeping it a secret from your spouse can lead to erectile dysfunction and start to limit your erotic map and sexual blueprint. If you or your spouse struggle with sexual problems and intimacy issues in the bedroom, there may be secretive sexual behaviors and a pornography addiction issue your couples therapist can uncover.

Talk about affairs, infidelity, and betrayals with your intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida
Cheating, whether physical or emotional, it damages your intimacy and marriage. Lying, dishonest communication, and secret keeping around infidelity can be very hurtful. When you or your spouse have been cheating, whether physical or emotional, there may be anxiety and suspicions. Affairs, infidelity, and cheating, whether physical or emotional, behaviors are sings of larger, deeper relationship issues. Marriage counseling can help you both talk about your triggers such as loneliness, invalidated emotionally, or feeling unimportant. Finding out your spouse is being unfaithful can be heartbreaking. Intimacy therapy can help you gain positive coping tools to get through this difficult time too.
Understanding the triggers to cheating are a key part in recovering after an affair. As well, the intimacy specialists in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling address the affair recipe.
Understand how the affair came to be in intimacy and marriage therapy in Palmetto Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling
Just like you put ingredients together to make brownies, there is an affair recipe. Think of the negative issues that have snowballed leading to emotional disconnection.
There are usually a variety of events that cause the distance that brews an affair. Couples counseling can help you understand the problems regarding infidelity and cheating behaviors. Understand how the affair took place is a key part in healing from the affair together. When couples learn how to talk about the most uncomfortable, painful topics, like affairs, they can begin the repair. The healing process after an affair or infidelity should not be rushed. Working with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida can help you heal after an affair and infidelity.
Your intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida can help you learn to apologize
At times, couples need help taking ownership for their faults. Understanding how to apologize is an important step in affair and betrayal healing. Your marriage therapist can offer guidance around taking ownership and apologizing when painful betrayals have occurred.
As well, at Wisdom Within Counseling near Miami, Florida, you and your spouse can talk about the painful emotions you both have around affairs and infidelity. At part of you may feel angry, hurt, and shocked. Another part of you feels anxious and suspicious. Talking about all that you feel is a key step in recovering from an affair and infidelity. As well, in couples counseling in Florida, you can gain healthy communication skills. Instead of shying away or avoiding difficult topics, you can gain honest communication skills.
After an affair or a betrayal due to cheating, it is normal to feel angry, hurt, confused, suspicious, and struggle to trust your spouse. Working with the couples therapists near Miami, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling can support you in gaining positive coping strategies for releasing guilt, shame, and suspicion. Your marriage therapist can also give you techniques for rebuilding trust and security after infidelity right in couples counseling.
To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within.
The team of intimacy and couples therapists in Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you feel more boned, in love, and emotionally and sexually closer.

Trauma and loss can be topics when working with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida
Loss of a parent, past break ups, infertility, miscarriage, and medical health issues can all be devastating. When you sibling has addiction or alcoholism issues, this can be a major trauma and loss. Many couples who are parents to adult children experience loss due to family estrangement from an adult child. When an adult child estranges themselves from you, it can trigger complicated grief. Trauma and loss due to family estrangement can be a great reason to get into marriage counseling.
Therefore, working with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida can help you talk about how loss and grief experiences impact and detract from your sex life. It might feel difficult to feel happy and excited after trauma and loss.
However, you can talk with your working with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida about how to cope with loss and trauma. You can gain strategies to cope in healthy ways. Thinking about loss and trauma can lead to you feel sad, hurt, and anxiety. By learning how to cope with trauma and loss, you can start to rebuild your sexual health, intimate life, and sex life.
To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within.
The team of marriage therapists in Palmetto Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you overcome grief and loss and feel comforted and nurtured by each other.

Low self-esteem and anxiety when working with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida
Low self-esteem can be a result of past break ups, bullying, losses, and trauma. You may feel low in your self-worth, like you don’t have a confidence in yourself. Growing up, your sibling may have been more popular, more attractive, and you felt less than. As well, you may have been bullied as a child, lowering self-esteem more.
You may have felt like you sibling was the favorite and that you were less important in your family. When your spouse views you as less than, it triggers these feelings from childhood. Maybe, something your spouse says really hurts your feelings. You don’t like it when they criticize you, or put you in your place. Couples therapy can be a great place to gain and develop communication skills.
You might pull away and not know how to speak up when you feel upset by your spouse. And, when you feel down, you may think negative thoughts about yourself. You might think you are never going to be good enough in their eyes.
When you feel down about yourself, you need help thinking positive thoughts about yourself. Your intimacy specialist in marriage counseling near Miami, Florida can help you speak positively to yourself. Learning to calm yourself and center yourself are big parts of marital therapy. From couples therapy, you can gain self-compassion and self-love tools. From self-love, you can bring a more confident version of yourself to your marriage.
Low self-esteem and lack of confidence can be great topics for your sex and intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida.

Do body image issues get in the way of a pleasurable, amazing sex life and cause marital conflicts?
Body image issues can be major issues for sexual problems in the bedroom. As well, you may fear your body smells bad. So, you reject your spouse’s sexual advances. Maybe, you were criticized in a past relationship, and that negative belief has always stuck with you. Body image issues and body insecurities can absolutely become a blockage to intimacy and sexy time. You can talk with your marriage therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling about where insecurities come from. Gaining confidence about your body helps your sex life improve.
Identifying the roots of body image issues can improve your sex life
Perhaps, you watched one of your parents diet. Your parents normalized being self-critical. As well, you parents may have even bullied you about your body shape or weight. At times, body image issues can be passed down from generation to generation. Your role models growing up had their own body image issues and dieting problems. Parents may have yelled at you for eating choices causing shame. Or, your parents pushed you to eat more and more and more. Maybe, you grew up in a home with lots of junk food and poor quality food. So, now junk food is comforting to you. You can talk about your relationship to you body image when meeting with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida.
As well, cultural influences and advertisements can cause body image issues. In America, we see commercials for weight loss pills and work out routines. We are told to change out body shape and weight to be acceptable. When weight is lost, society and others may give you praise. There is a great deal of focus from culture and society put on body image. These play into the bedroom and sexual confidence. Body image issues can be challenging when it comes to your sex life, passion, and intimacy.
When you are always on a diet, it can damage your intimacy and sex life. And, when you are not happy with your body, this can play a negative role in your sex life and intimacy. As well, when you are trying to change your body shape or weight, you may be obsessed with trying to get your weight down. Fixation on dieting and weight loss can can cause troubles for your sex life.
To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within.
Improving body confidence and improving self-esteem are parts of working with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida. Couples therapy can help your spouse learn to compliment you and help you feel good about yourself. The team of intimacy and couples therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling in Florida support confidence and clarity.

At Wisdom Within Counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida, you can talk about loving your body just the way you are. From self-love, you can build a healthy, loving, passionate, and meaningful sex life and intimate life.
Fears of the unknown can cause sex life and intimacy problems for couples
Or, have anxiety that something bad will happen in your future. Maybe, you have obsessive compulsive tendencies and are always double checking the door is locked. You may feel an obsessive need to protect yourself. When you have low self-esteem and anxiety, these issues can cause problems for your intimacy and in your marriage. Fear of bad things happening is real for many people. To note, obsessive thoughts can be problematic for you sex life, sexual intimacy, and block playfulness.
A part of you may feel like you have nothing if you lose your partner, or fear they will leave you. Living in a state of fear an anxiety negatively impacts your sex life and intimacy. You may be holding back and have protective walls up as a result of anxiety.

You can talk about gender, sexuality, and alternative relationships with your intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida
Wisdom Within Counseling near Miami, Florida is an LGBTQIA+ educated and affirming couples therapist group. Whether you are questioning your gender, coming out a bisexual or pansexual, Wisdom Within Counseling can help.
Talking about your gender and sexuality helps you gain confidence and improves your sex life. You can talk about BDSM, power dynamics, submissive and dominant sexual roles, and role play in the bedroom.
Wisdom Within Counseling in Florida is a kink affirming practice. You can talk about your erotic map and erotic sexual blueprint with your sex and intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida. LGBTQIA+ couples therapy in Florida supports same sex and queer couples as well.
To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with an intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within.

On another note, gender expression is a wonderful topic to bring to LGBTQIA+ queer couples therapy in Florida.
Maybe, you enjoy cross dressing and identify as a male who likes to express your gender in a more feminine way. As a male, you enjoy wearing make up, dressing women’s clothes, and wearing high heels. Gender expression is a great topic to bring to your intimacy therapy and couples therapy sessions in Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Your spouse may have questions and emotions about cross dressing and gender expression too. Perhaps, you and your spouse want help navigating opening your marriage. Our therapists work with couples who are ethically non monogamous, polyamorous, and have multiple romantic partners. Perhaps, after a decade of being monogamous, you now want to date anyone you want to date, and hook up with new romantic partners.
Additionally, your couples therapist near Miami, Florida can help you explore polyamory and talk about the boundaries of your ethically non monogamous relationship. Overall, meeting with your sex and intimacy specialist in marriage counseling in Palmetto Bay, Florida can help you feel comfortable talking about your sexuality.
At Wisdom Within Counseling near Miami, Florida, you can explore your gender identity, your sexual and talk about alternative polyamorous relationship structures.

Where can Wisdom Within Counseling help you in Florida?
Wisdom Within Counseling supports distant, distressed couples in Parkland, Naples, Orlando, Golden Beach, Marco Island, Jacksonville, Pinecrest, Southwest Ranches, Palm Beach, Miami, Miami Shores, Coral Gables, Longboat Key, Hollywood, Fort Lauderdale, Key Biscayne, Key West, Key Largo, Palmetto Bay, Florida
The team of marriage therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling are intimacy and sexuality specialists. We help couples through talk therapy as well as holistic counseling. Mindfulness meditation, grounding skills, and stress outlets are available. Furthermore, mindfulness meditation helps distant couples slow down and get in the present moment.
Creative, holistic therapies are beneficial for couples who need to rebuild trust. Art, yoga, and meditation can help you both stay grounded and calm when feeling intense emotions. Painting can be a language beyond words. Your couples therapist can give you tools to reassure each other and communicate better.