Do you freeze up when your partner brings up conversations about sex? Does your body feel tense when you try to have sex? Have you lost your sexual desire, and wonder if strict rules and childhood religious shame and guilt could be parts of it? Sexual discussions can cause couples to feel anxiety, rejection, and uncomfortable. There can also be experiences women endured in childhood from religious shame and guilt that create a freeze response when trying to have sex. Fight, flight, freeze and fawn are trauma and PTSD symptoms and responses that occur after growing up with strict, religious massages. Marriage, intimacy, and sex therapy for religious shame is available at Wisdom Within Counseling in Connecticut.
Women may need help on an individual level and relationship level overcoming sexual shame and guilt from growing up with fear-based messages.
To make matter worse, talking about sex as a whole is taboo in our conservative, religious cultures.
Even within a safe, loving marriage, couples may avoid sexual conversations, that can be healing.
Some couples avoid talking about sexual needs, sexual desires, and never know what one another truly enjoy. Religious and cultural shame and guilt can lead to sexual anxiety. More often than not, a woman can think back and reflect on experiences of religious shame and guilt.
Sex therapy for religious shame can help women understand how childhood shame and guilt play a role in sexual dysfunctions and sexual issues to this day.
For example, low sexual desire and low libido can be trauma and PTSD responses and symptoms from growing up around sexual shame and guilt.
Often, women struggle with low desire disorders and don’t want to have sex when they are overwhelmed with cultural and religious shame and guilt.

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You deserve sexual pleasure
Feeling shame around one’s sexuality and sexual expressiveness can show up in the bedroom. Perhaps, you grew up in a Christian or Catholic home where you were told sex was bad.
And, if you had any sexual urges, you were told to push those away as you were dirty for having them. Growing up in a conservative, religious upbringing can lead to shame, guilt, anxiety, and fear of your own sexuality.

What have you been taught about your own sexual story?
Becoming a missionary, growing up going to Sunday school, or being forced to attend after school Catholic class can lead to sexual shame and guilt.
How does sexual shame develop?
Growing up in a strict, religious culture, you may have learned that sexual thoughts and sexual desires made you bad. Many women and mothers are taught from a young age that their body is their partner’s property.
Women in strict religious homes learn that sexual activities were only intended for making children and procreation.
Any form of masturbation is sinful and shameful. In a strict, religious childhood, there are expectations culturally for women staying a virgin until marriage.
Even kissing another person before marriage makes a woman dirty, which is shameful. These strict, conservative, religious views make women fear their body and disconnect from their intuition even more.

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Have you grown up in a fear-based environment where sex was taboo or sinful?
Sometimes, girls pledge their virginity until marriage in a church wide ceremony.
As well, some girls get a virginity ring from their fathers that they are forced to wear until marriage.
Girls are taught to abstain from sexual acts and push away the sexually expressive part of themselves. As a group of marriage and family therapists, we know women deserve sexual pleasure, sexual freedom, and sexual confidence. And, liking others in sexual ways and sexual responses are normal.

However, a strict, religious upbringing teaches young girls and women often interpret their natural sexual urges are sinful or shameful.
As a result of growing up in a culture of sexual shame, women may often develop PTSD and trauma.
For the longest time, women train themselves to check out of their body. Women who grow up in strict, religious upbringings learn to ignore their body’s signals around sex.
Therapy can help women process and heal from these childhood experiences and shame they still carry around exploring their sexuality.
Working with a marriage and sex therapist can help women feel confident exploring their own body and different sexual practices.
Counseling can help women and their partners shed sexual trauma from the past. Sex therapy can help women be able to receive sexual pleasure, which is a truly wonderful part of a healthy sex life.
Do you feel sexually disconnected from your body?
Many times, girls and women develop disassociation skills. Disassociation is a PTSD and trauma symptom. A person learn to separate their body and mind when they learn their body’s signals are sinful.
Young women learn to disconnect from normal body signals when they grow up in a strict, religious home and cultural shame.
In addition to pushing away natural sexual urges and sexual desires, women will also disconnect from hunger signals. For instance, being aware of one’s own hunger and water needs are part of a healthy, wise intuition. As a result of trauma and PTSD from religious shame, women learn to turn off their intuition. Trauma and PTSD symptoms come from religious shame and guilt from childhood.

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Strict, religious upbringings lead to women thinking they need to are and give endlessly to others and put themselves last
In a strict, religious upbringing, women learn to take care of other people at the expense fo their own health and needs. Many women learn to put their needs, sexually, emotionally, and physically last.
This leads to a number of emotional, mental health, psychological, and sexual health issues. Growing up in a strict, religious, and conservative home, there is a learned pride in being pure, absence, and restriction. Adolescent and teenager girls and women have religious expectations to pledge their virginity until marriage. Young women inadvertently learn to push away their own intuitive signs and the wisdom of their body.

How can marriage, intimacy, and sex therapy help women heal after cultural and religious shame and guilt?
Simply, women who grow up in strict, religious homes may need help relearning basic, intuitive self-care practices. For instance, a woman may need the support of a therapist to give herself permission to have breakfast, drink water regularly, and get a good night’s sleep.
As well, marriage and sex therapy can help women learn to care for themselves again after years of religious shame and guilt. Learning to embrace feminine intuition is part of relearning to listen to your body’s wisdom and body’s natural signals.
Many women who grow up in a strict, religious up brining do not learn consent.
Young girls and women growing up in a strict, conservative, religious upbringing do not learn they can say, “No.”
Many girls, adolescents, and women learn from strict, religious childhoods to be afraid fo sex, fear their body, never learn consent, and abstain from sex. With religious teachings of absence, young women never learn healthy boundaries around sexual activities or their bodies. Unfortunately, strict, conservative, religious upbringings are often go hand in hand with sexual trauma, inappropriate touch, and sexual abuse stories.

Unwanted touch, sexual trauma, and sexual abuse is very common in strict, conservative, religious upbringings
In strict, religious, conservative childhoods, women may experience sexual harm and abuse. Girls and women may internalize sexual shame and guilt into adult years. Often, a young adolescent may experience blame for their developing breasts, bottom, or body. As well, young women may experience sexual abuse form older men in their church or family. Shame, guilt, and blame are emotions women take on for years into the future. Young girls have expectations to wear modest clothes in order to not be a temptation to men.
Young girls and women experience sexual shame for their developing body.
After experiencing sexual assault, young women may carry the blame, shame, and guilt after this trauma.
Girls and women in strict, conservative, religious upbringings commonly develop self-conscious feelings about their own sexuality. Sex therapy for religious shame can help women develop confidence around sexual expression.
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Young girls who experience blame may also be victims of molestation or childhood sexual abuse
After experiencing childhood molestation or unwanted sexual touch, young girls and women may experience blame. As well, in conservative, religious childhoods, it is normal to blame women for being too temping.
Working with a marriage and sex therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help women truly understand sexual abuse and overcome religious shame and guilt.
A strict, conservative, religious upbringing will cause a woman to blame herself for sexual assaults and sexual abuse that occurred.
In fact, therapy can help women realize they truly are victims of childhood sexual abuse, unwanted touch, and sexual negativity.
Young girls who speak up about sexual abuse in conservative homes, women receive the blame and shame. As well, not wanting to receive touch is a common trauma and PTSD symptom from experiencing religious shame and guilt as a child. Often, women receive blame for their body shape and developing bodies.
Young girls receive blame for having too large of breasts, or having too tempting of a body.
When a female tries to speak up, they face rejection by their religious community. Marriage, intimacy, and sex therapy in Connecticut can help women work through the massive shame and guilt they carry from growing up. Women who grow up with negative messages around their body, carry these negative messages into adulthood romantic relationships.

Marriage, intimacy, and sex therapy for religious shame can help women develop sexual confidence
Many women are not aware of the sexually shameful messages they received in childhood until start in counseling. Intimacy and sex therapy for religious shame can help bring subconscious messages to the surface to process.
On a physical level, when an adult woman goes to be sexually active, her body may clench up or become tense. Painful sexual experiences can also be a result of trauma and PTSD responses from a strict, conservative, shame-based childhood.

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Trauma and PTSD symptoms are common for women who grew up in a religious environment with shame and guilt
Women who grew up in a shameful sexual environment, a women may cry or become tearful while making love. As well, a female may feel perverse, sinful, develop self-criticism, and self- judgment around normal sexual activities.
A variety of trauma and PTSD symptoms may occur such as feeling frustrated, irritable, angry, or uncomfortable after having a sexual experiences. As well, marriage, intimacy, and sex therapy for religious shame can help women heal and become more integrated in mind and body.

How can marriage, intimacy, and sex therapy for religious shame give women a voice?
So often, women who grew up in a conservative, strict, religious upbringing have difficulty feeling excited sexually. The shadow of childhood trauma is a push and pull. Often, women to seek out sex therapy are wanting to be sexually expressive and are also dealing with intense feelings of sexual guilt from childhood. Women who fear their own sexuality may not even find themselves attractive.
Learning to feel sexually confident is possible through marriage, intimacy, and sex therapy for religious shame. Many women need help in marriage, intimacy, and sex therapy to get in tune with what they like sexually and what feels safe.
Women deserve to feel sexual pleasure and have healthy, safe, pleasurable sexual experiences
Sex therapy for religious shame can give women the confidence to ask for what they want and feel emotionally safe opening up sexually. Women often need encouragement to start with masturbation and self-pleasure to reconnect mind and body. Simply put, self-pleasure and masturbation is a great place to start when it comes to reconnecting sexually.
Marriage, intimacy, and sex therapy in Connecticut helps women start living an authentic sexual life. Touching your body is a great place to start to overcome religious shame and guilt from childhood. During self-pleasure and mastrobation, women can learn what types of touch they like and the areas of the body she likes touching.
In marriage counseling and sex therapy for religious shame, you can have a guide and therapist to help you explore the erotic dimensions of your intimate partnership.

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Why work with a sex and intimacy therapist over a traditional therapist to work on religious shame and guilt?
Often, traditional couples therapy approaches do not address sex, intimacy, and lovemaking skills.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, our marriage therapists help women have a voice in their sexual experiences. As well, women and their partner’s can share feelings about sexual desire, sexual fantasies, and turn ons.
Women who grew up in strict, religious upbringings may need encouragement feeling confident about their body. Women and their partner’s may also struggle with sexual dysfunctions and self-conscious fears of sexual inadequacy. Any self-conscious feelings about your body or your sexual performance can dampen your intimate connection.

Marriage, intimacy and sex therapy helps you take your love life and sex life to a different dimension and deepen your bond with each other.
By working with the team of marriage therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling, you will learn to feel confident after religious shame and guilt, opening sexual discussions.
Intimacy and sex therapy can help women and their partners utilize new skills to resolve sexual problems from religious shame.
In marriage and sex therapy for religious shame, you can also identify shame, guilt, and any self-conscious feelings from your strict, conservative, religious childhood.
You get a safe place, as a female, to develop your own values and beliefs around your sexuality.

Sex therapy for religious shame can help females and their romantic, intimate partner develop a healthy sex life
As well, your sex and couples therapist can help you in maintaining an open mind for confidently dealing with the sexual issues in your marriage.
You can feel confident talking about the edgy, erotic behavior you may want to try. Some women want to try BDSM, and submissive and dominant roles in terms of exploring sexuality.

Wisdom Within Counseling offers marriage, couples, intimacy, and sex therapy for religious shame in Connecticut, Florida, and Massachusetts.
New London County Connecticut couples therapy
Our team of marriage, couples, intimacy, and sex therapists help women and their partners overcome religious shame in Bozrah, Colchester, Franklin, Griswold, Groton, Lebanon, Ledyard, Lisbon, Lyme, Montville, New London, North Stonington, Norwich, Preston, Salem, Sprague, Stonington, Voluntown, Waterford, Connecticut.
Windham County Connecticut marriage, couples, intimacy, and sex therapy for religious shame
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we offer video couples therapy in Ashford, Brooklyn, Canterbury, Chaplin, Eastford, Hampton, Killingly, Plainfield, Pomfret, Putnam, Scotland, Sterling, Thompson, Windham, and Woodstock, Connecticut.
Tolland County
Marriage, couples, intimacy, and sex therapy for religious shame is available in Andover, Bolton, Columbia, Coventry, Ellington, Hebron, Mansfield, Somers, Stafford, Tolland, Union, Vernon, Willington.
New Haven County marriage and sex therapy for religious shame
Wisdom Within Counseling supports women and their romantic partners in Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Bethany, Branford, Cheshire, Derby, East Haven, Guilford, Hamden, Madison, Meriden, Middlebury, Milford, Naugatuck, New Haven, North Haven, Orange, Oxford, Prospect, Seymour, Southbury, Wallingford, Waterbury, West Haven, Wolcott, and Woodbridge, Connecticut.
Litchfield County sex, intimacy, and marriage counseling
Marriage, couples, intimacy, and sex therapy for overcoming religious shame is available in Bantam, Barkhamsted, Bethlehem, Bridgewater, Canaan, Colebrook, Cornwall, Goshen, Harwinton, Kent, Lakeville, Litchfield, New Hartford, New Milford, Norfolk, Northfield, Morris, Plymouth, Roxbury, Salisbury, Sharon, Terryville, Thomaston, Torrington, Warren, Washington, Watertown, Winchester, Winsted, and Woodbury, Connecticut.
Marriage, couples, intimacy, and sex therapy for healing from religious shame in Hartford County
The team of marriage and family therapists support women and couples in Avon, Berlin, Bloomfield, Bristol, Burlington, Canton, Hartford, East Windsor, Enfield, Farmington, Glastonbury, Granby, Hartland, Manchester, Marlborough New Britain, Newington, Plainville, Rocky Hill, Simsbury, South Windsor, Southington, Suffield, West Hartford, Wethersfield, Windsor Locks, and Windsor.
Fairfield County sex therapy and intimacy counseling for a positive sex life
Our team helps females who have experiences of religious trauma that impact sexual desire in Bethel, Bridgeport, Brookfield, Danbury, Darien, Easton, Fairfield, Greenwich, Monroe, New Canaan, New Fairfield, Newtown, Norwalk, Redding, Ridgefield, Shelton, Sherman, Southport, Stamford, Stratford, Trumbull, Weston, Westport, and Wilton, Connecticut.
Middlesex County Connecticut couples, intimacy, and sex therapy
Additionally, Wisdom Within Counseling offers intimacy, marriage, and sex therapy for females and their partners in Chester, Clinton, Cromwell, Deep River, Durham, East Haddam, East Hampton, Essex, Haddam, Killingworth, Middlefield, Middletown, Old Saybrook, Portland, and Westbrook, Connecticut.
Your marriage and sex therapist for religious shame can help you, as a woman, feel excited trying new sex toys, vibrators, lubricants, and exploring your sexuality.
Females and couples can supercharge their relationship by talking about sex in a positive way with a sex therapist in Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Women and their partners can better their sex life and have a more authentic sex life by going to a marriage, intimacy, and sex therapist in Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling.