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Internal Family Systems (IFS) Approach

Are parts of you feeling insecure, hurt, angry, or protective? But, other parts of you are organized and focused?

You are in the right place. In general, internal family systems therapy is a powerful, transformative, evidence-based model of psychotherapy. Also, only therapists trained in Internal Family Systems as a model of individual therapy can help you utilize it. Now, looking from an internal family systems therapy (IFS) view, your mind is naturally organized into multiple parts.

How do parts work in internal family systems therapy (IFS)?

And, that is a good thing. Essentially, from being human, your inner parts contain valuable qualities. Sometimes, in an effort to push negative feelings away, certain parts of you may self-sabotage. Or, other parts of you may work too much to protect, or other parts may fight back. But, in IFS, at your core, you learn to access your genuine, powerful, compassionate, true Self. From using internal family systems therapy (IFS), you can blossom into a confident, healthy person who knows how to heal yourself from the inside out.

Let’s Begin!

By reconnecting with your self, you can allow all parts of you to become integrated and whole. In IFS all parts of you, including what some may call inner critics, are welcome.

IFS, internal family systems, is a way of seeing yourself. In a new way, IFS is a self-awareness, positive movement from within. Additionally, as you get to know your parts, you can develop healthier relationships with others in your life. Overall, a new, empowering breath enters, and a breath of counseling via telehealth online or in person, you can access the harmony that already exists your body. Just breathing is the first step. From there, you can sense if you feel angry or curious about your parts.

To begin, call/text 860-451-9364 for Niantic, Connecticut internal family systems therapy (IFS) counseling. Wisdom Within Counseling offers video telehealth, phone, and in person sessions.

What is your true self all about when it comes to self-leadership?

To share more, you true self is this inner part of you that me be forgotten. Or, you may feel like your heart is covered by darkness like covered up with dead leaves in autumn. Through IFS therapy, you can access compassion, creativity, courage, and gain confidence and clarity. From getting in touch with your true self, you can learn to be gentle rather than harsh, angry, and critical. Other parts are managers, exiles, and firefighters. Learn more about working with Katie by texting or calling 860-451-9364.

What are manager parts in internal family systems?

To detail, managers are parts that keep you organized, focused, care taking parts. Overall, manager parts protect you from rejection and hurt. However, they prevent you from deep, close relationships. When you hold out on feeling negative emotions life rejection and shame, you also prevent yourself rom feeling joy and true happiness.

Secondly, what are firefighters in internal family systems?

Well, firefighters prevent you from feeling neglect and the other painful exiled emotions (which are important to feel only when self-compassion is developed). So, these are an effort to numb out or soothe yourself. For instance, alcoholism, substance use, gaming and technology addiction is a firefighter part. Furthermore, these are fueled by distraction, obsession, and compulsion. Read more about identifying compulsive over exercising here. So, in IFS, the firefighter preform a behavior to keep the exiled feelings of abandonment and loss at bay.

What are exiled emotions?

To continue, the exiled emotions like loss, shame, guilt, and betrayal all get pushed away. Why? Well, for survival, because they are too much to feel, or it is not safe at the time. The goal is to create safety and security within yourself through working with an internal family systems therapist. Overall, exile emotions are carrying very heavy burdens, maybe even from your parents. Or, even your grandparent’s legacy burdens. Really, all these parts want to do is feel loved, share their trauma story, and be heard. But, the managers and firefighters function because they believe it is still not safe, so they push your inner wounded child away. With counseling, with Katie Ziskind, and using IFS, you can step into personal power, inner strength, courage, and confidence.

Let’s Begin!

Do you feel like you have be perfect or hold it all together?

In therapy, Katie Ziskind has used IFS to helped many people understand themselves better and heal from trauma. For you, a past emotional break up may be your trauma. Many times, relationship and intimate partner conflicts are rooted in childhood trauma. Therefore, internal family systems therapy (IFS) help you understand which parts of you get triggered and why. In individual and couples therapy, the internal family systems model (IFS) is incredibly healing.

In therapy, the internal family systems approach (IFS) can help you step away from negative behaviors that no longer serve your true self. Also, this is about letting go of your inner critic, all from understanding why those behaviors developed originally from self-love.

For another person, trauma may be growing up in a large, crowded house with emotional neglect. And, always feeling like second place as a child may mean that you have developed parts that seek the high, rush, and fun parts of romantic relationships, and crave attention. But, you know you need positive, new skills, and a healthy professional to help you reach your work, career, family, romantic relationship, and personal goals. At Wisdom Within Counseling, through telehealth or in person, Katie Ziskind would love to help you create a beautiful, healthy, and joyful life!

How does internal family systems therapy (IFS) work in marriage and family therapy online through telehealth?

Wisdom Within Counseling accepts people of all people of any age, race, religion, sexuality, socioeconomic status, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, language barrier, or cultural background.

Call/text 860-451-9364 for info on holistic play, creative, and walking therapies for positive self-love and self-esteem skills.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) helps you learn about parts that are too caregiving, or work too much. From looking within, you can learn to react in more positive ways to stress in your life. Sometimes, negative behaviors helped your survive through a tough time. But, these behaviors are now holding to down and keeping you from growing. Call/text 860-451-9364 for info on holistic play, art, and walking therapies for positive coping skills.

Let’s Begin!

We help you feel confident in your skin.

We are compiled of a “multitude” of emotional parts within. For instance, the Pixar movie, Inside Out (2016), shows these emotional parts. Likewise, your parts can show up as inner conflicting, opposing thoughts, feelings, addictions, and sensations. Let’s say, now you are thinking about a relationship and dating again. In dating coaching, you may have parts of you that feel inferior and insecure inside, like you are not good enough. Also, you may have another part that just wants to feel freedom and let loose. Then, another part wants to goto the gym and blow off your first date plans, because your mind says that it isn’t worth it. Once we build a relationship with our parts, integration and healing can occur. So, your true self may say it’s safe to date again and that you know everything will work out.

In using IFS in therapy, it will connect you with a larger, calmer, universal, and greater sense of Self within.

Often times, our inner relationships with ourselves internally reflects our relationships with others, friends, partners and family. To add, in marital and family therapy you can learn to heal old wounds, shame; let off of guilt, and generational burdens. From self-compassion, you are making the world a more compassionate place. Therefore, the team of holistic marriage and family therapists in East Lyme, Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling enjoy helping all ages and families. To begin, call/text 860-451-9364 for information on creative, art, play and yoga therapy for adults, young adults, couples, and children. To begin, call or text for freedom, emotional connection, and self-love in individual and couples counseling using IFS. You will have a positive, holistic experience of self-discovery. And, you can gain IFS techniques for positive coping tools for lifelong wellness.

Learn more about holistic marriage and family therapy and how Katie Ziskind can help you create a plan for a positive, holistic, new way of responding to challenging emotions.

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