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I need a therapist with a transgender specialty

First, if you or your loved one is transgender, working with a therapist is helpful. To add, children and young adults who are transgender face oppression. So, having a therapist can feel like having an ally. Your therapist can be your ally by helping end oppression. Whether you are asexual, with no interest in sexual activity, or bisexual, we can help. Working with a holistic therapist with a transgender specialty can be powerful and help you build courage.

To begin, book a phone consult for confidence and clarity around gender and sexuality using the button below.

What is gender identity?

Understandably, gender identity, sexual orientation, and gender expression are different. For instance, when it comes to gender identity, we also help cisgender people. A cisgender person whose gender is in line with their gender at birth. On the other hand, a transgender person’s gender identity conflicts. Essentially, gender Identity is a person’s inner sense of their own gender.

We specialize in helping transgender children and young adults gain confidence and positive coping skills.

And, a person’s gender identity is regardless of what they were assigned at birth. As well, it is important to use a person’s preferred name and pronouns in conversations to be polite. Gender non-conforming people don’t fall within the typical gender stereotypes. In conclusion, gender non-conforming people show behaviors, hobbies, or identities that fall outside stereotypical gender expectations. Maybe, a female has a Mohawk. Think of the singer, P!ink. As well, gender queer is a person who feels their gender identity is outside the binary. At times, transgender people identify as non-binary. Other times, transgender people do not feel non-binary fits for them.

What makes a child or young adult need a therapist with a transgender specialty?

Well, I am glad you are here. For many teenagers, dabbling in drag is what sparks parental concern. With parents, as marriage and family therapists, we help the whole family. From understanding labels and terms, fear reduces. As well, we help parents of different generations understand what words mean. For instance, drag involves the performance of gender expression and is not based on sexual orientation. So, a person may identify as straight and also dress in drag.

LGBTQIA+ Affirmative Therapy

What does sexual orientation mean?

To add, gay can describe any gender’s attraction to the same gender. On the other hand, a gay woman would find attraction to another gay woman. As well, gender expression is an outward expression of gender.

What is gender expression?

And, gender expression is separate from sexual orientation. For many, clothing, mannerisms, activities, dance, and acting are ways of expressing gender. Often, gender roles are constraining for transgender children and teenagers. Unfortunately, gender roles place upon us culturally defined behaviors, and attitudes. Over time, certain emotions, traits, mannerisms, appearances and occupations become gender roles. For instance, 50 years ago, women could not own property. The gender role of being a homemaker is still apparent today.

Therapy can help you identify gender roles that are causing stress, anxiety, and depression for you.

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Why work with a holistic therapist with a transgender specialty?

Well, a therapist with a transgender specialty took extra training on transgender counseling. As well, the Wisdom Within Counseling therapists with transgender specialty understand gender and sexuality. Also, transgender affirming therapists have trained in LGBTQ affirmative continuing education.

To begin, book a free phone consult for LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy today using the button below.

Furthermore, for people whose gender identity is different from their assigned gender at birth, working with a therapist who isn’t accepting can lead to more inner shame.

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As affirming therapists, we know that a transgender man, or female-to-male (FTM), will often prefer male pronouns. A trans man is a person who is biologically female, assigned female at birth. And, a transgender man identifies as male. A trans woman is male-to-female (MTF). To add, a transgender woman is born biologically male and identifies as female. Unfortunately, going to a non-specialist, you may experience transphobia. To add, transphobia is an irrational fear or deep hatred of transgender people. For example, highly religious environments can be a source of transphobia. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we are accepting and affirming transgender counseling specialists.

Tips for creating a more lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, & queer inclusive home

First, talk about your friend and family about your LGBTQIA+ affirmative stance. Essentially, the more you bring up topics others may shy away from, the more exposure people will have. Talk about transgender issues to colleagues, clients, family, and friends. As well, be aware of heteronormative and gender-normative assumptions. Many times, it is hard to challenge oppression. It is okay to take time and patience with yourself as you are learning.

To add, therapy can help you become aware of the LGBTQIA+ groups and resources in your community.

Each person’s story or journey is different. So, never share for anyone, on their behalf. Let your LGBTQIA+ friends come out on their own regarding their sexual orientation and gender identity. From counseling, you can learn the differences between sexual orientation and gender identity.

To begin, click the pink button below for a phone consult to express your gender and sexuality authentically and confidently.

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