Career Counseling Can Help Couples in Niantic, Connecticut
First, if you hate your job, this can negatively impact your marriage. Therefore, career counseling in Southeastern Connecticut can help you feel good waking up and going to work everyday. Also, talking to a profession outside of your family about your job distress can help improve your family relationships. Call/text 860-451-9364 for information on career counseling in Southeastern Connecticut.

What Is Career Counseling For Couples at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic?
First, as a team of marriage and family therapists in Niantic, we know that a bad day at work can lead to relationship problems. And, an even worse week at work, where your boss yelled at you, can make focusing on your family and children really difficult. Furthermore, when you hate waking up to go to work because you dislike your boss and don’t fit into the culture, you are more at risk to fight with your spouse. So, marriage therapy in Niantic can offer you a safe place to talk about your concerns and professional goals while nurturing your partnership. Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for career counseling in Southeastern Connecticut.
Taking Work Stress Out On Your Partner Doesn’t End Well
If you have been taking work stress out on your partner or spouse, it is likely hurting your marriage and sex life. Likewise, when both partners have jobs that require analytical thinking, fast response times, and jobs that are high pressure, your marriage might be suffering. With out positive coping skills to communicate about when you are stressed, your partner may have no idea about your inner job conflict.
Couples therapy along with career counseling in Southeastern Connecticut
Furthermore, marriage therapy in Niantic helps you and your partner understand each other and improve stress reduction skills about work conversations. Sometimes, you may unload too much on your spouse and this negatively impacts you relationship. Therefore, career counseling in Southeastern Connecticut helps you speak calmly and get clear together. There may need to be conversations around loss, emotions, confidence, self-worth, gender roles, and even sex. And, you both can feel a sense of unified support from each other when it comes to a change in career from career counseling in Southeastern Connecticut. Call/text 860-451-9364 to reach Emily at Wisdom Within Counseling who will help you get started in holistic couples counseling that supports your career development and successful marriage.
How Does Disliking Your Job Negatively Impact Your Love Life?
Additionally, there are a number of factors that influence your love life, relationship, and career development, including your interests, abilities, values, personality, background, and family circumstances. Moreover, when it comes to marriage counseling in Niantic, your profession plays a huge role in your identity, lively hood of your family, sex life, and stress level. Therefore, we take traditional couples therapy and marriage counseling to the next level.
What Is Career Counseling with Marriage Counseling In Niantic?
To note, career counseling is a process of personal transformation that helps you to know and understand yourself professionally and your work world better. Because a ad day at work is one thing, a ad job is altogether another thing. Furthermore, our team of therapists help you and your partner learn ways to support each other through job transitions, leaving your job, getting a new job, reaching your professional goals, or building your own small business. And, all of these changes directly impact your love life, sex life, marriage communication, level of stress and conflict, and the intensity of your flights. Read more about high conflict couples, here.

Marriage counseling in Niantic includes career counseling because we know how a bad job and stressful work environment negatively impacts relationships. We help you and your partner understand how to release work stress in heather ways. Rather fighting viciously or withdrawing from your relationship, our team of therapists teach you positive skills for work life balance.
Marriage Counseling in Niantic Supports You and Your Partner Professionally In Mind, Body, and Spirit
Moreover, career development is more than just deciding on a major and what job you want to get when you graduate. And, career development can happen at any point in your life, no matter your age. So, changing careers can be even more stressful if you have a family. Really, it is a lifelong process of growth. So, that means you might have ten different careers throughout you lifespan. And, as your life situations change, you will continually have to make career and life decisions. Additionally, you and your partner may benefit from relaxation, yoga therapy, and healing touch techniques to restore your love life. Read more about yoga therapy to help couples, here.
As Your Job Changes, The Stress Will Trickle Down To Your Spouse and Children Without Positive Coping Skills
But, through these personal and professional changes, your marriage and partnership will suffer without professional marriage counseling. Lastly, the goal of career counseling is to not only help you make the best decisions, but to give you the knowledge and skills needed to make positive future career, relationship, marriage, family, love, and life decisions.
Your Couples Therapist in Niantic at Wisdom Within Counseling Will Help You Plan and Reach Career Dreams
First, your marriage therapist in Niantic whelps you and your partner figure out who you are as individuals. Then, you and your therapist will talk about how your profession and job impact your legacy, family expectations, and marriage. Next, you and your marriage therapist talk about what a job change means especially if you feel pressure from your parents to fit into a certain type of box. And, your marriage therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling helps you figure out what you want out of your education, your career, and your amazing life. Finally, we help you create the job that you have always wanted, while balancing your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, marital, and family responsibilities.

Reaching Outside Your Comfort Zone To Feel Empowered In Your Career and Better Your Mental Health
To add, many people have marriage that suffer because they do not know how to handle work stress. Furthermore, disliking your job, feeling pushed aside, and low motivation about your profession, leads to problems your marriage. So, at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, we support you as you have an honest, open talk. You get to talk about your thoughts, worries about finances, ideas, feelings, and concerns about your career.
Changing Career Fields? Depression Can Be A Result of A Poor Work Environment
Additionally, if you are thinking about changing fields all together, it might mean going back to school. So, we talk about what financial steps you will need in place. To make a change that supports your mental health and your family life takes mindful planning. In conclusion, educational choices a huge decisions. Therefore, our team of marriage therapists in Niantic help you sort out and organize your emotions. And, we help you make sense of your thoughts and feelings about your professional and family life.
Below are some examples of concerns that bring students to Career Counseling:

Exploring Career Choices and Major Options Academically
If any of the following sound like you, then give us a call to get support for yourself professionally. In terms of career development, it can feel scary, filled with pressure, and worrisome. Additionally, from marriage counseling with a focus on career development, you and your partner will have better communication. You will learn skills to understand each other’s true career dreams and learn coping skills to better manage work stress. Remember, anyone of any age can find themselves in the wrong job position. But, it takes inner fire, support, and feeling empowered to actually make a positive change to better your life!
“To begin, I don’t know what I want to do with my life. I have trouble thinking that far into the future.”
“Confused and without direction, I don’t know what to major in, but I feel rushed deciding. And, I don’t know what I should do for a career in general.”
“I know what I want to do, but I’m not sure what the best major would be.
“I want to know more about all of my options before deciding on my career.”
Working At A Job You Hate? Resolving Conflicts Professionally
“To start, I have a good paying job, but I don’t like going to work in the morning. I know there is a way to look forward to work, but I don’t know how.”
“And, I can’t stand my boss or my co-workers. They are very negative and I don’t connect with them. But, I wish I could bond with my co-workers.”
“To begin, I have a lot of work experience, but my boss keeps ignoring my requests for a promotion. And, I know I am competent, but I feel pushed aside.”
“Yes, I feel really stressed after my day of work. And, I often grab an alcoholic drink right away to destress and get angry without realizing it. Unfortunately, I have a short fuse at home.”
“I really like my current job, but it’s not what I want to do for my career. When I think about it, I get depressed and tired. I can’t even find the energy to have sex with my partner.”
“I’m working towards my career and am well educated. But, I think I might just want to be a stay-at-home parent. How can I do that with my family’s expectations?”
“I feel depressed at my job and I want to change fields altogether. But, I will need to go back to school and I have three children relying on me financially.”
3 Tips and Techniques For You
Tip 1: Listen to your intuition. If you hate going to your job, make a change. Get up and start looking on Indeed for a new job. And, you never know what hits your CV or resume will get! Just go for it!
Tip 2: Talk to your spouse or partner openly and honestly about your worries and concerns. Be open if you want to change jobs, talk about your depression, and your fears with your partner.
Tip 3: Write out the pros and cons of changing jobs, moving/relocating, selling your home and buying a smaller one, and going back to school for a different degree. Journal and write it down to lay it all out!