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Indialantic, Florida couples counseling

Relationship counseling can help when feeling hurt, angry, short fused, or even alone in your marriage. You may feel unimportant, want more intimacy, or feel like fights have gotten out of hand. Deeply, you want to work it out together, but need some tools. Couples counseling in Brevard County, Florida supports dealing with stress together as a strong team. As well, stress causes more conflicts in couples. couples therapy can help provide skills to reduce marital tension and manage stress. Most, if not all, couples have experienced entirely different dynamics within their home because of the pandemic.Getting physically sick can be stressful. What other stressor cause an increase in conflicts? And, can couples therapy help us? These are great questions! To note, couples may start fighting because they are feeling alone, hurt, or betrayed. Intense, big feelings like anxiety and anger are a part of healing through Indialantic, Florida couples counseling.

What issues cause couples to fight more and how can Indialantic, Florida marriage counseling help?

Stressors facing couples may also include infertility, depression, or physical or chronic pain. Maybe, your spouse is on a new medication that is causing sex drive changes.

Or, your in-law’s want to move in with you and your spouse. In-law’s and extended family can be stress provoking.

Likewise, loss and grief put stress on your marriage. Losing a child, parent, or friend is devastating.

Maybe, your spouse is coming out as gay, bi-sexual, or gender questioning. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we are transgender affirming. And, we pride ourselves in LGBTQIA+ affirming education.

As well, you may be finding out your spouse is an alcoholic and come in for Indialantic Florida couples counseling.

If you have been living in with an alcoholic spouse, they may be yelling, critical, or rude. The next day, they deny any of it happened. Right now, your spouse may be in denial of their alcohol use being a problem. And, your spouse may have been drinking alcohol in excess behind your back. You found alcohol hidden. All of this is scary because you see your partner falling apart. You once had a strong, peaceful, and loving bond. But, alcohol has taken over your spouse’s focus. Having a spouse who is an alcoholic can create chaos in your family. Alcoholism is a great reason to come in for marriage counseling in Indialantic, Florida.

Maybe, there is stress at work and within your career.

To add, working from home while simultaneously caring for children can be stressful. All these can all be very stressful issues and events for your marriage. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling loves helping distant reconnect and rekindle desire.

The tough times of life don’t have to cause high conflict arguments and fights in your marriage.

From couples therapy in Brevard County Florida, you can get on the same page and feel connection. Essentially, you can gain a toolbox of skills to nurture one another through the tough times.

Your safe, calm, peaceful space can be at Wisdom Within Counseling.

for instance, you can talk about the stress around a new medical diagnosis or your spouse’s alcoholism. Indialantic, Florida couples counseling at Wisdom Within supports meaningful connection and playfulness.

How can Indialantic, Florida couples counseling support conflict resolution and reduce anger?

Parenting during COVID-19 can create a lot of stress and anxiety. Couples who get into fights need help resolving conflict. Did you know that after a high conflict fight, couples need about seven hours to destress? When you fight, you get very intense, high conflict, or really angry. Dealing with conflict is a big part of counseling for couples.

Often, distant couples do not realize fights are escalating.

What are negative communication styles that create more tension?

Marriage counseling can be a safe place to slow down and understand your fight cycle. Also, fighting couples try to one up each other and have the last word. Also, fighting couples may use name calling or personal attacks that leave emotional damage.

Better communication can help highly conflictual couples feel more positive about their marriage.

There is a sense of reassurance that comes from relationship therapy in Brevard County Florida. You can feel a sense of security in one another and safety from better communication. Indialantic, Florida couples counseling supports learning about cooling off after a fight and repairing.

Cooling off and taking space are essential coping tools for couples.

What about starting a conversation about an intense topic like money?

As well, knowing when to start a conversation is a key tool from marriage counseling in Indialantic, Florida. If your spouse is tense, angry, or upset, that is not a good time to start an important conversation. Sometimes, one person wants to fix it or talk right away. However, learning to understand when your partner is ready to talk is a big skill. Likewise, it is essential for couples to practice self-care and gain inner clarity help promote a positive conversation.

Trying to talk after yelling is not productive. Couples counseling in Indialantic, Florida can be a playful, healing, and safe place to learn these skills. Understanding when to initiate a calm conversation is a big part of healthy communication.

Indialantic Florida couples counseling

How can Indialantic, Florida couples counseling improve sex life and intimacy?

Couples tend to have a sexless marriage after years of distance. To add, when intimacy and sex decrease in your marriage, you can feel rejected, sad, or upset. Not having sex is a great issue to bring to Indialantic, Florida couples counseling. Couples may struggle with sex and intimacy for many reasons.

PTSD therapy in couples therapy, Indialantic Florida couples counseling

Indialantic, Florida couples counseling is a great part of creating a meaningful connection.

Right now, you can think about your sex life in a playful way. To add, try taking your sex life and intimacy into different rooms. Have fun together in multiple rooms of your home. More so, couples stop making out. So, make a point to kiss passionately at random times. Relax together on the couch, the kitchen table or counter, or your bedroom. Find somewhere you can escape together without any distractions.

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What is unique about Indialantic, Florida couples counseling?

When you come to couples counseling, you get time set aside each week to gain a toolbox of skills. Sometimes, couples therapy is the first time these skills get learned. We don’t get an opportunity to learn these communication skills in childhood. At times, parents teach you how to yell, or that your voice shouldn’t be heard.

Instead, Indialantic, Florida couples counseling supports healthy communication and calm conversations.

In marriage therapy, you can get to know one another in a positive way.

Many times, distant couples are communicating in ways that create more hurt, jealousy, anger, or frustration.

Indialantic Florida couples counseling

In couples counseling, you can learn ways to communicate joyfully, with appreciation, and love.

To add, think of couples therapy as time to grow the love you deserve and want. Just like you would water a plant in your garden to help it grow, marriage counseling supports a healthy relationship. Essentially, with the busy schedules of work and parenting, couples counseling is time for you and your partner.

Indialantic, Florida couples counseling helps you nurture your romance and rebuild intimacy in your relationship.

Make your relationship a priority again through marriage therapy.

Indialantic Florida couples counseling

Marriage counseling in Florida is also good preventative care for your relationship.

Don’t wait until your relationship is beyond help to find counseling help. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we offer holistic, mind-body therapies of art, yoga, music, and painting to help couples thrive. The Indialantic, Florida couples counselors at Wisdom Within are Gottman level two trained. In general, Gottman marriage therapy supports couples heal post affair. Gottman marriage therapy gives couples skills for lifelong connection and presence. It is tough for couples these days to stay on the same page. So, from counseling you can have tools to feel on the same page again.

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