Why holistic complex trauma and PTSD counseling?
To start, if you are suffering from PTSD and complex PTSD, you are not alone. Notably, traditional CBT therapy does not work for victims and survivors of trauma.
What is trauma?
Unfortunately, trauma scars us for life. You can think back to painful life experiences both physically and mentally. These can leave you feeling guilty, and even with self-hatred. You might feel ashamed, anxiety, embarrassed, humiliated, disgusted with yourself, or even regretful. Negative emotions have a tendency to create negative mental health. After experiencing a trauma, complex trauma and PTSD counseling teaches positive coping skills. Also, yoga therapy can lower depression and anxiety. Complex trauma and PTSD counseling in Southeastern Connecticut includes art, yoga, music, and outdoor walking therapies. Furthermore, somatic therapies like walking, meditation, and yoga therapy support C-PTSD healing.
Yoga therapy can be extremely supportive, nurturing, and effective for healing complex trauma.
Yoga therapy helps release tension in both muscles and emotionally. From there, you can have positive coping tools to manage anxiety. With out healthy outlets, complex-PTSD can lead to physical illness. Negative emotions manifest as a result of holding on to the guilt, shame, anxiety, and negativity of past events.
To begin, click the pink button below for a phone consult for holistic, somatic complex trauma and PTSD counseling in Southeastern Connecticut.

Can yoga therapy help complex trauma and PTSD counseling?
A Harvard study noted, yoga treatment significantly reduced the severity of PTSD symptoms. Additionally, yoga therapy and mind-body therapies reduce physiological arousal in PTSD patients. On that note, yoga therapy lowers stress responses. What that means is you feel less on edge after yoga therapy. As well, yoga therapy sessions can reduce symptoms of complex PTSD. In general, holistic, somatic, mind-body therapies improve somatic regulation. This means yoga therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling improve your body awareness. You can feel into yourself without being afraid of negative emotions. As well, yoga therapy supports healing form complex PTSD. Yoga therapy skills like breathing techniques are imperative to emotion regulation.

How can yoga therapy help in complex trauma and PTSD counseling in Southeastern Connecticut?
Furthermore, trauma-informed, or trauma-sensitive yoga, is all about present moment thinking. Essentially, holistic complex trauma and PTSD counseling teaches your brain how to feel safe again. When suffering from PTSD, negative, painful memories of the past flood the brain. Therefore, yoga therapy helps you become more aware of what’s going on in your body. Next time you feel afraid or anxious, you can tune into your body. Then, you can gain PTSD coping skills for releasing built-up emotions, stress and tension. Overall, Southeastern Connecticut complex trauma and PTSD counseling helps you tap into your personal power.

What are complex PTSD symptoms?
Additionally, complex trauma and PTSD counseling in Southeastern Connecticut helps with intense symptoms. For instance, with C-PTSD, you may have feelings of shame or guilt. At times, you blame yourself for regrets you have about the past. When you think about the past, there are emotionally painful memories. Likewise, it is common for people with complex trauma and PTSD to have difficulty controlling emotions. Frequently, anger, frustration, or tearfulness become overwhelming. With Complex trauma and PTSD counseling helps normalize symptoms.
Physical issues with digestion are a C-PTSD symptom
People with complex trauma and PTSD may have attention issues. It is common to lose concentration, experience dissociation, or have digestive issues. With trauma, physical symptoms may include gas, headaches, dizziness, and chest pains. Due to fear, worry, and anxiety, people with complex trauma and PTSD struggle with friendships. Complex trauma and PTSD counseling in Southeastern Connecticut supports healthy relationships. Counseling can help resolve conflict and repair relationship difficulties.

What is the parasympathetic nervous system and vagal nerve?
Now, the vagus nerve, or the vagal nerves, important parts of your parasympathetic nervous system. And, your parasympathetic nervous system is your rest, rejuvenation, relaxation response. Instead, your body responds to small stresses with lots of anxiety. So, your parasympathetic nervous system stops working after trauma and complex trauma. You literally forget how to relax or feel safe after trauma, which is normal. To add, the vagus nerve controls digestion, heart rate and immune system. These functions are involuntary and automatic. So, it is normal to have stomach pain when anxious or uncomfortable.

In complex trauma and PTSD counseling in Connecticut, yoga therapy calms the vagus nerve and nervous system.
As well, stimulating the vagus nerve calms the parasympathetic nervous system. In turn, your vagus nerve reduces overall stress. Yoga therapy stretches and breathing skills stimulate the vagus nerve. Overall, yoga therapy reduces our heart rate, stress, and blood pressure. Lastly, yoga therapy in Southeastern Connecticut is a big part of complex trauma and PTSD counseling.
How Doing Yoga Can Lower Anxiety and Panic
Having anxiety and panic attacks are no fun to deal with, especially when you are unfamiliar with how to exactly deal with them. As well, complex PTSD and trauma disorders lead to flashbacks, anger, irritability, and low self-worth. With complex PTSD and trauma symptoms come anxiety attacks and panic disorders. To add, complex trauma and PTSD impact your life severely. And, the symptoms of C-PTSD, anxiety and panic attacks even affect your body, and mind. Holistic therapies in complex trauma and PTSD counseling have a positive impact on your overall well-being.

To begin, book your free phone consult for complex trauma and PTSD counseling.
Yoga therapy consists of various relaxation techniques that help reduce stress and feelings of nervousness. Ultimately, it helps you to become more mindful of your thoughts and body.
Practicing yoga can help lower anxiety and panic attacks by teaching you how to strategize those relaxation techniques in the middle or beginning of an attack.

What is yoga?
Most people have a general idea of what yoga is, but a lot of individuals also assume that it is a practice that is not very beneficial. Though, contrary to some people’s beliefs, yoga improves strength, balance, and flexibility and encourages mindful thought processing.
The word “yoga” means “unite” or “to yoke” and came from Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language. The practice originated in India more than 5,000 years ago.
With the benefits mentioned above, the goal of yoga is to join the body, mind, and spirit into a synchronized unison. With meditation, breathwork, precise movement, and relaxation, yoga helps you to create that synchronization.

Can yoga help people in complex trauma and PTSD counseling and people who aren’t?
Many take on yoga as a form of exercise because of the physical benefits associated with the practice.
But, it has also become a trendy way to renew, heal and restore the body. Notably, holistic sensitive yoga therapy is different from yoga classes for health and wellness. Yoga can benefit all people of all ages.
The stress-reducing aspects are what makes yoga highly recommended for those who battle with PTSD, anxiety and panic attacks.
Anxiety and complex trauma counseling In East Lyme, Connecticut, is a great place to learn about the benefits of yoga. As well, yoga therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you manage symptoms of PTSD and anxiety you experience.

Yoga Therapy in Southeastern Connecticut Promotes Relaxation
One reason that yoga and meditation for anxiety treatment are recommended by some professionals is that they can promote relaxation and lower tension in the body. Stress is usually the reason for someone being tense and unrelaxed, and with stress, anxiety usually follows. Plus, people with complex trauma and who need PTSD counseling are often under lots of stress. Defending the inner critic and dealing with negative flashbacks are symptoms of C-PTSD.
What anxiety can overcome in holistic complex trauma and PTSD counseling?
Anxiety can be the feeling of worry, fear, or unease. But, no matter the exact feeling, it can be a trigger for anxiety or panic attacks. Generally speaking, stress and anxiety are not always bad. However, when a person is suffering from C-PTSD, they are always worrying about what other people think. They wonder if they are safe, and often doubt the world is a safe place. Simple put, complex trauma can have different symptoms for different people. As well, anxiety as a whole is a sign that you have been through traumatic experiences.
Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut specialize in holistic complex trauma and PTSD counseling.

It becomes problematic when you are unaware of how to deal with the instances that you feel stressed and anxious. Not knowing how to deal with these instances leads to panic attacks, but experiencing those feelings is the body’s natural response to uncomfortable or unfamiliar situations.
To begin, book your free phone consult for complex trauma and PTSD counseling.
How can yoga therapy reduce complex trauma and PTSD symptoms?
Yoga therapy for trauma helps promote relaxation by reducing the instances of stress. Too much of the stress hormone, cortisol, creates a hormonal imbalance in the body. And, stress is a symptom of complex trauma. Living under stress causes major health issues. On the other hand, yoga therapy for trauma creates a ripple effect and lowers stress hormones. To note, holistic yoga therapy releases an inflammation-promoting chemical, cytokines. As well, yoga therapy increases GABA, a chemical that is low in people suffering from complex PTSD.
Learning how to destress and relax your mind and body are parts of complex trauma and PTSD counseling in Southeastern Connecticut.
To note, yoga therapy for complex trauma helps you feel safe and calm during high-stress situations. High stress situations often re trigger negative, trauma memories and fear responses. Yoga therapy for C-PTSD helps to relax your mind. Additionally, yoga therapy comforts and supports your body.

Body Awareness with Yoga
During yoga, you are feeling bodily sensations while making adjustments in weight and position to move in and out of certain poses. Experiencing those sensations makes you aware of certain parts of your body that you do not consider regularly.
This awareness of physical sensations leads to self-awareness throughout the rest of your day when you are not actively doing yoga.
When you are self-aware, you start to pay attention when you start to feel uncomfortable. As mentioned earlier, feeling uncomfortable and unfamiliar leads to anxiety and stress, and those instances lead to panic attacks. Being in tune with your body to where you can notice the moments that trigger anxiety and stress can prevent attacks.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for holistic complex post traumatic stress disorder counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut.
Does living with complex post traumatic stress disorder impact romantic relationships?
To note, complex PTSD can disrupt romance and cause problems for couples. Often, getting closer through intimacy leads to anxious attachment issues. With complex trauma, a person may not believe they are lovable. Due to past abuse, a person with complex PTSD may have people pleasing parts. Putting others first and discarding your own emotional needs are symptoms of trauma. Complex trauma symptoms can lead to impulsive break ups. Counseling in East Lyme for complex post-traumatic stress disorder helps couples understand unity strategies. Joining together is a skills that couples can use to overcome trauma together. As well, couples can learn ways to support one another’s responsibilities for self-care. Couples can work together to heal trauma through yoga therapy.
Holistic complex trauma and PTSD counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut supports confidence and self-worth skills.
Commonly, people with complex trauma may put themselves last. Trauma teaches people to play small. So, complex trauma and PTSD counseling can help you grow your self-esteem and self-confidence. Furthermore, with complex-PTSD, you may struggle to communicate your emotions and needs. As well, with C-PTSD, when one person may naturally feel close, the other person may pull away emotionally. Living with complex trauma symptoms can devastate romantic relationships. However, working with the team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling in Old Lyme, Connecticut teach lifelong coping tools.

Couples counseling for complex trauma
On that note, couples can learn how to nurture each other from a complex trauma and PTSD specialist. Furthermore, PTSD counseling can provide necessary education. Anger, frustration, tearfulness and mood changes can seem confusing to a romantic partner. As well, misunderstandings can develop from lack of communication. A person can learn about their partner’s triggers and learn to show respect. To note, a partner can learn from complex trauma and PTSD counseling how to be supportive.
Do people with complex PTSD feel emotional disconnection from others?
People who have complex PTSD are often emotionally aloof. Often, people with complex PTSD may withdraw socially. Sometimes, this is due to low self-worth. As well, people suffering from post traumatic stress disorder may drink alcohol in excess. Alcoholism, drug use, and negative behaviors may cause problems for romantic relationships. In Southeastern Connecticut, couples therapy support healing issues like emotional avoidance together.
Relationship therapy helps couples who have complex PTSD symptoms improve communication
To note, talking as a couple in therapy can be a healthy coping strategy. People with complex PTSD may shut down or even push friends and family away who are closest. Pushing away a romantic partner, family, and friends are signs of complex PTSD. With that said, pushing a romantic partner away can cause damage. In general, complex trauma and PTSD counseling at Wisdom Within can help couples share more vulnerable feelings.

Marriage counseling in Southeastern Connecticut can help partners support one another in healing from complex post traumatic stress disorder
Each person with complex trauma and PTSD needs a different level of patience and understanding. For instance, if you know bight lights trigger your spouse, you can find low lit lamps for your home. Simple supports like this can help a romantic partner feel valued and heard. Also, by being a compassionate parter and understanding PTSD, your partner can feel loved. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling support healthy emotional communication skills. It can be hard for survivors of trauma to communicate when under stress. Talking in PTSD therapy can air out intense emotions like fear, anxiety, sadness, and depression. As well, complex trauma and PTSD counseling in Niantic, Connecticut helps couples communicate better.
Meditation, yoga therapy, and relaxation skills support complex post-traumatic stress disorder healing

To begin, book your free phone consult for complex trauma and PTSD counseling.
To note, panic attacks and trauma symptoms can reduce when you notice the signals that your body sends you. Your body always warns you when something is not right. An overactive nervous system, under stress, means you are always on high alert. And, fight, flight, and freeze symptoms are part of complex-PTSD. Yoga therapy in Southeastern Connecticut helps victims of trauma become aware of their body. As well, yoga can help you process all the things you are feeling.
In complex trauma and PTSD counseling, you can gain awareness for noticing anxiety signals and relaxing them.
Additionally, complex post-traumatic stress disorder is treatable. With a mind-body, holistic, somatic approach, people can heal. As well, working with the team at Wisdom Within Counseling, who are knowledgeable and compassionate can offer guidance. Negative memories and C-PTSD symptoms can pose barriers to healing.
Talking with a therapist who understands complex trauma and PTSD can help you understand your triggers.
For instance, a sound, light, color, or environment can be triggered to a flashback. Holistic, somatic, mind-body therapies can help reshape and provide positive, healing experiences.
Once you catch the signals that your body is sending you, you can separate yourself from what is causing you to stress, think about positive things that bring joy, or do breathing exercises you learn during yoga.

You do not have to be actively practicing yoga to implement the breath work you use during yoga. Teenagers who deal with anxiety usually have panic attacks because they do not know how to interpret, express, or handle their emotions yet.
Yoga therapy especially helps teenagers learn how to handle and notate their emotions helps them develop self-confidence.
Therapists at Wisdom Within offering marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut, may even recommend yoga to couples because intimacy can be improved through body awareness.
To begin, book your free phone consult for complex trauma and PTSD counseling.
Those with C-PTSD and complex trauma can use yoga therapy to gain new information you learn about their body.
Yoga teaches a present moment mindset. In yoga therapy in complex trauma and PTSD counseling in Southeastern Connecticut, you will always discover something new. You can learn about yourself through yoga and meditation.
Who can get complex-PTSD?
Complex PTSD may be a diagnosis that applies to children and adults. Sometimes, in childhood, people experiences neglect and abuse. Furthermore, experiencing traumatic event over and over leads to complex trauma and trauma symptoms. As well, domestic violence, sexual abuse, emotional neglect or physical abuse lead to C-PTSD. To note, childhood trauma by a parent can be re triggered by trauma in adulthood. Nightmares, avoiding reminders of the event, and negative thoughts are common with C-PTSD.
What issues cause complex trauma and PTSD symptoms?
Different traumatic events cause complex PTSD. For instance, childhood abuse, neglect, having a parent with an addiction, or abandonment leads to C-PTSD. Furthermore, experiencing ongoing domestic violence or abuse causes complex trauma. Even watching and witnessing violence or emotional abuse can lead to trauma symptoms. Unwanted touch, rape, sex trafficking, and prostitution lead to complex post-traumatic stress disorder.
It is common for survivors of trauma to experience memory loss around the event.
Often, current trauma experiences cause a person to relive past negative events. Therefore, yoga therapy in complex trauma and PTSD counseling supports healing complex trauma symptoms. In general, people with complex trauma and PTSD may show more anger and irritability. Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut specializes in helping children and adults with complex trauma and PTSD.

With yoga therapy in complex trauma and PTSD counseling, you learn how to regulate your breathing.
As well, you gain awareness for how your breath changes when you feel different emotions. To add, you can learn how to accept discomfort, and how to accept who you are. Holistic, mind-body therapies in complex trauma and PTSD counseling give you new coign tools. From healthy coping strategies, you can navigate confidently through stressors in your life.
Yoga therapy can help you achieve many things and comes with plenty of benefits. Attending counseling in Southeastern Connecticut support healing from C-PTSD and trauma symptoms holistically. Lastly, at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can receive creative options in complex trauma and PTSD counseling. Our therapists are licensed in Florida and Connecticut.