Sweaty palms? Self-doubt and trouble concentrating? Panic, racing thoughts, and obsessive thoughts? Holistic anxiety counseling in Waterford, Connecticut supports coping in healthy ways. Many times, couples get into fights where there is anxiety about money. As well, teenagers with anxiety may avoid going to school or have poor grades. Anxiety can feel like a tornado coming over and it can feel helpless. So, from therapy for anxiety, you can have a safe space to feel heard. From there, you can gain positive, holistic strategies to heal and develop resilience.
What are people anxious about? Holistic anxiety counseling in Waterford, Connecticut
There are a lot of things people have anxiety about. For instance, California bushfires, COVID-19, and working from home can cause anxiety. As well, experiencing a lockdown, furlough, Black Lives Matter, and social media can cause anxiety. Additionally, you may feel anxious and have a panic attack about the uncertainty of the future. You may have anxiety about bad things from the past happening all over again. Also, anxiety can come from many difference areas, especially when you have past trauma. Notably, when you have anxiety, you may have a hard time building friendships. Plus, parents who have anxiety can accidentally pass anxiety to their children. Anxiety can get in the way of enjoying life, and living your best life.
How can anxiety counseling in Waterford, Connecticut help lower anxiety?
Healthy coping skills help you take control of your worries, traumas, and negative emotions. When you have anxiety, you may goto the bar and drink too much alcohol. Also, you may start skin picking, nail biting, or pick acne out of anxiety. Often times, when children have anxiety about loss and grief they ask cornering questions about death. When a parent has anxiety, it might cause a child to feel unheard. Also, with anxiety, children may lash out or become angry. Even with anxiety, adults may feel out of balance or overwhelmed. Tearfulness, crying, and panic attacks are common with anxiety too.
To begin, click the button below to book a phone consult for holistic anxiety counseling in Waterford, Connecticut.
And, those who suffer from anxiety disorders may have encountered so many additional triggers over years. Suffering from sexual abuse, emotional abuse, or physical abuse creates high levels of anxiety. As well, this year many people become too overwhelmed and need coping tools. Holistic coping tools can all you to help yourself.

With anxiety, it is common to fall back into old patterns that only make anxiety worse.
Going to a bar and drinking alcohol only masks anxiety. Even though drinking alcohol or reckless sex numbs out emotional pain, it does create emotional safety. Cheating, lying, and secret keeping are side effects of negative anxiety coping mechanisms. Learning positive coping tools in anxiety counseling in Waterford, Connecticut can help you find healthy ways to release. We offer painting, art therapies, drama therapies, yoga therapies, walking therapies by the beach, and music therapies. Yoga therapy can also be a great way to overcome and nurture your anxiety.
In time, anxiety counseling in Waterford, Connecticut can provide emotional safety tools.
Now, bad ways to cope with anxiety can leads to depression, alcoholism, substance abuse, cognitive trouble, increased risk for harmful accidents, and a weakened immune system. From learning anxiety coping tools, you can feel confident overcoming anxiety. From there, you can get clearer in your thinking to use your toolbox of skills.

Holistic coping skills to help you overcome anxiety.
These methods can help put you or keep you on the path of getting control of your life and anxiety.
When Good Anxiety Turns Bad
A little anxiety is actually good. Good stress keeps us motivated and excited about life. It also helps predict and avoid harm by surviving in the face of threats both basic (such as rotten food) and complex (such as questionable ways of spending money).
But anxiety becomes unhealthy when excessive and intrusive worrying disrupts your daily functioning.

Types and Symptoms of Bad Anxiety
Anxiety disorders are the most common of mental disorders and, as you can see, they take many forms:
Generalized anxiety disorder – excessive, unrealistic worry and tension with little or no reason.
Panic disorder – sudden, intense fear that causes a panic attack, with sweating, chest pain, palpitations, and sometimes the feeling of choking or having a heart attack.
Social anxiety disorder (social phobia) – overwhelming, obsessive worry and self-consciousness about everyday situations.
Specific phobias – intense fears of a specific object or situation, causing you to avoid it.
Separation anxiety – fear when a person you’re close to leaves your sight; worry that something bad may happen to them.
Medication-induced anxiety – anxiety disorder symptoms triggered by certain medications or illegal drugs, or withdrawal from certain drugs.
Causes of Bad Anxiety
Anxiety disorders can run in families, and relates to control, fear and scared emotions. Also, anxiety can be linked to environmental stress such as childhood abuse and neglect. You may have high anxiety after the death of a loved one, or being attacked or seeing violence.
What Makes Anxiety Worse
Some people think they’re dealing with their anxiety but they’re actually feeding it. Here are the ways that can happen.
Assuming Control
Some people think if they exhaustively research every angle of a problem, anxiety increases. As well, when you meticulously plan your lives, you increase your anxiety.
But, overthinking causes you to dwell on your problems, which only makes them seem worse. And, setting up expectations usually leads to disappointments, which leads to greater anxiety. By lowering your expectations, you can lower your anxiety.
To begin, click the button below to book a phone consult for holistic anxiety counseling in Waterford, Connecticut.

On the opposite end, procrastinating or sticking your head in the sand only means you’ll have to deal with your repressed emotions later. And avoiding what brings you fear only magnifies it in your mind.
Comfort Crutches
If you’re indulging in alcohol to numb your feelings and lull yourself to sleep, or gorging on fattening foods for that sugar high and comfort, you’re only sabotaging yourself. Alcohol and food, as well as drugs, can provide temporary happiness, but it won’t lead to long-term healing.
Alcohol changes the levels of serotonin and other neurotransmitters in your brain, which can worsen anxiety; in fact, you may feel more anxious after the alcohol wears off.
And the refined carbohydrates in junk food can cause blood sugar to fluctuate, with extremely low blood sugar causing panic attacks, insomnia, and other anxiety symptoms. And the lack of omega-3 fatty acids in fried foods can cause your brain to mimic anxiety symptoms.
Parking yourself in front of the TV for hours or obsessively scrolling on your phone, especially close to bedtime, can also feel like a comfort. But the media immersion can cause sleep problems, which lead to depression and anxiety from the effects of blue light.
What Makes Anxiety Better
Anxiety isn’t curable, but it’s treatable. There are several ways to help dial back out-of-control worries so that you can get on with your life.
Get Out of Your Head Space
Give the anxiety part of your brain a vacation by putting new mental muscles to use as well as your physical muscles.
Relax with music and art, which have a positive effect on psychological states, reducing negative emotions and improving positive ones — regardless of your talent level.
And set aside time for regular exercise. It releases feel-good endorphins, natural cannabis-like brain chemicals, and other natural brain chemicals that can enhance your sense of well-being. Good aerobic exercises to help manage anxiety include swimming, biking, running, brisk walking, tennis, and dancing.

To begin, click the button below to book a phone consult for holistic anxiety counseling in Waterford, Connecticut.
Compartmentalize Your Anxiety
If you tend to be an overthinker, trick your brain into still thinking, but in more productive ways.
For example, set aside a specific time each day for “worrying,” giving you the opportunity to still get out all of your thoughts and feelings, but then move on. This will give you more energy throughout the day to devote to other things.
Also, try a mindfulness practice such as meditation or yoga to help you quiet your thoughts.
Connect with a Professional
Therapy can help alleviate anxiety on several fronts: Not only can you learn the best ways to succeed at these tips, but you can lessen your isolation by connecting with someone new. Think of it as having a personal trainer for your emotional wellness.

Wisdom Within Counseling uses several techniques to help you overcome anxiety. Their counseling in southeast Connecticut focuses on holistic therapy, which is an integrative, mind-body approach combining creative, alternative, and positive psychotherapies with more traditional techniques.

Their out-of-the-box therapies that go beyond “couch therapy” include creative art, yoga, music, animals, and outdoor walk and talk therapies.

One specialized and unique therapy model they use for anxiety counseling in East Lyme, Ct., is dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). This teaches the skill of self-compassion: how to be gentle with yourself and love yourself through your feelings. You learn how to identify and welcome anxiety instead of pushing it away.
And given that no man is an island, they can also help you improve your relationships with others, via holistic marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut, as well as family counseling.

Luckily there are several skills to learn and tips to use to help overcome anxiety, so you have the opportunity to pick and choose what works best for you to take back your personal power.