Are you needing clarity and trying to decide whether to stay or leave your marriage?
Needing a roadmap back to a playful, loving, nurturing, emotionally close relationship? Work with a family and marriage counselor in Litchfield County, Connecticut today.
Feeling like your best friend you one knew and the emotional intimacy you once had is missing?
First, if you and your spouse are going through any of the following, these fun, date night tips can help build connection. But, if you find yourself in a more serious marital challenge like an affair, we also offer professional couples therapy.
Why do couples need a date night?
Well, without these relationship rituals, it is easy to feel disconnection and resentment. For many long-term couples, the sparkle and newness of dating wears off in just a few months. Then, getting pregnant may have been really challenging and emotionally draining. Next, one of you goes through a career and job change that impacts you both. Finally, you have a beautiful baby, but then depression and anxiety set in. Maybe, your or your spouse is dealing with a loss in your family. And, your best friend just received a scary medial diagnosis that leaves you feeling sad and concerned. Now, you are wanting to improve the tension and conflict with your in-law’s.
Weekly meetings with a marriage counselor in Litchfield County, Connecticut can help you feel positive about this next step.
There is so much that goes into a healthy, loving, nurturing marriage. Also, asking for professional marriage help is a sign of strength, that you want to work on rekindling trust.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we specialize in helping distant couples rebuild desire, playfulness, and joy.

Right now, as a couple, it may feel like you are roommates, ships passing in the night, only focusing on parenting, and missing the romance.
Deep down, you know you picked a great person to marry, but you want playfulness and laughter back. Working with a holistic, creative marriage counselor in Litchfield County, Connecticut can help you build meaningful, long-term, emotional connection.
As well, if you feel unheard in your alcoholism, working with an expert marriage counselor in Litchfield County, Connecticut can help support positive communication skills.

If you feel that your feelings are dismissed by your partner, marriage and relationship therapy can be helpful.
Often, you feel that you are emotionally and physically disconnected from your partner. At times, all couples go through ups and downs. However, if you are having trouble reconnecting with your partner after a major life change like a birth of a baby, couples therapy can give you skills to remain connected. Other marital stressors that we specialize in include grieving the loss of a parent, job change, affair, alcoholism, miscarriage, or move.
To begin, click the pink button below for a phone consultation to build a strong, healthy, emotionally close couples bubble together.
Do you feel worry and anxiety that your spouse may be having an emotional affair, again?
In counseling, you can safely talk about the trust issues you are struggling with in your relationship. Not wanting to go on a date with your spouse is a good reason to get into marital therapy too. In addition, we also specialize with high conflict couples. Couples who have a high conflict cycle reach intense levels of yelling and verbal conflict. If you are in a high conflict couples cycle, marital therapy supports calm communication that you never anticipated was possible.
Do you struggle with a high conflict cycle of anger and intense emotions like jealousy’?
Well, at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can pick from holistic, alternatives like couples yoga and mediation to release anger, heal, and build trust.
In addition to traditional talking, working with a holistic marriage counselor in Litchfield County, Connecticut, you can pick from painting, clay, and art too. In marriage counseling, we find that talking can be very helpful. But, sometimes you may not have the words to express what you feel.
In those cases, where anger prevents closeness, a technique like art, painting, or meditation is available for closeness.
To begin, click the pink button below for a phone consultation to build a secure, trusting, nurturing bond in couples therapy together.
As well, holistic counseling offers skills for self-care and self-soothing. From there, you can bring your best self into your romantic relationship. Offering options beyond just traditional talking, we are experts in helping couples learn to reconnect. When was the last time you painted or meditated together?
We teach couples how to build meaningful connections. Overall, working with a holistic marriage counselor in Litchfield County, Connecticut offers a more holistic, alternative, and comprehensive experience.
To begin in couples therapy, book a phone consult using the pink button below.
So, what are these 8 dating ideas during COVID to improve your relationship and marriage?
Remember, there is no magic pill to make all anxiety and pain go away. However, counseling for your healthy marriage can help you have tools to combat chaos and anxiety. With a secure relationship, you can reach your fullest potential.

Often, working with a marriage counselor in Litchfield County, Connecticut can help you stop letting tiny issues lead to frustration, anxiety, disconnection, and resentment and calmly talk about them.
Counseling for your marriage doesn’t have to be scary or embarrassing. Sometimes, couples who are high conflict, fighting, or distant judge themselves for seeking therapy. Maybe, you feel frustrated, “I never thought we would be here.” But, don’t judge yourself. It is a very courageous and awesome thing to be reaching out for marital help and professional couples therapy. So, reaching out for professional marriage counseling is truly a sign of strength. Right now, you are doing a great thing just reading this.
To begin, click the pink button below for a phone consultation to talk about marriage counseling and your goals for building positivity and emotional unity.
Let’s remove the couples therapy stigma and know that we specialize with distant couples who need help rebuilding connection and desire
Couples who enjoy marriage together work really hard to stay in tune with one another. As well, the most successful couples make time for each other. And, in counseling, couples who need help can learn tools to schedule time away from work to improve their marital connection.

What can you do today to feel playful again during the pandemic?
With the stress and anxiety of uncertainty around COVID, going our for a date can keep you both playful. Being together doesn’t just have to mean watching television or netflix. Instead, keep your dates fun by spicing it up. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we help distant couples rebuild connection and emotional closeness. Going for a date can help you in between therapy sessions keep your rituals of connection going. Remember, going on a date together is about prioritizing your relationship.
What happens when couples don’t go on dates anymore and stop sharing their feelings?
Manytimes, couples who don’t prioritize their relationship end up splitting up. Couples get busy doing other things they feel are more valuable than the relationship. On that note, couples therapy can be the time you need set aside each week to help your relationship evolve to the next level. Working with a marriage counselor in Litchfield County, Connecticut can help you feel heard and be a good listener too.
Tips for a positive date night from a marriage counselor in Litchfield County, Connecticut
As well, when you go on a date, this of it as time away from your phone, facebook, and snap chat. Try to be present in your mind, body, and spirit.
Another tip from a marriage counselor in Litchfield County, Connecticut is don’t talk about negative topics that cause you or your spouse feel stress
In addition, for a more positive date night, make certain conversation topics off limits. For one, it might be easy to let your conversation slip to grandma’s health, or the recent big job at work. So, don’t talk about your in-law’s, children, or anything stressful. If you know something bothers your spouse, don’t use date night to talk about it. Save that heated topic for a professional couples therapy session. Yes, being married means being responsible and having anxieties about children, money, health, extended family, and work. But, doin’t let these overwhelming responsibilities ruin your playfulness and date night.
Dress in a different way, that helps you feel special
On your date night, make a point to dress differently and dress up. It can be fun to dress up even if you are ordering take out. To note, pick out an outfit that helps you feel confident in your body. Simultaneously, it will allow you to be confident and bring that side to your date and relationship. So, change out of your work clothes or mechanic oil-stained paints for your date. Also, take the time to shower, bathe, and put on a light perfume or cologne. Frequently, couples caught in the complacency of family life forget the value of making date night special. Overall, wearing different clothes helps set the stage for work-life separation.
Implement Mindfulness Stress Check-In:
The idea of a stress check-in is like an emotional check-in. Talk about the stress and let it go. Remember, don’t blame each other.
Meditate together:
Do guided deep breathing, yoga nidra, meditation, yoga, relaxing activities, reading, coloring, aromatherapy with lavender essential oil.
Play a board game:
Pick out a fun, board game like Sorry, Monopoly, or even Jenga and laugh together. Often, we need playfulness in our lives and games can rebuild that.
Go for a walk in your neighborhood:
Walking together can help you both feel in sync. Simply put, being in fresh air, listening to the birds, seeing the animals, and holding hands can restorative.
Dress up in fancy outfits in your house:
Pretend you are going to a fancy, extravagant ball. For one, you can get a ballgown and have a blast at your own party in your house. As well, you can goto Goodwill and pick out silly clothes and have a theme party.
Picnic in your local park together:
Grab a picnic basket, some paper plates, and plastic utensils. Then, head over to Harkness State Park or Hammonasset Park to

In general, marriage counseling sessions support getting back to an easier, playful, and loving time with your spouse.
Goto couples therapy for emotional connection, and don’t wait too long:
Unfortunately, some couples wait to begin couple therapy after the relationship has already suffered extensively. Explore couple therapy and relationship counseling as options before the relationship gets to a place of negativity and no return.
Get take out.
Light some candles at home for a romantic take out meal. Now, there are so many great places in the Southeastern Connecticut, Old Lyme, Mystic, and East Lyme areas. Furthermore, we love Lillians, Illianos, or The Spice Club for dinner. Also, Yummy Yummy offers grinders, sandwiches, and pizza to go. As well, Osaka is great for sushi in East Lyme, Connecticut. Or, try Cafe Sol in Niantic, Ct for great sandwich or a Caesar salad. For lunch, in Old Saybrook, get take out from Jack Rabbits for burgers. The Rustic Cafe in Old Lyme, CT is another good burger spot. For breakfast, go to The Shack, When Pigs Fly, or The Mystic Diner. As well, for a fancier take out and fine dining, get take out from Liv’s in Old Saybrook. Additionally, Fresh Salt at the Old Saybrook Inn is also fine dining take out.
Couples therapy is an amazing investment in re-creating safe, calm conversations while sharing intense feelings that come up around topics like sex, finances, sexuality, and parenting values.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, your marriage therapist can help you learn skills to manage conflict, build a loving, long-term relationship, rekindle trust. As well, you can have a safe place to create a positive, playful dialogue about goals. Your marriage therapist can help you develop a secure couple bubble around healthy communication using Gottman Method Couples Therapy. Overall, Gottman Method Couples Therapy helps your children communicate in calm, clear ways too. By being in couples therapy, your children grow in positive aspects too.
To begin, calmly talking about topics like sex, finances, sexuality, and parenting values and building a loving, long-term relationship, click the pink button below.