If you have recently been cut off, you may feel so many intense emotions. As well, if you are on the other side of an estrangement with an adult child, it can be heartbreaking. Family estrangements can happen within many different types of relationships. In the past, you had incredibly positive memories with your adult child. Now, your loved one no longer answers your phone calls, and you feel cut out entirely. It is normal to be experiencing feelings of loss, bereavement, grief, anger, jealousy, and self-blame. When your adult child cuts you on, therapy can be very helpful. When you are going through a family estrangement with an adult child, you may feel hurt, depressed, and confused. The family estrangement therapists and specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you process this change.
Working with a therapist who specializes in family estrangement counseling can help you, as a parent, cope with this loss. Feelings of grief and loss go along with this major family change.
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The family estrangement therapists and specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you cope with your unique situation
Some family estrangements are short term and some family arrangements are more long-term. It can be sudden and unexpected. Estrangement in a family can impact future generations negatively. Grandchildren may lose contact with their grandparents as a result of estrangements in a family. A complete lack of communication can occur in a family estrangement or just limited communication. An adult child may block your phone number. Or, your adult child may not be speaking to you They may be ignoring letters you’ve sent. Your adult child may be blocking other attempts you’ve made to reach them, which can be very sad and defeating.
You may also be questioning how this could’ve happened to you and your family. At one time, you had an intact family and were very proud of your family dynamics. Now, suffering from family estrangement, you struggle to concentrate at work. You feel consumed with how you can get your child back in your life, and are dealing with major loss. Anxiety takes over your mind all the time regarding this estrangement.
Gaining acceptance from the family estrangement therapists and specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling
There is no one right way to be in a family or how a family should be. Working with a therapist can help you gain acceptance skills. Part of healing is learning to let go of how you want your family to be. Accepting how it is currently is part of gaining inner peace. Self-acceptance is a big step in healing family estrangement. Working with the family estrangement therapists and specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you find healthy coping tools. You can learn self-care skills to cope with loss, grief, pain, and anger. Counseling can help you be your best self until your adult child decides to speak with you again.
To begin, click the button below to book your consult to work with the family estrangement therapists and specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling.
The Wisdom Within Counseling family estrangement therapists and specialists provide positive coping tools for anger, anxiety, and jealousy.
Your adult child may have cut you out of your life. And, now you are on the opposite end of a family estrangement feeling very angry and sad. As a parent, when you have been cut out of an adult child’s life, it is common to experience depression. You may also feel jealousy, anxiety, or even rage. Wanting to connect with an adult child, when they don’t want to connect with you, can be sad.
Parents may be dealing with intense mental health issues like PTSD, depression and anxiety. As a result, you may turn to alcoholism, drug use, working too much, or other numbing behaviors when feeling loss. Alcoholism can be a negative coping tool. Some parents who have been estranged may turn to alcohol or drugs to numb big emotions. When lacking in healthy coping strategies, parents are more susceptible to alcoholism. As well, drug use, addiction, and other numbing behaviors lead to more negative cycles of emotional disconnection.

Feel all the feelings, especially anger and jealousy, in family estrangement counseling
Therapy for family estrangement can help you cope in positive, healthy ways. You may be suffering from appetite changes, sleep changes, concentration issues, grief, anger, and sadness. As well, you may feel jealousy towards friends and family members who still have a relationship with your adult child.
Working with a family estrangement specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you find holistic, healthy, and positive coping tools. From gaining positive coping strategies, you gain gain self-esteem and self-worth as a parent. Just because your adult child cut you out doesn’t mean you are a bad parent. Learning positive coping skills help you get through this very difficult time in your life. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize in estranged families, and provide therapy on this painful and specific family matter.
As a parent facing estrangement, jealousy is a normal part of processing and healing family estrangement
You might feel jealous and angry that other members of your family get to have a relationship with your child. Your adult child may maintain relationships with their aunts and uncles, your siblings. And, you adult child may stay connected to their siblings, your other adult children.
Even your spouse may still have the ability to connect with your adult child who has cut you out. It might feel like you are being blamed or labeled as a bad parent by your adult child. So, you may need a safe space with a therapist to talk about jealousy. When when your spouse still gets to have a relationship with your adult child, you might feel angry towards them.
Rage, loss, sadness, jealousy, and anger are very common emotions
When your adult child no longer wants to speak to you, therapy can help you cope.
It seems like just a few years ago, you were able to give a warm hug to your adult child. There are positive memories of their childhood. Your adult child wanted your love at that time. Now, it feels like your adult child no longer sees you as a valuable person in their life. Frustration, irritation, anger, and sadness are all normal feelings when an adult child pushes you out of their life.

To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult to work with the family estrangement therapists and specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling.
What are triggers and how can family estrangement counseling specialists help you cope as a parent?
You might be angry, sad, or hurt when you see your friends posting pictures of their family on Facebook or social media. When you see a family portrait or a happy family portrayed on social media, you might be overcome with waves of anger and rage.
When friends at work try talking to you about their adult children, you feel jealous, insecure, and even tearful. Working with a family estrangement specialist and counselor at Wisdom Within can help you find ways to cope with his loss and grief. Working with a specialist regarding family estrangement counseling and help you understand your personal triggers. For instance, social media posts can trigger anger and sadness. As well, looking at your adult child’s elementary school graduation photos can trigger loss, irritation, grief, and sleepless nights.
You may have lost a relationship with your grandchildren as a result of family estrangements and cut offs
If you are a parent who has been cut out from your adult child life, you may be suffering from complex trauma and loss as well. You may have had a relationship with your adult child children, your grandchildren. It seems like overnight, your adult child has severed the relationship between you and your grandchildren. When your adult child stepped away from you and cut you out, you also lost the relationship you were building with your grandchildren. And, you deeply want a relationship with your grandchildren. You remember being there the day your grandchildren were born and you were at the hospital.
As well, you have fond memories of helping your adult child learn how to take care of a newborn. But now, it seems like your adult child has forgotten all of those good memories and it’s only focusing on blaming you.

To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult to work with the family estrangement therapists and specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Working with a family estrangement specialist and counselor at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you talk about your story.
You can keep the memory of your adult child live and be prepared for when they do want to reach out to you again. Working with a family estrangement specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you understand what you’re going through is normal. Getting help from a professional family estrangement specialist is key. It may be hard for your friends, neighbors, or siblings to understand the severity of the loss, grief, and anger you are experiencing because they still have loving relationships with their own adult children.
Reconnecting through the help of a family estrangement specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling
After years or decades of not speaking, and a lack of communication, you and your adult child may want to reconnect.
Your adult child might be setting boundaries and saying they only want to reconnect with the support of a therapist present. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we specialize in family estrangement work, complex trauma, and the healing process.
Family estrangement can be a major trauma and wound for both an adult child, and a parent.

Learn why the estrangement felt necessary as part of healing and reconnecting
Usually, there was at least one experience of trauma and painful event that causes an adult child to become estranged from their parent. Working with a family estrangement therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help both parents and adult children talk about these traumatic incidences. Many times, trauma experiences have not been spoken about for years.
To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult to work with the family estrangement therapists and specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling.
From family estrangement counseling, a parent can better understand the emotional impact they had on their adult child. A parent may need help from a therapist to apologize for any instances of emotional immaturity or trauma they caused. Also, a parent can learn to validate their adult child’s emotions and better understand what caused their adult child to want to cut them out.
What negative aspects can happen when parents and child try to talk without the help of a family estrangement specialist?
Working with a specialist in family estrangement counseling is very important rather than a generalist or even alone. Many times, family members try to have these conversations without the help of a family estrangement specialist.
Unfortunately, intense emotions like anger, anxiety, and fear get re-triggered and cause an even more intense estrangements. With the help of a family therapist, who specializes in family estrangement at Wisdom Within Counseling, you and your adult child can heal. You get a safe and confidential space to heal from past trauma together. Essentially, parents and children can gain empathy for each other’s life experiences and choose to heal together.
Your adult child can benefit from a safe place in therapy to talk about how their childhood trauma impacted them into their adult years.
Unresolved childhood trauma can cause an adult child to cut their parent out rather than healing from the trauma experience. Often, an adult child will feel safe and supported once again by their parent, when their parent knows how to emotionally validate their past experiences of trauma. Therapy can help support emotional validation skills. Having a therapist who specializes in family estrangement, grief, anxiety, and trauma can be very helpful. You can discuss the emotional effects that go along with estrangement can help you and let your adult child know you understand their pain and trauma. Furthermore, from family estrangement counseling, parents and adult children can reconnect in a healthy way.
To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult to work with the family estrangement therapists and specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling.

Family estrangement therapists and specialists help family gain better communication skills
There may be frustrations that resurface and your family estrangement therapist can help you communicate these more calmly. If either of you start yelling, your family estrangement therapist will step in and ask you both to pause. You can learn self-soothing skills for grounding in family estrangement counseling like taking a deep breath.
It is normal to experience, anger and resentment on both sides of a family estrangement.
These emotions can be processed in family estrangement counseling. Family estrangement counseling can help an adult child and their parent build an even healthier relationship. After trauma, parents and children can create a more authentic relationship than they had ever before. Usually an adult child cuts out a parent because they do not know how to talk about past trauma. Adult children don’t feel that they can talk about what occurred in their childhood.
Working with a family estrangement specialist that Wisdom Within Counseling can help parents and their adult children build a healthy and safe relationship.
Therapy can help parents and adult children create a new bond that feels healthy and comfortable to them both. Adult children can start to learn options without feeling that a cut off is the only option.
Therapy can help you adult child understand estrangement isn’t the only option for handling painful trauma experiences. An adult child may feel that family estrangement is their only option for healing past trauma.
From working with a family estrangement therapist, your adult child can learn how to communicate what they need. Your adult child can learn how to cope and communicate when they do feel triggered. Parents can understand how to emotionally validate their adult child through counseling. Also, in family estrangement counseling, parents can gain clarity. An adult child can express the painful emotions that caused the cut off. Parents can understand why their adult child wanted to cut them out originally.
To begin, click the button below to book your consult to work with the family estrangement therapists and specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Family estrangement is no easy experience in life.
Meeting with family estrangement therapy specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you and your adult child feel emotionally supported. There can also be social, financial, traumatic, contextual, and environmental factors that impact family estrangement.
By healing a family estrangement, you and your adult child make a positive impact on your family tree.
Learning how to communicate emotions better as a whole can allow future generations to also learn positive communication strategies. Rather than feeling like not talking is the only thing you can do, therapy can support a healthy relationship. Learning to talk about the most painful experiences your family has been through can be healing.

What is one benefit of family estrangement therapy?
Improving communication can actually help future generations have better communication tools too.
Working with a family estrangement specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you reconnect with your adult child. As well, you can improve communication skills with other family members. Rekindling communication with grandchildren, cousins, aunts, and uncles is a benefit of counseling.
Your adult child can improve their communication skills too. Additionally, your adult child can talk to you about anxiety, dread, trauma, and other negative emotions they feel. As well, you adult child can start to see you as a safe person in their life. From talking about trauma your child experienced in their childhood, they can build emotional safety with you. There may be trauma experiences your adult child shares in counseling that you may never realized occurred. For instance, sexual abuse is something you didn’t know happened to them.
Working with a family estrangement specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help your family feel whole again after trauma.
Overall, working with a family estrangement counselor and specialist can help you create a more wholesome version of your family. From family estrangement counseling, you can confidently heal from past trauma together.
The team at Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in family arrangement therapy and help family members heal after complex trauma. In addition to traditional talk counseling, we offer a mixture of holistic strategies. For instance, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, letter writing, poetry, painting, and art can be healing. We find that family members benefit from using multiple ways to communicate and ways beyond words.