Do you want a relationship with a loved one that has cut you out? Wondering if the relationship with your family member can be restored? Do you want positive communication skills to have a more positive relationship with a loved one who has cut you off? Are you confused as to why your adult child has estranged themselves from you, after you have loved them your whole life? When it comes to family estrangement, it can be heart breaking. One moment you were close and happy with your child or loved one. Then, you have been blocked, can’t contact them, or they won’t respond to your calls or letters. Family estrangement can be an unrecognized grief and loss that society does not acknowledge. The family estrangement counseling specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling help families in distress, who love each other, start to mend, repair, and heal bonds.
To begin, book a phone consult below for family estrangement therapy and relationship restoration.
Watch the video with Katie Ziskind above about reconnecting with an estranged family member. Wisdom Within Counseling is a group of Connecticut and Florida estrangement counseling specialists. Katie Ziskind is a licensed marriage and family therapist in Connecticut and Florida, as well as a yoga therapist, child therapist, Level two Gottman marriage therapist, and family therapist.
Whether your sister, brother, daughter, or loved one pushes you out, it is normal to feel hurt, confused, or not sure what to do next.
Commonly, the Wisdom Within Counseling therapists help parents when an adult child has cut them out. If your siblings have pushed you out of their lives, we can help there too.
Life can feel purposeless when your child estranges from you. Going to counseling for family estrangement therapy can help you on an individual level process the hurt you are feeling. As well, when your family member is ready to reconnect, you can do so in a calm way from counseling skills.
To begin, book a phone consult to work with family estrangement counseling specialists with the button below.
What is it like to be estranged from a loved one you still want a relationship with?
It can bring tears to your eyes when you realize your loved one no longer wants a relationship with you. Right now, you might be flooded with happy memories, wondering and feeling sad as to why your family member pushed you out.
You may still have a lot of love to give and want to reconnect with a family member who has cut you off. But, you feel pushed out and isolated outside of your own free will.

Symptoms of experiencing family estrangement
Sometimes, you have good days where you feel positive. Other days, you wish they would call you back and return your voicemails. At times, you just call and call, and even mail letters with no reply. You have so many good memories of fun times with your loved one.
Sometimes, you flip through their baby book, their photo albums, and cry. Unfortunately, your loved one seems to only be focusing on the bad times. You wonder if your loved one is doing okay because you simply care. More than anything else, you want you loved one to know that you love them.
Obsessive, racing thoughts and anxiety are symptoms of being cut off
When you try to think back to what happened that caused the estrangement, it feels like something changed overnight.
In their last communication with you before you got cut off, they called you names, possibly even accused you of being narcissistic.
Cut offs and estrangements are emotionally painful and traumatic life experiences. Wisdom Within Counseling offers a family estrangement counseling speciality to help individuals and their loved ones heal. Repairing a relationship after an estrangement or cut off takes the help of a professional to support healthy communication.
What does a family estrangement do to families and how can therapy help?
Family estrangement is the loss of a previously existing relationship, that for some, was positive in the past. This is where family estrangements can be so painful and hurtful.
At one point, everyone seemed to be on good terms and love each other. However, due to some event between family members, physical and emotional distancing occurs. One, or at times both people, put barriers up.
To begin, book a phone consult to work with family estrangement counseling specialists with the button below.

Family estrangement counseling specialists help parents reconnect with their adult children who have cut them out
With emotional distance, no communication between the individuals occurs. Often, major life events take place for both people during this time of cut off and separation.
An adult child who is estranged from their parents may get married, have children, and start a new job all while having no contact with their parents. Not being a part of these milestone events can lead a parent who is estranged to feel depressed, sad, hurt, frustrated, and concerned.
How to reconnect with an estranged family member?
Processing all these feelings can be a part of family estrangement counseling. Your adult child may have a variety of intense emotions they have not been communicating, due to the cut off. As well, you, as a parent, may have feelings that you want to share too. Working with a family estrangement counseling specialist can give you a safe place to talk again.
Taking baby steps is the way to go when it comes to restoring connection and reunifying. There are so many big, intense feelings that have been bottled up on all sides.
So, it is very helpful and essential to work with a family estrangement counseling specialist, who understand this delicate process. At Wisdom Within Counseling, our family estrangement therapists understand how sensitive and important reconnecting positively is.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, your family estrangement therapist can guide conversations and teach you both how to talk again.
You can meet individually with your family estrangement therapist in Connecticut at Wisdom Within.
As well, you can set up family therapy sessions where you and your adult child can start talking with the support of a therapist. Working with the therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling, you get to meet with a family estrangement counseling specialist.

To begin, book a phone consult below for family estrangement therapy and relationship restoration.
Adult children pushing out and estranging from parents
One common form of family estrangement is an adult child pushing away their parent. For instance, your adult child has cut you out of their life. In their childhood, you were involved, present, and were there for them.
You watched them grow up from childhood to adolescent years and then become a teenager. Even at their worst teen moments, filled with attitude and hormones, you were there for them.
Now, your child has grown up into an adult and is making their own decisions.

Looking to reconnect with your adult child who has estranged themselves from you?
Unfortunately, your adult child has made a choice to push you out, not speak to you, and not involve you in their life.
You are feeling so hurt because you are not only cut off from your adult child, but also your grandchildren.
One moment you were play on the floor with your grandchildren. You had hopes and dreams of watching your grandchildren grow up. For one, you were there the day they were born. And, now you are hurt and confused as to what you did that caused this major cut off and estrangement.
Things felt good and happy in the past. It feels like just yesterday that you were watching them when your adult child needed a break and time to themselves. Then, overnight, or what feels like overnight, you are pushed out of their life.
Wisdom Within Counseling is a group of therapists who are family estrangement counseling specialists. What you have been trying may not have working. So, we help grieving, hurt parents find creative, healthy, and positive ways to reconnect with their adult children.
Meeting with a family estrangement counseling specialist can help you cope with loss and emotions
For some, getting cut off means not only having lost a relationship with an adult child, but also grand children. At times, an adult child will get and coerce other family members to stop speaking to you too. There can be multiple, complex losses and traumas that occur after family estrangement.
You may feel like you lost a whole limb on your family tree due to family estrangement. Not only did you lose your adult child, but it also feels like your innocent grandchildren have been taken away from you too.
Multiple losses can occur from family estrangement
Your own family is turning on you and you feel so lost, hopeless, frustrated, and hurt. In family estrangement counseling at Wisdom Within, you can gain positive coping strategies.
Walking therapy outdoors in the sun by the beach can be an option for you. As well, we offer art, painting, yoga, and holistic, mind-body therapies to help you feel more connected to yourself.
To begin, book a phone consult to work with family estrangement counseling specialists with the button below.
When a loved one will not talk with you, finding healthy, holistic ways to cope with the grief is essential. Creating calm and peace from within is a part of family estrangement counseling.

Learn positive coping strategies from working with a family estrangement counseling specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling
At times, due to the complex feelings of loss, sadness, and hurt, you may want to numb out your own feelings. Partying, drinking alcohol in excess, using drugs, working too much, or overeating junk food are all negative coping tools. Getting through the day feels so challenging, so you find yourself drinking more and more alcohol daily.
Sometimes, you wake up feeling sick to your stomach and have no appetite whatsoever. Other days, you eat junk food and sweets, and just can’t stop eating, due to the emotional pain. Even though your alcohol use is getting worse, you are eating unhealthy foods, and working as much as you can, you still feel deep emotional pain.

You can have a safe place to talk about your family tree, your hopes, dreams, and grieve the pain.
Instead of negative strategies to numb out pain, you can feel the normal emotions of sadness that come from family estrangement. Therapy for family estrangement can be a safe place to cry and relese. Our family estrangement counseling specialists can help you cope and find holistic outlets for the emotional pain you experience.
Being estranged can lead to depression, lethargy, tearfulness, low motivation, low self-esteem, lack of purpose, and suicidal thinking.
Working with a family estrangement counseling speciality therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you cope in healthy ways with estrangement. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we encourage holistic, trauma-centered, mind-body therapies for coping tools. When you feel sad, lost, frustrated, scared, or hurt, you can use a holistic coping tool to cope.
Holistic coping tools in family estrangement counseling
For instance, Wisdom Within Counseling offers you and your family members art, painting, yoga, clay, walk and talk therapy, and music therapy. Painting and art can help family members talk in a way that words can’t offer. Plus, painting and art in therapy can be a language in addition to talking through colors and textures. These holistic therapies help family members communicate in ways beyond words. Often, when emotions are intense, art, painting, yoga, music, and walking therapies support a calm nervous system too.

Why does someone push their family away?
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we offer family estrangement counseling speciality therapy. In family estrangement counseling, your therapist can help you understand what may have caused your loved one to push you out. Now, we try to remove blame and feelings of shame in counseling. However, it can be helpful to talk about past events to better understand how to make a repair in the relationship.
To begin, book a phone consult to work with family estrangement counseling specialists with the button below.
Past sexual, physical, and emotional abuse are common reasons families start meeting with a family estrangement counseling specialist
For example, oftentimes an adult child will push away and estrange from parents due to intense feelings. Your child may have felt sexually, physically, or emotionally abused in childhood years. Understanding this trauma and healing trauma is part of family estrangement counseling at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Maybe, your adult child feels you, as a parent, hurt them directly.
Or, your adult child feels that when a relative was sexually or physically abusing them, that you were not there to stop it. Your adult child can have a safe place to calmly share their feelings related to past sexual trauma in counseling.
Or, your adult child who identifies as a sexual or physical abuse survivor feels that you could have stopped it.
Or, they may have told you they were being sexually molested, and you didn’t believe they were telling the truth. You may still not believe them, or question the truth. However, it is not about right vs. wrong when it comes to family estrangement therapy therapy.

Why is is necessary to have a family estrangement counseling specialist present for reconnecting?
Often, family members try reunifying and it ends in a yelling, high conflict disagreement with another more harsh trauma.
Without proper, healthy communication skills, attempting to reconnect can go poorly.
Commonly, people have the best intentions. However, reconnecting with an estranged family member can go more smoothly when you are working with a specialist for family estrangement. In therapy for family estrangement, you can learn individually, a variety of ways to gently reach out.
When your family member is ready to attend family estrangement therapy appointments with you, we can work with you both. Having two or more family members together in a counseling appointment is very common.

Our team at Wisdom Within Counseling can support healthy communication skills for better family relationships.
Growing up in a dysfunction family creates dysfunctional communication skills. So, therapy for family estrangement can teach all family members present positive, gentle, and compassionate communication skills. If you or your loved ones resort to yelling, or even think yelling is a healthy way to communicate, Wisdom Within Counseling would love to help.
Can being in therapy for family estrangement help me and my family member stop yelling and reduce tension, and help us gain healthy, compassionate communication skills?
Learning to communicate is often not something we learn from childhood experiences. In childhood, math and science are required. However, dysfunctional parents and neglectful caregivers often raise us into the people we are today. Parents are well intentioned, and may have childhood trauma themselves that made them who they are.
With that said, generational trauma patterns get passed down from grandparent, to parent, to child. Learning about childhood trauma and PTSD therapy skills for coping in healthy ways are positive parts of counseling.
Cut offs and estrangements can be repaired and healed with the support.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, therapy for family estrangement can help individuals and families feel whole again.
Therapy for family estrangement will teach you both healthy communication tools. For instance, you can learn about how you loved one needs to receive love. Often, we give love in the ways we like to receive it. But, your adult child, sibling, or loved one may need help from therapy to vocalize their love needs.
Miscommunication and anger may be holding your loved one back, but really deep down, they feel hurt. As well, healthy communication skills can be helpful for you and your family member life long. You can learn to identify defensivness in communication.
Family estrangement counseling specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling support positive communication, meaningful connection, and love in relationships.
To begin, book a phone consult to work with family estrangement counseling specialists with the button below.
Learning to heal, re-trust again, and bond again can occur in family estrangement therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Many times, family members get defensive without even realizing it. So, family therapy for estrangement offers family members time to pause and learn how their communication style can be improved. Identifying defensivness and criticism are essential skills for having a healthy, loving, positive relationship.
Commonly, and adult child will express that they feel critiqued by their parent in the process of estrangement therapy. So, an adult child may say their parent uses too much criticism and they want praise instead.
Your family therapist can help you navigate receiving information and emotions from your loved one, and responding.
We can ensure that you communicate what you are intending to in a loving, emotionally focused way. Sharing feelings can be confusing and difficult at first, and come out all wrong. Instead of being afraid it will come out wrong, your family’s therapist can help you figure out what you want to say and share.
Sharing feelings can lead people to feel incredibly close, vulnerable, and emotionally bonded.
Therapy for family estrangement supports family members in opening up. People close up when they do not feel safe emotionally. Therefore, Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in helping family members create safety again. Emotional safety is one of the deepest forms of bonding and love.
Sharing your feelings such as loss, fear, pride, excitement, and hurt are an essential part of family estrangement therapy. So, learning to share your feelings and gaining communication skills are well worth the work. Your family’s therapist can make sharing feelings fun and a process of bonding.
What are examples of healthy communication that working with a family estrangement counseling specialist in Connecticut can help me learn?
Furthermore, estrangement therapy sessions can help you reduce criticism and replace it with compassionate conversation skills. First, you get to learn to identify criticism. Then, counseling supports understanding how criticism makes your loved one feel. Next, your loved one can share how they feel.
Tone of voice is a big part of communicating in a loving way.
Learning to stop blaming one another will improve your bond and relationship. After trauma experiences, learning to stop blaming can take the help of a family estrangement specialist.
Overall, therapy for family estrangement teaches all family members gentle start up skills. “A gentle start up,” is a Gottman therapy skill to bring up a tense topic softly. Being soothing in your tone of voice is a communication skill family therapy for estrangement can teach.

To begin, book a phone consult below for family estrangement therapy and relationship restoration.
Therapy for family estrangement gives you and your family members a safe place to express all feelings
Essentially, meeting with a family estrangement counseling specialist at Wisdom Within can give your adult child a safe place to express feelings. Maybe, they feel unheard, hurt, neglected, or other deep, intense emotions.
Family estrangement counseling specialists can help you hear and share feelings in calm, healthy ways. Furthermore, talking about your feelings and hearing your loved one share their feelings is a positive part of family estrangement counseling. Your therapist can help you both have positive conversation vs. it going to an angry place.
Having a safe place to talk about and process these feelings promotes healing. From family estrangement counseling in Connecticut, you can rebuild a healthier, meaningful, and new relationship.
Therapy for family estrangement at Wisdom Within Counseling supports family members in creating a positive bond.

Working with a family estrangement counseling specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help all family members gain understanding for each other’s trauma
The pain of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse can lead an adult child to push away people they feel didn’t protect them at that time.
An adult child who is on the other end, creating the estrangement, has so many intense, huge emotions, that they feel a cut off is easier than dealing with relationships.
Why work with a family estrangement counseling specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling?
Well, cut offs and estrangements often only provide temporary relief. Anxiety, anger, and confusion still churn around in your adult child’s mind. Dealing with these emotions and talking it though provide long-term emotional relief and comfort. And, our family estrangement counseling specialists at Wisdom Within can help you do so.
Our family estrangement counseling specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling understand how to navigate the reunification process.
Cut offs never truly provide the clarity that a person is hoping for. Instead, cut offs and estrangements often lead to more negative coping tools.