If your romantic relationship is not in a good place, Wisdom Within Counseling can help. Have you been emotionally cheating on your partner? Do you feel sad more often than not? Are you overthinking everything and check your to do list over and over? Is your relationship with your romantic partner not going smoothly? Emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida can help when you want to improve my romantic relationship. When you have a regret you want to get past, therapy can help you regain trust in yourself and confidence. Right now, after emotionally cheating, it may feel like you can’t enjoy life. Counseling can help you enjoy life more and improve your relationships.

Emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida supports self-awareness
Right now, you might be looking for counseling because your romantic relationship is not in a good place. You have realize that you have been emotionally cheating. For many years, reaching out to other people, romantically outside of your relationship has gotten you through.
Stress, loss, and tough times are not easy. You may have used emotional cheating to try to cope with stress as a negative coping tool. As well, this behavior may not have been problematic for you until very recently in your current romantic relationship. You always found a way to hide your emotional affairs. For many, emotional cheating is often a symptom of loss and trauma. You might have shame, guilt, humiliation, and embarrassment around your behaviors.
To begin, book your phone consult for emotional cheating therapy and for positive coping skills.
It feels like you need the help of a professional to stop emotionally cheating.
Working with a therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you do you gain awareness about emotional cheating. Your therapist may want to know how emotional cheating has served you in your life. Up until this point, you may have found joy, comfort, and safety and emotionally cheating. It didn’t seem like an issue until recently. However, now that you have realize how much emotional cheating hurts your romantic partner, you want to change your behavior. You want your romantic partner to be proud of you.
Now, you have realized how much you have disappointed and betrayed your partner by emotionally cheating.
Your partner feels hurt, angry, sad, humiliated, betrayed, jealous, and sad. And, you are feeling embarrassed, ashamed, regret, sad, lost, confused, anxious, and guilty. When your romantic partner found out that you’ve been emotionally cheating, you felt so much. It is normal to feel sad and guilty. Emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida can help you process the intense emotions that go along with emotional cheating.

Process guilt, regret, and shame in emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida
Cheating feels like the last thing you wanted to do to them.
You care about your romantic partner, and you wish you could take your actions back. However, emotional cheating can be an opportunity to look deeper at yourself and love yourself. Many times, intense emotions of loss, grief, and sadness are at the root of emotional cheating. Emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida can help you gain positive coping tools. To add, therapy can also help you rebuild trust with your romantic partner after this betrayal has occurred.
To begin, book your phone consult for emotional cheating therapy and for positive coping skills.
What is emotional cheating?
When you have been emotionally cheating, you may have been emotionally confiding in someone outside of your romantic relationship. This may be for a variety of reasons. However, when you share details of your life with someone besides your partner, this is cheating.
Sometimes, a person shares intimate or sexual details with someone outside their relationship. You may also share troubles you are facing with someone outside your relationship. These are all forms of emotional cheating.
At the same time as you are cheating emotionally, you may have found yourself becoming more distant from your partner.
Maybe, you also feel disconnected from your romantic partner. From emotionally cheating, you and your partner may become emotionally disengaged. When you are emotionally cheating, you might find yourself thinking about the person you are cheating with all the time. You may have obsessive thoughts about your affair partner.
At first, you may see this type of connection as not a problem. However, over time, having an emotional affair can be very damaging. Many times, emotional affairs have emotional and erotic components to them. This sexual and erotic energy is often lacking in the romantic relationship you are in. You may have a need for sexual, romantic, or erotic energy that you get from emotional cheating. Sometimes, emotional cheating occurs without romance, sexual energy, or sexting.
Sexual and emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida
Sometimes, when people emotionally cheat, they will also send sexual pictures and sext with someone outside of the romantic relationship. Even though you are not physically having sex or exchanging fluids, you may be expressing yourself sexually with someone else.
You might have found yourself sending sexual text messages. Perhaps, you text your affair partner when you are at work. You get excited to be able to be yourself around your affair partner. Or, you may even be sending sexual photos to someone outside of your romantic relationship. However, it also feels like you are living a double life.
How does emotional cheating feel?
In your romantic relationship, you may feel lonely, hurt, or criticized. So, that leaves a void of connection.
Then, someone else fills that emotional void. At first when emotionally cheating, a part of you feels excited to have someone who is finally interested in you. The person who you are in a romantic relationship with may no longer be thinking of you. Your romantic partner may not be acting in a fun, sexy, or playful way anymore. As well, your romantic partner might be taking out their anxiety and stress on you. So, you now have found yourself lacking attention.
From there, you may feel attracted to someone else, while in a relationship with your partner. And, you may enjoy flirting with someone else outside of your relationship. Maybe, you are afraid to break up with your partner, or are afraid to live without them. So, you lie. It can be a very awkward place to be.

To begin, book your phone consult for emotional cheating therapy and for positive coping skills.
For sometime, you might have kept emotional cheating a secret.
We often don’t learn how to manage these different, complex emotions growing up. So, emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida can help you do so. When you have feelings for someone other than your partner, you may feel in love with two people. At times, you feel such inner conflict and anxiety. You may have never been in a situation like this before and you know you want help.
Can emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida support healthy boundaries?
Yes, emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida helps you identify and maintain healthy boundaries. Essentially, emotional cheating means that you’ve crossed a boundary. At the start of your relationship, you created a boundary. Emotional cheating is a behavior that violates this initial boundary. Your boundary breaking behavior actually creates distrust in dishonesty within your romantic relationship.
Your unmet needs of attention, comfort, connection, and sexual expression, are valid. Though the actions of secret keeping and emotionally cheating is hurtful. Emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida can help you have honest conversations. Therapy can help you talk with your partner directly, rather than emotionally cheating.

Why do people keep secrets and emotionally cheat?
Part of you may have kept emotional cheating a secret because you’re afraid of your partner’s reaction. You wonder if they will become anxious, explode in anger, or if they will even break up with you.
On another note, you might have fears of abandonment, insecurities, or feel inadequate.
Sometimes, the root of emotional cheating is wanting attention. Each of us wants to be seen as special and important to someone. When you don’t feel important in the eyes of your romantic partner, it’s normal to feel excited about getting this emotional connection from someone else.
When you are emotionally cheating, you can learn other, positive coping tools to use instead. To add, if you have been oversharing with an outside person, you may be stuck in an emotional affair. You may have a negative habit of emotionally cheating for many years into the past. As well, when emotionally cheating, you may be disclosing too much and creating a heart-to-heart bond with someone else. Often, emotional cheating behaviors harm your current partnership and can lead to break ups.
To begin, book your phone consult for emotional cheating therapy and for positive coping skills.
Emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida can help you create healthy boundaries and improve your communication.
You can talk with your current romantic partner about how you no longer feel important. And, you can discuss how you feel lonely within your relationship with them. Additionally, emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida can help you identify and use skills to repair trust.
Can emotional cheating therapy help me improve my relationships?
When there has been a breach of trust through emotional cheating, this can actually be a sign of other cracks within your romantic relationship. Emotional cheating is often not the only problem couples are struggling with. To note, emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida can help you identify greater issues and unmet needs. Therapy can help you identify what needs are not being met with your romantic relationship. Maybe, you don’t feel sexually seen or like sex is happening enough. You can talk with your partner about how you want to improve the level and frequency of sex intimacy.

Accepting your needs is a part of emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida
Perhaps, you know that you need attention, praise, and need your romantic partner to stop criticizing everything you do. Being appreciated and given praise are valid needs in relationships. Or, you have been cheating with someone who is the same sex as you. And, you want to explore a same sex relationship. Learning you are bisexual can come out of emotionally cheating.
Partners can come together in couples therapy sessions to discuss meeting one anther’s needs.
At times, a romantic partner may is not interested in listening to your needs. Then, it might be time to communicate that you can’t for see yourself having a future with them. Accepting your own needs is an important step in a healthy relationship. Communicating your needs is essential too. A healthy relationship means sharing similar values and goals. The fact that you are emotionally cheating means that something has been missing from your current romantic relationship.
What to expect in emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida?
Learning to talk about what has been missing is a big part of emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida. Being vulnerable together is another benefit. Couples often lack skills for trust, intimacy, and closeness until meeting with a couples therapist. Therapy can help you understand the root emotions under your emotional affair behavior. You can talk about your needs and wants after emotional affair in therapy.
To begin, book your phone consult for emotional cheating therapy and for positive coping skills.
How do emotional affairs begin?
Often times, emotional affairs begin as friendships. You might have a friendship with a coworker that evolves into something more. Or, you may have sexual chemistry with someone from high school. It might feel really easy to develop and evolve the sexual chemistry with a coworker. Within your romantic relationship, the sexual chemistry seems almost non-existent. Your current, romantic partner criticizes you, belittles you, or doesn’t listen to you. And, you might feel ignored within your current romantic relationship. The recipe for an emotional affair is brewing.

You can identify how the affair took place through emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida
When lonely feelings surface, couples do not talk about them. Communication tools are part of emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida. From unmet needs, emotional affairs may begin. A friend from high school, or a coworker has offers you eye contact, positive gestures, attention, and even complements. These things feel really good. As well, they can make you feel attractive and important to someone outside of your current romantic relationship. Even though it might seem harmless to spend time with someone outside of your romantic relationship, this is how emotional affairs begin.
Emotional cheating can occur between all types of couples. Same sex couples, open relationship couples, heterosexual couples, and bisexual couples can all face emotional cheating. No matter your age, gender, or ethnicity, you may find yourself emotional cheating. Emotional cheating is a negative behavior that can harm relationships long term.
Sings that you have been emotionally cheating
When you are emotionally cheating, you don’t tell your romantic partner what you tell your affair partner. You are keeping your affair partner a secret from your romantic partner. As well, you turn to your affair partner when your romantic partner hurts your feelings, rather than telling your romantic partner. When you are emotionally cheating, you may change passwords on your phone and computer. You are intentionally preventing your romantic from having access to your messages with your affair partner.
As well, when you are having an emotional affair, you may have a high level of anxiety. You may constantly live in fear that your romantic partner will find out your are emotionally cheating. When your affair partner has a birthday, you purchase them a thoughtful gift. You may have stopped doing this for your romantic partner. As well, when you are emotionally cheating, you may cancel plans with your romantic partner to spend time conversing with your affair partner. You may feel more disconnected from your romantic partner after speaking with your affair partner. You and your affair partner may speak to each other in flirty ways, sending sexual messages and naked photos.
When emotionally cheating, you may look forward to talking with your affair partner more so than your romantic partner or spouse. Therapy on the Space Coast of Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you identify your unmet needs and stop emotionally cheating.

Often, an emotional affair begins because someone is feeling very lonely, ignored, disregarded, or like a parent, or caretaker to their current romantic partner.
Working with a therapist can help you have outlets for stress and talk with your partner directly about how to rebuild sexual, chemistry. Emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida can help you develop healthier boundaries when it comes to friendships. You can regain a secure attachment and connection with your partner. When you and your current romantic partner are feeling secure and emotionally bonded, that doesn’t leave any room for an emotional affair to develop. When your romantic partner is giving you positive compliments and helping you feel important, you both feel very strong together. As well, when you feel a secure attachment to your partner, friendships just stay friendships.
To begin, book your phone consult for emotional cheating therapy and for positive coping skills.
A mixture of individual counseling and couples therapy can be helpful after an emotional affair.
However, when your current romantic partner rejects you sexually, unloads their anxiety on you, and uses you as a dumping mat, you may find yourself seeking validation and comfort from someone outside your relationship. Your partner can learn how their behaviors have created distance and hurt you too.

What roles do loss and trauma play in emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida?
As well, the roots of emotional cheating can often be lost in trauma. Trauma is different for each person. You may have suffered from a major car accident, causing you to have a physical injury. Or, you may have been an athlete with a major injury, and can no longer work out or exercise in the way that once brought you joy. As well, loss and trauma can include losing a relative suddenly. Maybe, one of your parents, spouse, or siblings died from a heart attack or from cancer. You may have never fully grieved or healed from this loss. Commonly, loss of a child, infertility, and a miscarriage can all be complex traumas that contribute to emotional cheating. You can process and heal from loss and trauma through emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida.
Can unwanted touch, rape, molestation, and sexual abuse play a part in emotional cheating?
Yes, unwanted touch, rape, molestation, and sexual abuse can impact trust and intimacy in adulthood. Additionally, if when you grew up, you experienced sexual abuse, these experiences can contribute to emotional cheating behaviors. Experiencing rape, incest, molestation, and sexual assault in childhood traumatizes a child. These traumatic experiences can cause a child to have a warped, dysfunction perception of relationships. From a young age, a child learned to trust an abusive person, who manipulated them.
Secret keeping behaviors can develop due to sexual assault
After sexual assault, rape, or molestation, children are often told to keep it a secret by the person who sexually assaults them. A child may have learned to be dishonest by keeping the sexual assault a secret from their parents. You can learn how abusive people influenced your developing mind in childhood. You can take back your power and gain healthier coping tools in counseling. So, emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida can help redefine meaning of honesty, trust, and healing.

To begin, book your phone consult for emotional cheating therapy and for positive coping skills.
Having emotionally narcissistic parents can be traumatic
You may have had a parent who is emotionally unavailable or narcissistic. Growing up with parents that were narcissistic and belittled you can cause emotional cheating behaviors in adulthood. You may have never seen healthy boundaries between your parents or caregivers. Maybe, one of your parents, normalized cheating by having their own affairs. Perhaps, you partner told you about all their sexual partners traumatizing you. Your parents may have over shared with you about their sexual relationships. Emotional cheating is often a symptom of a much deeper unresolved, trauma or loss experience.
Talking about loss and trauma in emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida can help you fully heal from these different traumatic experiences
You may have been through a lot in your life and feel like you are split between your current romantic partner, and your affair partner. Talking with a therapist can help you understand your secret keeping behaviors. Secret keeping may have been normal in your house growing up. You can gain awareness and skills to stop dysfunctional secret keeping behaviors. Emotional affair behaviors perpetuate dysfunction and pain. Learning about secret keeping and how trauma has influenced you can be positive.
You can break the generational traumatic pattern and gain deeper insight. As well, emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida can help you learn how to be emotionally vulnerable. You can rebuild trust through honest, open communication. As well, you can build emotional intimacy by sharing what you are feeling with your romantic partner. Instead of feeling that you need to keep a secret, you can learn to develop intimacy and connection with your partner.

Where in Florida can you receive therapy for emotional cheating and intimacy counseling?
Wisdom Within Counseling helps couples and adults along the Space Coast in Palm Bay, Viera, Merritt Island, West Melbourne, Grant-Valkaria, Cape Canaveral, Melbourne Beach, Indian Harbor Beach, Satellite and Indialantic Beach, Sebastian, Cocoa Beach, Rockledge, Fort Meyers, Punta Gorda, Malabar, Florida. As well, the marriage therapists help adults and couples in Tampa, Jacksonville, Orlando, Daytona Beach, Naples, Ocala, Homestead, Key West, Key Largo, Winter Park, Santa Rosa Beach, Sarasota, Pensacola, Ponte Vedra, Coconut Grove, Anna Maria Island, Windermere, Cape Coral, and Florida.
To begin, book your phone consult for emotional cheating therapy and for positive coping skills.
Therapy after cheating is a process of removing shame and guilt
When it comes to, recovering and healing from emotional cheating, one important step is to remove shame and guilt. After cheating, you may have a lot of self blame and self-hatred. You might be beating yourself up emotionally. When you are beating yourself up emotionally, this is unhelpful long-term. It is important to take responsibility and ownership for the mistakes you’ve made. However, shaming yourself and punishing yourself will not be helpful long-term. Talking with a therapist can help you figure out why emotional cheating happened.
From working with a therapist, you can better understand the emotions beneath your emotional affair behavior.
Working with a professional who understands intimacy, trust, and complex trauma at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you understand your feelings. From there, you can take responsibility for the mistakes and hurt you’ve caused your partner. You can communicate your feelings and needs more clearly with your partner rather than hiding them. Rebuilding trust is a slow process, but well worth the effort.

Individual and couples counseling can be parts of emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida
When you have been having an emotional affair, a mixture of individual counseling in a couples therapy can be helpful. Individual counseling can help you gain self-awareness and connection to yourself. You can better understand if this has been a pattern for you for decades into the past. From counseling, you can better understand your triggers. You may have triggers that cause you to seek comfort and attention outside of your romantic relationship.
Couples therapy can help you and your partner talk and be vulnerable together with the guidance of a professional.
There may be specific skills that your therapist recommends to strengthen your emotional, sexual, and physical intimacy. Couples may have miss matched ideas when it comes to intimacy. One person in a relationship may really desire cognitive and intellectual intimacy. For instance, cognitive intimacy may mean reading the same book or listening to the same podcast and discussing it. On the other hand, you may desire more sexual and emotional intimacy. For instance, you may feel closer by physically being intimate, having sex, or playing around with a new sex toy. Talking about what intimacy needs you both have can be a big part of couples therapy near Cocoa Beach, Florida.

To begin, book your phone consult for emotional cheating therapy and for positive coping skills.
Emotional cheating therapy on the Space Coast of Florida can help adults and couples gain intimacy skills and tools
Often times, couples do not have the intimacy tools that they need to build connection and intimacy on their own.
Marriage counseling near Melbourne, Florida can help you discuss your sexual satisfaction. You can talk about intimacy, the meaning of trust, and foster honesty. As well, you can talk about positive coping tools that you can use when triggered. Instead of turning to an affair partner, you can learn to be your own best friend.
Couples therapy near Cape Canaveral, Florida can help you and your partner set aside quality time together.
Many times, emotional affairs take place because couples stop prioritizing time together. You can find hobbies that you enjoy individually, as well as together. Perhaps, you enjoy golfing, knitting, or yoga on your own. These activities support relaxation and self-care. As well, your therapist can help you and your partner find activities you like to do together. For instance, couples therapy can help you prioritize tie together. You may want to go for a jog together, make time for sex, or cook a new recipe together. In a healthy relationship, individuals have their own identity. But, they also create a shared, couple bubble identity. Your couples therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you identify your individual identities as well as your couple bubble identity.
In order to move forward after an emotional affair, your emotional cheating therapist on the Space Coast of Florida provides a safe space to rebuild your relationship.
As well, your infidelity specialist and marriage counselor can give you valuable solutions and skills to strengthen your intimacy together. It is totally possible to mend your relationship and move forward after emotional cheating.
Talking about hurt, sadness, loss, betrayal, shame, and guilt can all be beautiful parts of counseling. You can develop more connected relationship with your mind, body and spirit, and extend that self love to your partner. The team and Wisdom Within Counseling, specializes with individuals, adult, and couples who suffer from affairs, infidelity, and emotional cheating behaviors. If you want to stop emotional cheating, and better understand yourself, you are in the right place. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling would love to help you rebuild trust and heal together.