Is dysthymia a mood disorder?
Yes, it is. You might feel like life is one long, dreary experience with dyathymia. Many people experience mood changes here and there. If you are stressed out because you’re late to work, this might be pretty normal. And, it is normal to feel sad after losing your family pet for 2-3 weeks. However, after 2-3 weeks, you start feeling yourself again. Other people live with more persistent mood challenges and mood disorders such as dysthymia. Unfortunately, depression and mood disorders like dysthymia can disrupt your daily life in a negative way. Work with a dysthymia counseling specialist near Brookfield, CT at Wisdom Within Counseling and build positive coping strategies. People with mood disorders may experience loneliness, hopelessness, excessive guilt, anger, and troubles with self-esteem. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize in chronic depression therapy and treating mood disorders.

How does trauma play a role in dysthymia?
Without realizing it, you may have been through an unfortunate series of life events. You may have gone through losses, lost a loved one, lost a child, or went through financial problems. As well, you may have experienced uncertainty, something scary like a car accident, realizing you have a new medical diagnosis, or getting really bad news to evacuate. You may have lived through a natural disaster like a fire, hurricane or earthquake. During these stressful events, your body shut down and survived. Surviving is the opposite of thriving.
We help people with dysthymia and chronic depression thrive through holistic counseling.
So, with dysthymia, you may be stuck in survival mode and frozen in time. Tiredness, sluggishness, and body pain run your life. Your body doesn’t feel like yours anymore with dysthymia and depression. Your body is stuck in time from when the painful life event occurred for you. At that point, you froze and you’ve stayed frozen since. From losses and sadness, it’s normal to want to avoid more of these painful losses. Anxiety, avoidance and fear of more losses and grief can make life difficult for you. Building up your self love tool kit is part of treating chronic depression. Counseling helps to heal your depression and supports present moment thinking.

Examples of trauma and PTSD
As well, traumas can be anything such as experiencing bullying, multiple moves, placing a child up for adoption, COVID, teen pregnancy, living with an abusive person, sexual abuse, near death experiences, skin burns, rape, living with a drug user, or even identifying as an adult child of alcoholic parents. And, experiences of childhood abuse, verbal, physical, or sexual abuse lead to mood disorders in adulthood. In holistic counseling, we look at the root of low energy and dysthymia as trauma healing. You can learn to restore your natural state of balance. Many times, trouble sleeping, nightmares, low self-esteem, and low appetite as symptoms of unresolved trauma.
What are treatments for dysthymia near Brookfield, CT?
Some people with chronic depression choose to go a more holistic therapy route. For instance, this may mean trying anti depressants, or for others, alternatives to psychiatric medication. Low appetite? Binge eating? Or struggles with rules and fears around eating food? Eating disorders and dysthymia often go hand in hand. At Wisdom Within Counseling near Brookfield, CT, we specialize in treating teenagers and adults with mood disorders such as dysthymia.
To start, click the button below to work with a dysthymia counseling specialist near Brookfield, CT for holistic coping tools.

What can someone with dysthymia expect in counseling?
In holistic counseling sessions at Wisdom Within, you can learn positive coping strategies. As well, you can make positive lifestyle changes for dealing with ongoing negative, depressing feelings. You might have trouble processing sadness, and our team can help. Or, you may want speciality help overcoming anxiety, or battling empty mood. Maybe, you are experiencing a long term decrease in energy and feel lethargic. Or, you feel brain fog. Have you have felt like this for a few years now? One feature of dysthymia is having this pattern of low mood for about two years. Our team of therapists want to give you courage and confidence.
Dysthymia is a low mood disorder.
It must occur for at least two years and with a few other symptoms of depression. Many times, people with dysthymia often experience a loss of interest in their normal hobbies and activities. Perhaps, you no longer go out with friends. You may be experiencing low appetite or binge eating challenges. Maybe, there may also be struggles around motivation to get up in the morning. Or, you may experience trouble thinking straight, tearfulness, or low energy. People with dysthymia also experience sleep changes, insomnia, and have trouble concentrating. At this point, you know you want a holistic, more whole person approach. You have come to the right place for holistic therapy.
As a PTSD and dysthymia counseling specialist group near Brookfield, CT, Wisdom Within Counseling offers creative, holistic therapies.

Why do people want holistic therapy and to work with a dysthymia counseling specialist group near Brookfield, Connecticut?
For some, medication is working well. For others, they’ve tried anti depressant medication and it does not work. Maybe, you experienced negative side effects like suicidal thinking. So now, you may be seeking counseling for holistic coping skills and medication alternatives.
If you want positive coping tools alongside antidepressants or in substitution for medication, we can help.
Our team can help you learn holistic coping tools for managing dysthymia, a mood disorder.
Our team and Wisdom Within counseling support depressed teenagers and adults. Your therapist can talk with you about a balances in your brain circuitry. As well, you can learn healthy sleep patterns. Often, we don’t learn how to practice self-care in schooling years. So, working with a dysthymia counseling specialist near Brookfield, CT can help you build sleep routines. More than anything, our team makes a nurturing, gentle, and positive connection.
Also, setting boundaries helps reduce depression and build confidence
It’s normal to feel depressed if you’ve let people walk all over you and never had boundaries. Have you been learning about codependency? Well, boundaries around what you want are important for good mental health. In therapy, learning so say, “no,” helps you overcome chronic depression. So, your therapist can help you set boundaries with work, your boss, and others. It can be hard to feel like you have to do it alone. Having the support of a therapist can help you overcome internal guilt around saying, “No.”

With your dysthymia counseling specialist near Brookfield, CT, you can talk about when you first developed low self-esteem and went though grief and loss.
A lot of times, as holistic therapists in Connecticut, we help people understand PTSD and cope with scary life events. We can help you understand how trauma plays a role in your current dysthymia and chronic depression.
Often, depression, dysthymia and low mood disorders are a result of traumatic life events.
From healing in therapy, you can overcome past PTSD and trauma that’s unresolved. Wisdom Within Counseling offers a dysthymia counseling speciality near Brookfield, CT.
Build confidence and clarity.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, we believe that stress in your childhood and adulthood can lead to challenges with low mood.
By creating life balance, practicing self-care, and developing better self-esteem, you can start to overcome low mood.

What else causes a need for dysthymia counseling near Brookfield, Connecticut?
In addition, other reasons why people develop dysthymia include long-term medical problems like diabetes. Sometimes, social isolation, lack of support, and living alone can lead to dysthymia. There are also may be stressors that such as having a parent, sibling, or child that is physically ill. Family members may also have depressive symptoms that can make it hard to stay motivated. If you have poor coping strategies, they can make it even harder to get yourself out of bed when you’re are struggling. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can choose drama therapy, art therapy, yoga therapy and walking therapies as part of your self care tool box. There are many ways to express yourself. And, using many ways builds confidence, self-value, and self-compassion.
To start, click the button below to work with a dysthymia counseling specialist near Brookfield, CT for holistic coping tools.
Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in helping people overcome dysthymia and depression.
Poor appetite or overeating
Sleeping too much or not enough
Feeling very tired or physically exhausted
Low self-esteem
Not being able to concentrate
Trouble making decisions
Feeling hopeless
For many, dysthymia is something that has been there a while.
Sometimes, dysthymia begins as young as 11 or 12 years old. Adolescents often do a good job of masking dysthymia. Often, adolescents do not receive the support they need until adult years. With dysthymia, it differs from depression because it comes and goes. For one month you might feel like you are having some positive days. Then, the next month or two, you feel very low and eating and appetite changes. With dysthymia, you feel like there is no glimmer of hope. Next month, you are feeling more up. The month or so after that, you are not able to enjoy anything and do not like anything about your life at all. Joy seems like some thing that other people get to experience. With dysthymia, it is really hard to feel happy. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling can help.

How can working with a dysthymia counseling specialist near Brookfield, CT help?
People with dysthymia tend to have a few hobbies and few friends. Working with a holistic therapist can help improve social confidence. Also, positive coping tools can lower social anxiety. A lot of people do not realize that they are suffering from dysthymia and think they just have mild depression. A dysthymia therapist can help you understand what you’re going through correctly and provide you coping tools for the symptoms you experience.
Why can be it challenging for non specialists to diagnose dysthymia properly?
Sometimes, dysthymia occurs along with other disorders such as PTSD, sensory processing disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and bipolar disorder. Some therapists only look for theses disorders and not dysthymia. With post traumatic stress disorder, Wisdom Within Counseling support relaxation and self-love coping strategies. To note, if trauma occurs in childhood before your brain finishes developing, dysthymia is more common in adult years. It can occur with other neurotypical disorders too.
Having dysthymia doesn’t mean you have to feel this way forever.
Reaching out for help is a sign of strength. Working with your holistic therapist can help you make new changes for your body, mind, and spirit. You can talk about what excites you and understand what is holding you back from getting out there again. As well, you can explore what brings you joy in life and what brings you fulfillment. Instead of jumping right medication to fix the problem, we look at your whole amazing self. Sometimes, you may be told you are too emotional by others. We help you release tiredness, heaviness, lethargy, anger, loss, sadness, jealousy, anxiety and fear in healthy ways. Depression is a cycle. When things feel difficult in life, it can cause you to feel even more depressed.

By working with a holistic counselor for dysthymia, you can start to uncover parts of your past and heal.
For one, if you come out as gay, bisexual, pansexual, non binary, transgender or queer and your parents reject you, it hurts. That’s a trauma. Wisdom Within Counseling team is LGBTQIA+ affirming and loves supporting gender questioning clients. Also, you had a parent that abandoned you or left and that’s when your dysthymia started. Or, you had a parent that forced you to be way too productive at a young age and you missed out on your childhood.
Trauma leaves a lasting impact on your emotional development and we offer help to reboot back to your playful self.
Perhaps, one of your parents yelled at you, was rude to your other parent, and your family was always in conflict. Being a young child and growing up in abuse can lead to dysthymia in adulthood along with PTSD. Your holistic therapist can help give you a safe space to explore what does healing means to you and the coping tools you need to overcome it. It takes time, self-love, and patience. Your therapist can help you believe in yourself again. In Southeastern Connecticut, there are not many therapists that specialize with depression and dysthymia counseling.
To start, click the button below to work with a dysthymia counseling specialist near Brookfield, CT for holistic coping tools.
If you have been to a variety of therapists, or realize that medicine does not work for you, our team would love to help you manage your dysthymia and depression holistically.
You can start to attract healthy relation ships and nurturing people in your life working with a dysthymia counseling specialist near Brookfield, CT. If you’re someone that wants to combine holistic counseling with your antidepressant medication, that is great also.
No matter where you are, we would love to connect with you and help you recover from dysthymia.
As well, Wisdom Within Counseling offers some unique specialties for dealing with depression holistically. You can choose from creative art therapies such as painting and using watercolors. For instance, painting can be a great way to release creativity and better understand yourself. Your therapist can encourage you to talk in ways beyond just words. Painting while talking about something stressful or a childhood trauma can help you feel more relaxed while letting go.
Plus, painting and art therapy can also give you a new sense of self and bring more color to your world.
People with a dysthymia benefit from more than just sitting and talking. Sitting and talking about problems can lead to deeper depression and sadness. Therefore, painting while talking about something really painful emotionally can help you process it in a healthy way. At Wisdom Within Counseling, in East Lyme, Connecticut, teenagers and adults with depression receive lifelong coping tools. In addition to creative art therapy you can also take part in music therapy.

What about music therapy helps treat dysthymia and chronic depression?
Music therapy is wonderful because you can sing, use a guitar, play a crystal singing bowls, or even share your favorite songs with your therapist. As well, music therapy support creative expression and self-confidence. Music therapy can be a great way to build trust with yourself and with the world around you. Sometimes, a song can provide more of a release than simply talking. Your creative therapist may also make a playlist for you and encourage you to listen to it for positive coping tools outside of session for your dysthymia. Creative therapy at Wisdom Within counseling in Brookfield, Connecticut, supports teens and adults suffering from severe depression.
How can yoga therapy and working with a dysthymia counseling specialist near Brookfield, CT build confidence and self love tools?
As well, we offer yoga therapy. Doing yoga poses, physically stretching, learning Sanskrit words like Chaturanga or Sanculpa, and learning mindfulness meditation provide present moment skills. Learning to live in the present moment is one of the most important skills or someone suffering from chronic depression or dysthymia. Living in the present moment is freeing because thinking about the past and the future can create the low motivation.
Creative, expressive arts in dysthymia therapy in Connecticut
With chronic depression, someone might be afraid of bad things happening to them again and therefore feel frozen. Doing yoga, practicing meditation, using yoga mudras, and even yoga chants can be an incredible way to connect spiritually with yourself.

Depression is a normal part of going through painful, challenging traumatic life experiences.
But, your creative, holistic therapist can be a positive guide to encourage your self care routines back in your life again. If you want to talk about self massage, drinking water in the morning, or a gentle stretching to start your day, your therapist will encourage these holistic lifestyle changes. In addition, your therapist will encourage you to go to bed at the same time every night and end your day with a nightly routine.
Lifestyle changes can be incredibly beneficial for dysthymia.
Holistic counseling in Connecticut helps you develop a sense of connection to your mind, body, and spirit. To do so, we offer creative expressive arts such as drama therapy. You can try on different roles, be playful, act, and sing, and embrace who you are in drama therapy.

Creative therapy within our dysthymia counseling speciality
When we talk about natural treatments and holistic remedies for chronic depression, we look at lifestyle changes. There is not going be some an expensive, quick fix that is going to immediately lift your low mood. Instead, learning holistic coping tools can help you cope with the triggers to low mood and healthy ways.
Let’s understand how the past impacts who you are today.
Maybe, ten years ago, your parents separated and divorced and that time of your life was very hectic. Perhaps, you distanced from yourself and others and even became critical of yourself. Even though that time of your life was in fact ten years ago, that still impacts you emotionally today. Now, you might even recognize that you have a fear of abandonment. It all comes out as heaviness and even anger at times. When any small loss happens, loss of a job, or loss of a relationship, you know them out your own feelings. Numbing behaviors might include social withdrawal, using drugs or alcohol, or even more severe behaviors like cutting, self harming, or eating disorders.

Do you want an eating disorder specialist to help you overcome good anxiety, worry, or regret?
From working with a holistic therapist, you can learn to treat chronic depression through food and mood. With your therapist, you can talk about your gut and brain connection and how that can help with mood. As well, you can develop skills for an eating disorder and body confidence. Improving what you are eating and building a more nurturing relationship with food can help with mood. Through holistic therapy, you can better take care of yourself. Our culture puts a lot of fears and anxieties on food. Lastly, holistic therapy supports your mind, body and spirit.

Working with a dysthymia counseling specialist near Brookfield, CT can help you cope with disordered eating and body shame.
As well, it might feel like you have been on a lot of fad diet‘s or always trying to lose more weight, and this contributes to your low mood and depression. Maybe, you have rules around food and eating. If you have dysthymia, it’s common to have food fears and struggles with body image. Overall, you can work with one of our eating disorder therapists to help you build positive coping strategies for chronic depression.
Yoga therapy is a healthy coping tool in holistic chronic depression therapy
In addition, holistic coping tools such as mindfulness meditation, yoga therapy, gratitude meditation, and spiritual counseling sessions can help you manage chronic depression. Through working with a therapist, your chronic depression can become less severe, and you can feel more power. Using natural remedies to help with chronic depression can provide you with lifelong coping tools for your journey.
A safe place to heal from childhood trauma and overcome dysthymia and depression
Dysthymia may run in the family. Working with a therapist can help you talk about your childhood in a safe manner. Many times, childhood memories are filled with chaos, depression, and neglect. An anti-depressant, will not allow you to heal from childhood trauma. Instead, it just masks symptoms. Working on the root issue of unresolved trauma can even allow some people to taper off their antidepressant.

What is outdoor walk and talk therapy in nature with a dysthymia counseling specialist near Brookfield, Connecticut?
For some people, going outside for a counseling session can be very helpful for dysthymia. We offer a walk and talk therapy sessions by the Niantic bay boardwalk in the Southeastern Connecticut shoreline. Going for an outdoor walk and talk session lowers anxiety and boosts mood. Plus, being in nature with your therapist can help to alleviate chronic depression. You can get fresh air and joyful movement. Right in session, overcome depression, low self worth and sadness by walking. For one, you can walk by the Niantic movie theater, Gumdrops and Lollipops candy shop, or Rings End. As well, you and your dysthymia therapist can walk to Crescent Beach to see the ocean. As well, walking in therapy is still private and confidential.
Do you want to stay indoors for counseling and walk afterwards?
Well, our office is located right near Rocky neck State Park and Oswagache State Park. It’s a wonderful place to make a day of self care and time for you. Make sure to goto the Book Barn! After your holistic counseling session, you can plan a relaxing afternoon to yourself self at Rocky Neck State Park. Plan ahead and go to one of the local state parks or to Old Lyme, Connecticut nearby for a walk after session. Walk and talk therapy is so healing for chronic depression and dysthymia.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we remind you that your low mood, depression, or dysthymia is not your fault.
So, don’t start to blame yourself for your dysthymia or chronic depression. Now, if you find that you blame yourself or beat yourself up, be gentle with yourself. Journal or drink herbal tea. Wisdom Within Counseling encourages self-compassionate care. People with dysthymia need professional help to practice positive self talk in order to overcome low mood disorders. We are also LGBTQIA+ affirming.
To start, click the button below to work with a dysthymia counseling specialist near Brookfield, CT for holistic coping tools.
If you have depression, talk positively about yourself and remember your own strengths. It is your responsibility and a gift to be your own best friend. In general, working with a dysthymia counseling specialist near Brookfield, CT helps you develop holistic coping tools. If you feel suicidal, this means that you need to call 911 or 211 immediately. Also, you can call the suicide hotline to talk to someone any time if you feel suicidal.

We want to help you get back to your most vibrant, best self!
At Wisdom Within Counseling, if you have had suicidal thinking, we can help support you through counseling. Sometimes, side effects of anti-depressants can cause suicidal thinking. Your therapist can help you restore your intuition and self-awareness if you are suffering from dysthymia. As a human being, it is natural to have good and bad days. Dysthymia is more than just a bad day. It’s chronic depression and makes enjoying life impossible.
Our team specializes in helping depressed teenagers and adults thrive.
But, through holistic counseling for dysthymia you can remember that all feelings are okay. To begin, you have a safe place to talk, unload, and let go of the past at Wisdom Within Counseling. From holistic counseling, you can learn to cope with dysthymia in natural and holistic ways. Notably, you don’t have to be afraid of your feelings. Furthermore, you can build a healthy, holistic coping tool box for self-esteem to release challenging feelings positively. Now, learning to release feelings in healthy ways is worth it. Start today at Wisdom Within Counseling with a phone consult. We offer video and in person counseling and coaching.