Were you attacked by a pit bull or aggressive type of dog? Do you worry about future dog bites? Are you wondering if you have dog bite PTSD and could benefit from working with a trauma specialist? Do your family and friends judge you or blame you saying you should be over it by now? With PTSD from a dog bite or dog attack, it can take months and years to fully heal. Your therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you heal and recover from the trauma of a dog bite. Dog bite anxiety and trauma counseling is a speciality at Wisdom Within Counseling.
To begin, click below for a phone consult dog bite anxiety and trauma counseling and holistic PTSD coping skills.
Do you feel like the dog attack that you survived has led you to be a scared of all dogs now?
When you open your front door, are you finding yourself looking left and right and double checking yourself to make sure there is no dog nearby. Do you avoid going for walks outside since the dog bite attack?
When you are out in the park, do you worry that a dog will come running towards you and aggressively bite you again?
It can be really scary doing simple tasks like going for a walk after a traumatic dog bite.
Do you avoid the area or location where to dog bite happened?
You might find yourself avoiding your exposure to dogs in many ways. It is common to have high levels of anxiety soon after your dog attack experience.
Dog bite anxiety and trauma counseling can help you gain positive coping skills. You can confidently cope with the various emotions related to trauma through PTSD counseling for dog bite trauma.

To begin, click below for a phone consult dog bite anxiety and trauma counseling and holistic PTSD coping skills.
How can dog bite anxiety and trauma counseling help after an attack from an aggressive dog?
One day, you are out on a walk, and the world seems positive and happy. Suddenly, a dog comes racing towards you and aggressively bites you. Your world is shattered.
The trust you had a dogs is taken away from you from this dog bite and attack. You are now suffering from high levels of anxiety. As well, you wonder if you have developed post traumatic stress disorder symptoms from this dog bite.
Being attacked and bitten by an aggressive dog can lead to post traumatic stress disorder.
Your mind continues to replay this traumatic event over and over. Sometimes, you can sleep fine at night.
Other times, your mind goes over and over the horrific dog bite event. You tried to get away, but the dog kept biting and you couldn’t get free.
A dog bite and dog attack can can trigger post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
PTSD symptoms can lead to troubles sleeping, appetite changes, mood swings, and even guilt. Reoccurring nightmares about the dog bite are very common. Intrusive, negative memories of the dog bite attack can take away joy from others areas of life. As well, with PTSD, you may have nightmares, insomnia, and night terrors. You might wake up in a hot sweat with a horrible dream. Additionally, excessive sleep and depression may occur after a dog bite. Negative mood swings, anxiety, and even anger are common PTSD symptoms.
Dog bite anxiety and trauma counseling can help you manage PTSD symptoms.
Oftentimes, PTSD therapy for dog bite attacks is better sooner than later. When people who get bitten by a dog get therapy sooner, they gain positive coping tools. Positive coping strategies can allow you to cope with trauma in healthy ways. Using art, painting, yoga, music and holistic therapies, you can have outlets for trauma memories.
To begin, click below for a phone consult dog bite anxiety and trauma counseling and holistic PTSD coping skills.
Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in mind-body, somatic therapies that support children, teens, and adults in healing after a dog bite.
Following the dog bite and horrific attack, many dog bite victims do not receive the emotional support they need. Seeking dog bite anxiety and trauma counseling can give you a sense of inner calm and relief from the fear. Without therapy and positive coping tools, PTSD symptoms and high levels of anxiety may continue for years after the attack.

This traumatic dog bite attack has led you to be very weary and skeptical around all dogs.
Sometimes, you judge yourself as a result of talking to family and friends, and wonder how long it takes to recover from dog bite trauma.
When you tell your friends and family about the trauma symptoms that you are experiencing, they seem to downplay them.
As well-meaning as friends and family can be, they are not mental health professionals.

To begin, click below for a phone consult dog bite anxiety and trauma counseling and holistic PTSD coping skills.
Your trauma therapist can offer you a safe space to process the different emotions.
You are experiencing relating to the horrific dog bite, such as anxiety and trauma symptoms.
Your family might tell you to be grateful that you didn’t die from the dog bite. Or, your family might tell you to be grateful that the dog didn’t bite your face and only bit your leg.
They are not giving you emotional support in the way that you need during this difficult time. Even if the dog bite did not kill you, high levels of anxiety and trauma and symptoms can be incredibly debilitating.
You know you want a therapist who specializes in complex trauma.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, our team specializes in dog bite anxiety and trauma counseling.
Do you feel distracted by the dog bite trauma at work?
When you are at work, you are supposed to be concentrating on your next big project.
When you are at work, your mind feels distracted by the dog attack you have survived.
Right now, does it seem like the anxiety and trauma you are experiencing is impact your daily life in a negative way?

To begin, click below for a phone consult dog bite anxiety and trauma counseling and holistic PTSD coping skills.
Being bitten by a dog is affecting you and your mental health and dog bite anxiety and trauma counseling can help you.
What does anxiety look like?
Simply, going outside for a walk, that used to feel safe, can feel very scary and different after a dog bite.
You might find that you are withdrawing and socially isolating yourself as a result of dog bite trauma. You might avoid different activities that you used to enjoy such as going for a walk in the park. Now, it feels like you have been avoiding public places, and especially parks as a result of being attacked by a dog.
It is normal to have different fears and anxieties after a traumatic dog bite attack.
Not everyone who owns a dog is responsible or has a well trained dog. If you have been attacked by a dog while walking your own dog, or had an aggressive dog bite you, it is normal to be freaked out around all dogs.
Even if you are walking by a neighbor’s house and their dog has an electric fence, you feel worried that the dog could run right through the electric fence bite you.
When you hear other stories of other people getting attacked and getting killed, you feel triggered with trauma symptoms.
Whether the dog attacked you on a walk, or in an environment where you felt safe, it is normal to have post traumatic stress disorder symptoms. Now, you might not even trust your own dog, if you have a pet dog yourself.

Dog bite anxiety and trauma therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you cope in healthy ways with anxious feelings.
Your trauma and PTSd therapist can teach you meditation and breathing exercises. Holistic, mind-body therapy exercises and activities can help you clear, center, and refocus your mind. Wisdom Within Counseling offers holistic, mind-body therapies.

Art therapy, yoga therapy, music therapy, painting, and meditation can help you heal from trauma.
Painting and art can be a language beyond words. Talking can only go so far. So, when you need more options beyond talking, art, yoga, and holistic therapies can be healing. Holistic therapies can give you a sense of empowerment and self-love after trauma. Walking therapies in Southeastern Connecticut can help relive anxiety and provide a sense of safety in the world again.
Working with a PTSD can complex trauma counselor who understands dog bites can be essenital in gaining healthy coping tools.

The team at Wisdom Within Counseling offers professional guidance and specializes in dog bite anxiety and trauma counseling.
Wisdom Within Counseling offer dog bite anxiety and trauma counseling to support in confidence.
After trauma, it can feel like the world is a scary and unpredictable place. Our therapists help you feel confident going for a walk and letting go of trauma and fear.
Holistic, mind-body therapies at Wisdom Within Counseling help relieve dog bite anxiety and trauma.
You get a safe place to process your emotions related to dog bite trauma and anxiety.