Often, high conflict couples need help thriving in ways beyond just talking in therapy. To note, talking can quickly lead to yelling without communication skills. Plus, couples get heated, angry, triggered, and upset so quickly. So, the team of marriage and family therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling offer a holistic approach for couples in marriage therapy. Holistic marriage therapy in Southeastern Connecticut includes painting, art, yoga, music, and creative therapies. To add, these creative therapies reduce PTSD and trauma symptoms. Holistic therapies help couples get on the same page, laugh together, and gain playfulness.
The counselors at Wisdom Within Counseling help distant, conflictual couples build a strong, healthy communication style in marriage therapy in Southeastern Connecticut.

To begin, use the pink button below to book your phone consult for holistic couples counseling in Southeastern Connecticut for trust, connection and passion.
Right now, are you wondering if you should end your marriage and leave, or if you should stay?
Are you wishing your spouse cared about your marriage as much as you? Or, maybe you’re already feel tired and hopeless from walking on eggshells everyday. To note, sharing intense, challenging emotions like worry, anger, and betrayal takes the help of a professional marriage therapist. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut, you receive a unique, alternative styles of marriage therapy.
Why try couples counseling in Southeastern Connecticut?
For one, you may feel hurt about the past. Maybe, there has been an affair, infidelity, or a betrayal due to secret keeping of some kind. Affairs and infidelity are good reasons to attend holistic marriage therapy in Southeastern Connecticut.

Do topics like money and finances, trust and security, or having children or wanting more children, and parenting cause conflicts?
Many couples have triggering topics. Sometimes, couples who get into intense arguments have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Essentially, holistic marriage therapy in Southeastern Connecticut supports resolving conflicts. With PTSD, couples fear the bas things happening all over again. One person get defensive. And, then emotional shutdown occurs quickly.
Both people end up very hurt emotionally.
With PTSD and trauma memories, couples need the help of a trauma specialist.
Understanding PTSD and PTSD symptoms is a way for couples to gain compassion. Plus, working with a marriage therapist who specializes in PTSD and trauma helps create shared goals of emotional security. Developing an understanding for one another’s fears and worries helps to reduce PTSD symptoms.
How can holistic marriage therapy in Southeastern Connecticut support couples with PTSD and trauma?
Maybe, it seems that conflicts never get cleared up. Or, stuff from the past gets brought up over and over again. Your marriage therapist can help diagnose PTSD and trauma. From there, you can better understand when your spouse is fearing when stuck.
Post-traumatic stress disorder can cause couples to get into high conflict fights
From talking about worries and fears, couples can bridge to when they are needing. Essentially, conversation about past painful memories can bring up unhappiness, fears, and hopelessness. However, when couples talk about trauma in the safety of a therapist’s office, they can bridge to the present moment. Mind-body, holistic therapies help couples develop positive coping tools for resolving conflict.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, the team of marriage therapist specialize in trauma.

To begin, use the pink button below to book your phone consult for holistic marriage counseling in Southeastern Connecticut for playfulness, communication and intimacy.
What are the benefits of having a safe, confidential space in holistic marriage therapy in Southeastern Connecticut?
Without marriage therapy, couples tend to drift apart. You can share fears and things that make you sad in a calm, clear way. Often, couples get stuck yelling, name calling, or talking over one another. At home, it may feel easy to use negative communication tactics. As well, problems that are snowballing can be cleared up.
Mind-body, holistic therapies for couples include painting, art, yoga, meditation, music, and nature therapies.
Essentially, holistic marriage therapy in Southeastern Connecticut supports talking, healing, and building a life together. Overcoming and healing PTSD and trauma memories are a part of couples counseling. So, if you or your spouse feel stuck in the bad memories of the past, Wisdom Within Counseling can help.
Childhood trauma, neglect, and sexual abuse can complicate your marriage too.
Marriage therapy in Southeastern Connecticut can be very helpful in healing PTSD. Your couples therapist can help you process childhood trauma and trauma memories from your romantic relationship. As well, with trauma and PTSD, there may be topics that cause your partner to explode in anger.
Often, underneath anger are feelings of sadness, loss, jealousy, insecurity, and fears of abandonment.
If your spouse has PTSD or anger issues, couples therapy can be a safe place to talk about healthy coping skills.
Mind-body therapies like art, yoga, music, and nature therapies support couples in growing together.

Career stress can be a part of holistic marriage therapy in Southeastern Connecticut
It feels like you are town between your relationship and other aspects of life. Your job has been asking a lot of you lately. Perhaps, there has been a lot of stress on you both due to career development.
Maybe, you are working on applying for a new position. Or, the promotion you really wanted, you didn’t get. Disappointment, sadness, frustration, and even insecurity around career development play a big role in marriage therapy.
Have you been working more hours or overtime and this is taking a toll on your romance, intimacy, and relationship?
As well, you might be picking up extra hours or working overtime. And, the time you are spending at work is clearly taking away quality time from your romance and marriage.
A part of you feels good to be able to achieve at work and within your career.
However, another part of you feels like you are too tired and burnt out to give romantically. Additionally, you see conflict increasing and distance growing in your intimate relationship.

To begin, use the pink button below to book your phone consult for creative couples counseling in Southeastern Connecticut for unity, connection and security.
Career stress that impacts your relationship is a good reason to seek holistic marriage therapy in Southeastern Connecticut.
As well as your career, you can have a safe place to talk about other stressors. Childcare, parenting, or in-law’s can be stressful too. Learning to communicate calmly about intense topics is part of counseling. Holistic marriage counseling along the Southeastern Connecticut shoreline can help you gain communication skills.
Essentially, you can learn how to read your partner. As well, you can learn the right time and artful way to bring up topics that may trigger your spouse.
In holistic marriage therapy in Southeastern Connecticut, you can have a safe place to get on the same page again.
You can work on personal stressors and gain self-worth. For your marriage, you can learn positive communication skills for reducing and resolving conflict.
Well, marriage therapy in Connecticut can help you gain confidence, clarity, and positive coping tools to make those big decisions.
From a place of inner calm, you can build nurturing friendships and a vibrant, connected, healthy life. In marriage therapy in Connecticut, you can use talking, art, couples yoga, mindfulness, and outdoor walking by the beach to express feelings. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we offer distant, fighting couples playful ways to gain connection. Painting in couples therapy can be a different, unique way to rekindle unity.
As well, yoga, breathing, and meditation help couples connect spiritually.

What is trauma sensitive yoga in holistic marriage therapy in Southeastern Connecticut?
Trauma-sensitive yoga therapy is a method that your therapist can offer you and your spouse. Yoga therapy is a marriage counseling specialty only offered at Wisdom Within Counseling in Connecticut. Also, trauma sensitive yoga and meditation help couples heal after trauma. Essentially, trauma experiences leave anger, anxiety, fear, and irritability at an all time high. As well, couples who have trauma experiences tend to get into more conflicts. To note, yoga therapy helps if you trauma is from childhood or your current romantic relationship.
To begin, use the pink button below to book your phone consult for holistic couples counseling in Southeastern Connecticut for meaningful connection.
How can yoga therapy in holistic relationship therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut support couples after an affair or infidelity?
Also, after cheating, infidelity, and affairs, couples are left feeling mistrust, betrayal, and sadness. Essentially, an affair or infidelity is a major trauma experience. To note, an affair breaks down all trust, security, and hope. As well, trouble sleeping, negative flashbacks, appetite changes, mood swings, and anxiety follow an affair. An affair can leave couples feeling angry, sad, raw, and not in a good place. As well, talking from this raw, emotional, and angry state of being can create more damage for couples. Therefore, couples who are healing after an affair or infidelity benefit from yoga therapy. As well, yoga therapy is different than a general yoga class.
With highly specialized training in trauma sensitive yoga therapy, Katie Ziskind helps couples post affair rebuild.

Katie Ziskind helps couples relax, breathe, and feel emotions slowly and calmly through trauma sensitive yoga therapy.
The team of marriage and family therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling help you connect to your mind, body, and spirit. Trauma sensitive yoga therapy in Southeastern Connecticut helps couples in building a strong, positive relationship.
From self-love through yoga therapy, a person can more openly build a loving relationship with their spouse.
Sometimes, a person is very hard on themselves. And, they subconsciously tell their spouse that they will never be good enough too. Or, they feel they are not acceptable. Yoga therapy supports self-love, self-acceptance, and self-confidence. To add, meditation and yoga therapy in marriage therapy help you gain clarity and inner strength. Plus, yoga therapy supports self-awareness and self-knowledge. By knowing when your battery is low, you can know when you need self-care. Additionally, you can gain awareness to know when you are not in a good place to be a listener.
From self-awareness from yoga, you can improve your marriage.
At times, trauma sensitive yoga therapy can help you see where you are out of balance. That way, you can more easily restore inner peace and balance from within.
What are other benefits of trauma sensitive yoga therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling?
Additionally, trauma sensitive yoga therapy helps couples build courage and leadership skills.
Art, painting, meditation, and couples yoga are parts of holistic, creative, alternatives in marriage therapy.
In Connecticut, trauma sensitive marriage therapy helps couples who have a history of betrayal.
To note, past betrayal leads to very intense fears of it happening again. Betrayal is often the root under anger and high conflict arguments. Trauma sensitive yoga supports inner peace. From there, couples can begin sharing big emotions calmly and slowly.

Do you or your spouse cope in unhealthy ways right now?
Maybe, you are drinking too much alcohol. Having drunken arguments? Or, you find alcohol creates more intense, frustrating arguments in your marriage. You may need help releasing emotions in healthy ways.
As well, trauma sensitive yoga therapy can help reduce trauma symptoms and numbing behaviors.
To begin, use the pink button below to book your phone consult for holistic marriage therapy in Southeastern Connecticut for trust, connection and passion.
What are numbing behaviors the cause couples trouble?
Notably, numbing behaviors are choices people make when they don’t want to feel.
Perhaps, you or your spouse are avoiding conversations, feelings, or not wanting to feel. For instance, yoga therapy helps with gambling, alcoholism, drug use, alcoholism, affairs, pornography addiction, or sex addiction. So, secret keeping, lying, or sneaking around all create dysfunction. Furthermore, any negative behaviors may mean that you are numbing out. Essentially, your marriage therapist can help you learn healthier behaviors for self-love.
Essentially, trauma sensitive yoga therapy helps unite mind, body, and spirit.
Now, from living a life connected to yourself, your whole life brightens.
Couples can compassionately, curiously and intentionally extend their passion and love to each other.

Holistic marriage therapy in Southeastern Connecticut promotes calm conversations, which pave the way for passionate love.
But, sharing and expressing feelings as intense as a sex addiction, secrets, affair, or betrayal can be difficult to do calmly without a marriage therapist there to help.
Our marriage therapists teach you essential relationship and marriage skills.
In couples therapy, you can talk about jealousy, betrayal, and anxiety in healthy, calm ways.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, our therapists specialize in going beyond talking to support a positive cycle of connection.
Of course, you and your spouse can meet over video therapy or sit on a cozy couch. But, when you feel stuck in a negative cycle of yelling, holistic marriage therapy in Southeastern Connecticut can help.

Why try trauma sensitive yoga therapy in holistic marriage therapy in Southeastern Connecticut?
Additionally, the team of mental health, holistic therapists in Niantic, Connecticut are specialized in trauma and PTSD. To effectively heal, mind-body therapies support present moment thinking. Notably, talk therapy alone does not heal trauma. On that note, yoga, art, music, and nature therapies promote mind-body connection.
Likewise, trauma sensitive yoga therapy puts you in a more present and positive mindset.
Furthermore, when it comes to distant couples, yoga therapy helps you get in a better place physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Moreover, yoga therapy can help you build a sense of unity from within.
To begin, use the pink button below to book your phone consult for holistic marriage therapy in Southeastern Connecticut for trust, connection and passion.
Yoga Therapy For Distant, Disconnected Couples
Furthermore, yoga therapy for couples create joy, healing, and curiosity through a positive experience. And, Katie Ziskind, holistic yoga teacher and couples therapist in Niantic, Connecticut, began working with couples many years ago. Read more about Katie Ziskind, here. She first went into married couples homes. But, since then she has moved her practice into her office setting in Niantic, Connecticut. Yoga therapy for couples in Niantic, Connecticut is a holistic, alternative trauma therapy for reconnecting distant couples.
When it comes to reconnecting distant couples, Katie Ziskind, owner of Wisdom Within Counseling, knows that it can be very difficult to talk after a trauma happens. More so, a trauma can happen and then a hurtful, vicious fight occurs.
Interview with Katie Ziskind, Owner, and Trauma Specialist in Southeastern Connecticut
On June 21, 2019, Katie Ziskind, the owner of Wisdom Within Counseling, licensed marriage and family therapist, and yoga therapist, was asked to be on the radio. Listen below for the full recording to hear Katie Ziskind’s interview on yoga for stress relief and yoga for PTSD treatment. Enjoy!
So, listen to Katie Ziskind’s full interview on the radio, here.
Reconnecting Through Yoga Therapy in Niantic, Connecticut
Further, yoga therapy for disconnected couples is very successful in helping those in committed relationships to find deeper connection. In addition, couples can use outside of the therapy session to build intimacy, greater awareness, and loving understanding, and more meaningful, healthy communication.
To begin, click the pink button below to book your phone consult for holistic marriage therapy in Southeastern Connecticut.
To add, distant, frustrated couples who have a foundation of commitment do really well with yoga therapy. Yoga can help you and your partner learn skills to better deal with issues more effectively and experience greater intimacy. Plus, yoga therapy is gentle, compassionate, and builds deeper attachment.
Want to communicate better in your relationship?
Furthermore, yoga therapy and the holistic practices also re-establish weakened bonds and heal disconnect. More over, on your yoga mat, you and your partner develop trust within yourselves first. Then, from self-love and inn leadership, you can build complete faith in each other. To add, fighting couples build a deep connection through relaxation and breathing, beyond words.
What are partner yoga poses?
Well, partner yoga poses involve you and your spouse working together. For instance, you get a stretch while physically using each other’s backs as support. And, each partner yoga pose is very different. Sometimes, partner yoga poses are more relaxing or restorative. On the other hand, other partner yoga poses are more energizing or enlivening. At times, in partner yoga poses, you need your partner’s weight to balance the pose. Furthermore, you learn to rely on each other for the very creation of partner poses. Partner yoga poses become a metaphor for the creation of your life together.
The non-verbal communication skills in trauma sensitive yoga therapy help you both connect in mind, body, and spirit.
Non-verbal communication skills from yoga therapy for couples help you feel a connection to your partner in mind, body, and spirit.
How does couples yoga therapy for PTSD and trauma improve trust, bonding, and connection?
So, don’t be worried if you have never done yoga before. Yoga therapy is for couples who are looking for reconnection, not perfection.
Instead, think of yoga therapy as an extra add on to regular, traditional talk therapy for couples. Furthermore, yoga therapy can help your relationship evolve.
Your marriage and partnership can deepen and grow closer as a result of trauma sensitive yoga therapy.
As well, yoga therapy in marriage counseling is a beautiful experiences for couples. Essentially, yoga therapy for PTSD and trauma is all about helping you connect more deeply. From there, you can calmly communicate your needs and support each other emotionally. Plus, the process of yoga therapy supports you emotionally, physically, and spiritually.