Here are a few common signs of hyperactivity that may indicate your toddler or child may have ADHD:
First, children with ADHD often fidget, have lots of energy, and have trouble sitting still. Also, children benefit from ADHD therapy in Southeastern CT when they talk disrespectfully to peers and teachers at school. Sometimes, children are born with high energy levels. And, other children are born with lower energy levels.
At school, does your child talk and make noise excessively?
To add, these negative behaviors can lead to being a “bad” child in teachers’ eyes. Without professional ADHD therapy, negative behaviors can make friendships and sibling relationships more difficult. So, if your child loves to be in motion, movement and outdoor therapies can help develop social emotional skills. With holistic therapy, our counselors offer art, creative painting, and movement therapies for ADHD treatment. Also, the Wisdom Within Counseling team of therapists love helping children be creative, love and accept themselves, and believe in themselves. Call/text 860-451-9364 for ADHD therapy in Southeastern CT.
Tips For Helping A Child With ADHD Learn To Listen
Furthermore, helping your child with ADHD learn to listen can be challenging. So, here are some tips to begin the process before you get to come in for ADHD therapy in Southeastern CT. First, provide positive attention. Often, when children misbehave, they are communicating something. Perhaps, your child needs attention, so that is a good starting point. Also, give concrete, specific instruction for a task. For instance, please put your pink socks on and then your shoes. To continue, don’t feed into negative behaviors that are small. At times, your child will try to get a rise out of you. Remember, don’t lose your cool, stay calm, and don’t yell back. Yes, parenting a child with ADHD can be exhausting!
In therapy for parents, our team can help you set healthy boundaries and get stronger as a parent.
Of course, never hit your child. Really, yelling back is stooping to their level, and creates more chaos and frustration. If you are struggling with parenting a child with high energy or ADHD, call/text 860-451-9364.
Should children with ADHD take psychiatric medication? Notes on holistic, alternative ADHD therapy in Southeastern CT
Nowadays, many primary caregivers of children suspect health risks associated with stimulant use. Therefore, holistic alternatives are best, when possible. To get through the school day, many families choose medication. However, dance, movement, yoga therapy, art, and other alternatives offer holistic remedies. Remember, your child with ADHD is naturally high in energy, and this will always be who they are. Sometimes, a child with ADHD grows into an adult who gets a job as a personal trainer or PE teacher. Too, you may see a marathon runner or gymnast also have ADHD as a child. Moving around is normal in these professions.
So, you can offer gymnastics after school and wrestling on the weekends.
And, you can make sure to walk the dog together after school. Or, get a trampoline for your back yard, so they can go bounce energy out in a positive way anytime. Overall, your child with ADHD may always need more activities than other children to feel satisfied physically. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, we help children with ADHD learn healthy coping outlets for energy. To add, our team of creative counselors love helping families develop a closer connection. Call/text 860-451-9364 for outdoor movement, walk and talk, children yoga, and art in ADHD therapy in Southeastern CT.
What medications for ADHD treatment are available?
Additionally, a class of drugs called psychostimulants, or sometimes just stimulants, are a highly available. Many times, doctors are prescribing these and patients are not taking them and selling them. Further, addiction to stimulants is a real danger. For instance, say your daughter is taking ADHD medication. But, your sober aunt comes over and sees the fast-acting ADHD medication, takes some, and slips up on her sobriety. So, there is a high risk that your teenager may do that too. Monitor your child so they swallow medication, if you choose that route.
Traditional ADHD stimulant medication or more holistic ADHD therapy in Southeastern CT using creative outlets?
Well, there is no wrong or right decision. But, make sure to be aware of all impacts and side effects. What are some medications for ADHD symptoms? For example, Adderall, Adzenys XR-ODT, Vyvanse, Concerta, Focalin, Daytrana, Ritalin, and Quillivant XR are a stimulant. Sometimes, families choose organic coffee, green tea, early grey tea, and caffeine as a natural stimulant with breakfast. Now, are ADHD diagnosis rates rising? Well, long ago, children grew up much more active such as walking to school. In the 1950’s, as a group, children walked four to five miles to school twice a day. To add, portion sizes were smaller too.
So, some researchers have debunked ADHD to just be that our American culture is the most sedentary. Regardless, if you have a child with ADHD, your mornings and homework time can feel chaotic. Call/text 860-451-9364 for alternative, holistic, creative ADHD therapy in Southeastern CT to help your whole family thrive.

How Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut helps children with ADHD thrive
In short, dance and movement therapy in the treatment of children with ADHD is essential nowadays. Also, activities that require close attention to body movements, such as dance, acroyoga, gymnastics help children with ADHD remain focused naturally. Essentially, your child with ADHD needs more stimulation. In one study, after 5-7 year old boys with ADHD diagnoses began participating in dance movement therapy for ten weeks, big changes happened. After ten weeks, significant improvements in the motor function occurred. Also, the 5-7 year old boys in the study experienced a reduction in the behavioral and emotional with an ADHD diagnosis. Looking for support around holistic ADHD counseling along the shoreline of Southeastern CT? The Wisdom Within Counseling Team would love to help you get a Niantic, Connecticut counseling session on your calendar for this week.
Does you child need help expressing anger, anxiety, and sadness? Well, at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, our adolescent and adult therapists help adults, parents, children and teenagers develop positive emotional expression skills for lifelong, positive mental health.
Furthermore, you child can use holistic, creative art, painting, dance, yoga, and walking therapies. Using an alternative, out-of-the-box approach, we offer outdoor ADHD therapy in Southeastern CT. Yoga can help promote self-regulation, breathing, and healthy levels of self-awareness. Is your high schooler talking about depressing thoughts and crying more frequently? Well, a private personalized yoga lesson for your teenager builds anxiety and depression coping techniques, increases inner peace, promotes positive self talk, and improves body coordination. Trouble sleeping? Doing yoga can provide a relaxation practice for being bed. Furthermore, Katie Ziskind, yoga therapy and licensed marriage and family therapist in Niantic, Connecticut, specialized is private yoga therapy. Let us help your anxious child learn stress relief skills for lifelong mental health and wellness. So, call/text 860-451-9364 for creative, dance movement, and yoga in ADHD therapy in Southeastern CT.
8 Benefits of Yoga for Children in Counseling and in ADHD Therapy in Southeastern CT
For one, yoga is non-competitive. So, children or adolescents who are not competitive will feel support. Also, yoga in ADHD therapy in Southeastern CT teaches self-acceptance. In children’s yoga, your child can let go of stress in a positive way, through moving around. Furthermore, children’s yoga teaches fun, new words like, Namaste, to children. In holistic, creative ADHD therapy in Southeastern CT, children’s yoga supports healthy habits. From learning yoga as a child, your little one can take this skill into teenage years. Overall, yoga, art, and creative movement therapies help children with ADHD feel confidence and self-esteem. From there, your child can have a positive foundation of self-worth for making lasting friendships, letting go of anger in a healthy ways, and for adulthood.