If you are sick of getting calls from your child’s principal, we can help create a plan for better behavior at school and home.
Trauma Counseling For Children In Niantic
Watch the video below to learn more about how Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic helps traumatized children learn to feel safe and confident in the world again. And, trauma counseling for children in Niantic is a long-term growth process of helping a child who feels afraid and scared learn how to cope. Further, a child with a traumatic memory needs help coping with nightmares and process their thoughts through art, yoga, music, and outdoor walking sessions. And, trauma counseling for children is nurturing, which allows a child to trust their therapist. From this bond, a traumatized child can then develop trusting relationships with friends, family, and siblings in the future.
To say the least, you are frustrated, sad, and upset by what’s happened to your child. They didn’t deserve to go through what they did. And, you are at a place within yourself where you want to do everything that you can to help them. However, you are looking for a childhood trauma specialist when it comes to picking your child’s therapist. And, you want a professional who is experienced, well equipped with techniques you child can learn for soothing, and can confidently help you and your child through this time. Our team of holistic therapists in Niantic at Wisdom Within Counseling are here for you.
What Happens After Trauma?
First, you have a supportive, caring, loving family to help you, as a parent, get through this time. You’ve been making phone calls to relatives seeking support and guidance. And, you’ve found your wise rocks, the people that keep you strong during this time. However, ever since this trauma occurred, you’ve found lingering doubt when it comes to doing the right thing. And, when it comes to supporting your child in the best ways possible, you feel like you have no idea what you’re doing anymore. Further, you have real fears and anxieties that you child won’t have the skills to overcome this event. And, you want your traumatized child to have a good life from this point forwards.

Trauma Counseling For Children: Addressing Odd Behaviors That Have Developed
Even though you know you are a loving parent, you notice that your child has developed odd concerns, obsessions, rituals, and things they “must” do to keep order. Also, your child’s inner light seems dimmed and they don’t seem as cheerful as they used to be. As a parent, you see that our child’s school teachers are not trauma-informed. Now, your child’s teachers are labeling him or her as a “problem” child due to their stress-response behavior changes.

Fine-Tuned Theraputic Support With Trauma Specialists For Children In Niantic
Additionally, you want the same support through therapy for your child. And, you want a therapist who loves working with children with a trauma history. So, you’ve come to the perfect place. Our team of holistic therapists know how to help a traumatized child feel safe. This starts the long-term process of re-building trust. Getting a traumatized child started in therapy today is the best route. Unfortunately, children who go through trauma and don’t get professional care from trauma specialist at the young age often grow into adults who have difficulties trusting in romantic partnerships and marriages. Call/text to get your child started in holistic child therapy to heal from trauma today (860)-451-9364.

Trauma-Informed Child Therapy and School Accommodations
Further, your child’s therapist will gladly work with your child’s school district, principal, and teachers. So, your child’s therapist will create academic accommodations through an IEP or 504 plan with their best interest in mind. And, a letter from your child’s therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic can help when redistricting occurs. So, your child can then have a stable school environment. Through therapy in Niantic, children who have been through trauma can learn that the world is actually a safe place. And, they can learn how to speak up to feel heard in the world. Lastly, trauma counseling for children supports them where they are, so they can grow, heal, and feel strong again.
What are the best treatments for childhood PTSD?
Read about why talk therapy causes more harm then good when it comes to childhood trauma therapy.

How We Can Help Here In Niantic When It Comes To Childhood Trauma
First, your child’s therapist will provide a sense of trust, safety, and consistency, which helps in trauma recovery. Further, when you child experienced a trauma event, their everyday security was threatened. Therefore, the first step in teaching positive emotional expression skills is to re-build trust, attachment, and warmth. For instance, divorce that is high conflict can be a trauma for a child. In trauma counseling for children in Niantic, play, puppets, and books help normalize and validate your child’s feelings. Read about four books to help children cope with divorce, here.
Holistic, Creative Trauma Counseling For Children In Niantic
And, your child’s therapist will use play, creative art, yoga, music, and outdoor sessions. And, these holistic techniques help re-build their confidence in the world. Moreover, trauma counseling for children in Niantic doesn’t label good or bad. Instead, trauma counseling for children focuses on helping your child feel safe. And, from feeling secure, loved, nurtured, and bond with their therapists, a child can thrive. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, trauma counseling for children is holistic. So, your child’s therapist can communicate with their pediatrician, school, and other providers. In conclusion, your child’s therapist in Niantic will help create a plan for their optimal success and healing. Read more about animal therapy in Niantic for children with trauma, here.

Does Your Child Need Safety and Playfulness?
After trauma, children tend to take life very seriously. Often, this is because they have endured an emotionally scaring event. Therefore, your child’s therapist has a trauma-informed perspective. And, this will help your child step into fun-loving energy and playfulness. Further, your child’s therapist will bring him or her into the present moment. And, your child’s therapist will teach positive coping skills. So, your child can use these skills to share when they are having a flashback or when old memory comes up. Then, through weekly child therapy sessions in Niantic, your child’s brain will begin to develop new neuropathways. Further, over time, their fight or flight response will lessen. Likewise, in therapy, child who has been through trauma can learn how to relax in the world again. And, this is the foundation for making lasting friendships, and meaningful connections with others. Call/Text to get your child started in holistic trauma counseling in Niantic (860)-451-9364.