Is your child usually kind, friendly, smart, loving, funny, and talented, but clouded by fear, anxiety, or social problems? Does it seem like your child is defiant, says inappropriate things, or is socially rude at times? Have past therapists not been a great match for your energetic child? Child and adolescent counseling in Southeastern Connecticut is a speciality at Wisdom Within.
Well, the team of child, adolescent, and teen therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling offer creative options.
Children and teenagers need help from a professional outside the home and school environment.
Helping children understand emotions like anger, jealousy, and loss is possible through holistic, creative therapies. Being able to paint while talking about loss of a best friend supports emotional expression. And, being able to go for a walk outdoors to talk about a parental divorce in therapy builds self-confidence.

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Child and adolescent therapy in Southeastern Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling offer holistic, creative options
Art therapies, yoga therapies, music therapies, and outdoor play therapies support emotional expression. When your child has a therapist, they can gain emotional skills and social skills.
Bullying can lead to low self-esteem
Children and adolescents need guidance around emotional and social skills. Your child might be having friendship issues. When a best friend moves away, this can be a big loss. As well, it can be a loss when a friend they were once close with no longer wants to be their friend. Your child might feel sad about this friendship change.
A recent parental divorce may be creating conflict and chaos mentally from your child.
The transition from childhood to teenager years can be very challenging.
Your adolescent may not be as bubbly or warm with you as they once were. They might try to talk more with friends, or be more influenced by social media. Sometimes, it seems like your adolescent is lost in TikTok or Snapchat.
Is your teenager always trying to fit in and change themselves for others?

How to know when your child or adolescent needs the help of a specialist in child and teen therapy?
Your adolescent may not be as talkative as they once were. They might try to sleep more, or be eating much more or much less. Adolescents and teens crave a sense of belonging with their peers.
Maybe, your teenager feels like a social outcast and struggles with self-confidence.
Child and adolescent counseling at Wisdom Within can help your child develop confidence and emotional coping strategies. These skills can be lifelong coping strategies as well.
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Self-esteem is a big issue for children and teenagers alike that therapy can help strengthen.

Child and teen counseling in Waterford, Connecticut helps with body image issues and self-criticism
If your child worries about their body, shape or body weight, they might feel insecure. Often times, children are bullied because they look different. Depending on nationality, race, ethnicity, or body, shape or size, children can be very mean to other children. Low self-esteem is a result of bullying. As well, your child may become critical of themselves or start believing what bullies are saying. Learning how to react to bullying and practicing positive self talk are parts of adolescent counseling.
Whether your child has started bullying others, or is experiencing bullying themselves, holistic, creative counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut can help them develop confidence.
Your child or a teenager can start to love the shape of their body and the skin they are in from therapy.
Counseling helps children and adolescents, accept their body shape, their nationality, the color of their skin, and love themselves. Your child may feel different or not liked by peers, and need help with self-acceptance.
Overall, holistic counseling for children and adolescents becomes a safe place to process emotions. Your child can gain self-love and self acceptance techniques from counseling at Wisdom Within.
Self-love and self acceptance skills are lifelong strategies that your adolescent can use into college years and adult life.

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Child and adolescent counseling in Southeastern Connecticut can help with school avoidance and anxiety around school
School avoidance is a major issue that adolescents and teenagers may face. Your child or adolescent may no longer want to go to school and have school based anxiety.
As well, your child or teenager may refuse to go to school and have a panic attack in the morning before school.
At school, a child or teenager may avoid others or stay in the bathroom and not go to class. Your teenager might be skipping class or cutting class.
School is an important indicator of your child’s mental health. If grades are dropping, or there are behavior problems at school, child and adolescent counseling in Southeastern Connecticut can help. We help children and teenagers in Mystic, Ledyard, Gales Ferry, Norwich, East Lyme, Niantic, Waterford, Oakdale, Montville, Groton, New London, Old Saybrook, Essex, Centerbrook, Old Lyme, and Stonington, Connecticut.
Your child’s therapist can start to understand the root cause of the behavior issues.
There might be emotions that your child is having trouble expressing. Anger is often the easiest emotion to show. And, when angry, it is hard for your child to understand reflect, or even listen. So, we teach self-soothing skills like breathing, yoga, and mediation.
Your child’s therapist may determine they are experiencing sensory overload at school, leading to school problems. For some children, sitting in a noisy cafeteria can make eating food uncomfortable. Certain textures of food or textures of clothing can interfere with learning. Your child’s therapist can understand them and support you in creating academic accommodations.

Supporting academic accommodations can be a part of child and teen therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling in Connecticut
Your child might need the support of a 504 plan for extended testing time. Some children need weekly 30 minute meetings with the school psychologist to feel supported in a school environment. Child and adolescent counseling in Southeastern Connecticut at Wisdom Within can support these accommodations.
Your child therapist can help understand what your child needs. Then, we can support you, as a parent, in implementing these with their school. Working with a child and adolescent counselor at Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut can support academic confidence. The team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling near Mystic, Connecticut can help your child feel safe being themselves at school.
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Parental divorce can be challenging for children and teens
Parental divorce can lead children, adolescents, and teenagers to experience, depression, anger, and anxiety.
It might feel like everything is changing around your child. The reality they used to know is no longer there. Fear of change is very real for children and teens. One home might feel very different than the other home. Emotional meltdowns are more common during times of family change, divorce, and blending families.
Having two homes can be a huge adjustment for a child or a teenager.
Without the safe space of a therapist office to process the emotions that come along with divorce, a child may develop behavior issues. Your child or teenager may have emotional meltdowns, panic, attacks, tearfulness, or seem depressed overall.

Blending families
And, your child therapist can help them talk about parental divorce and separation, as well as a blending of new families. Your ex spouse might be remarrying or having a child with someone new. Child therapy near Old Saybrook, Connecticut can help your adolescent process these changes in their family. From therapy, children can talk about each of the adults who love them in their lives.
Lastly, holistic child and adolescent counseling in Southeastern Connecticut help your child feel loved at the end of the day.
In East Lyme, Connecticut, child and adolescent counseling helps children and teens develop social friendship and emotional skills
Children, adolescent and teenagers need help developing social emotional skills. Social emotional skills can include understanding, body language, reading, facial expressions, and recognizing tone of voice.
Right now, your child or teenager might not be able to understand a joke, and take things personally. As well, they might say something rude or inappropriate socially.
Therapy can help your child or a teenager understand appropriate social skills and make a long lasting friendships. Without healthy, emotional skills, having trusting relationships can be very difficult. Your child may take relationship issues into adulthood, unfortunately. So, working with a therapist in Southeastern, Connecticut can help your child develop friendship skills for lifelong relationships. These skills can support better sibling, parental, and grandparent relationships too.

Child and adolescent counseling in Southeastern Connecticut supports ADHD coping tools
Children with ADHD may have more struggles with school, sitting, still, concentrating, and even listening to adults. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut, we offer children and teenagers outdoor therapies.
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Why creative arts and outdoor play therapies in child and adolescent counseling near Waterford, Connecticut?
Outdoor play therapies allow children to express physical energy in a healthy way. Well, moving around, playing hopscotch, or going for a walk by the beach helps your adolescent can release energy. While going for a walk, your teenager can talk about different life challenges.
They may be facing issues with a part-time job, with friends, or issues at school related to ADHD. ADHD can appear different for children versus teenagers.
Child and adolescent counseling in Southeastern Connecticut gives outlets for anger, jealousy, sibling competition, and loss.

LGBTQIA+, queer, non-binary, and transgender affirming child and adolescent counseling in Southeastern Connecticut
Children and teenagers of all ages may be experiencing gender questioning feelings. These feelings can come from a variety of different influences, both internally and externally. Young children, who are in preschool start to understand gender stereotypes. Your toddler might be wanting to express their gender in different ways. For one, your little boy might be wanting to paint their nails or grow their hair long. Or, your little girl might want to play with trucks, Legos, and ask you to call them a boy’s name. We are for LGBTQIA+ affirming and can help families navigate these topics.
Wether your child or teen identifies as queer, non-binary, or transgender gender, Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy.
While a child coming out as transgender or gender nonconforming may not need hormones, talking about this can support families and being more affirming. As a teenager comes out as gay, transgender, or non-binary, being supportive as a family is essential. Studies show that teenagers who are non-binary or transgender and face family rejection are at a much higher risk for suicide.
If your teenager doesn’t feel accepted or family members are not using their preferred pronouns, your teenager might start self harming or become suicidal.
Loss of a parent can trigger anger, sadness, and emotional pain for children and teenagers
Therapy in new London County Connecticut can help your child or teenager if they have lost a parent suddenly.
A parent may have cancer, be in a car accident, or die unexpectedly, and your teenager may be facing a variety of new, complex emotions.
No longer having a parent can be a major cause of depression and anger. Your child’s therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help them understand it was not their fault.
Overcoming self-blame after parental loss
It is very common for children and teenagers to blame themselves after the death of a parent. With grief comes self-blame. Therapy for children and teens can help your child understand why they are feeling so much sadness. Counseling near Old Lyme, Connecticut at Wisdom Within can give them a safe space to cry.
And, your child can find positive ways to cope with anxiety and depression that have come from parental loss.

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We help adolescents and their families use LGBTQIA+, preferred pronouns, and transgender inclusive language.
Parents may have questions, concerns, or fears that can be talked about in counseling near Stonington, Connecticut at Wisdom Within.
Therapy does not influence your teenager to become queer, LGBTQIA+ expressive or transgender. However, therapy offers a safe space for your child or adolescent to process any rejection from peers. They may have faced bullying at school from teachers or peers.
Coming out can be an incredibly positive process for children and teens, but also comes along with anxiety. As well, your child or teenager may face fear of rejection, bullying, and even hazing.
Giving your teenager a safe space to talk about their gender identity in child and adolescent counseling in Southeastern Connecticut can be very positive. Additionally, your teen can talk about their sexual orientation and preferred pronouns.
Healthy dating skills for teens in child and adolescent counseling in Southeastern Connecticut
If your child is gay, or bisexual, they can talk about healthy dating skills just like your child would do if they are straight or heterosexual. No matter your child’s sexual orientation, child and teen counseling near Groton, Connecticut can teach healthy boundaries and safe relationship skills.
This way, your child does not end up overly caretaking for a high school romantic partner. Your child can have a moral compass to know not to send sexual pictures, for instance.

Navigating a first break up in counseling
If your child goes through a break up, it could be devastating. When a teenager goes through their first break up, this can send them into self-harm spirals, suicidal, thinking, or depression.
Dealing with social rejection is a big part of teen therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling. Breaking up and being coming resilient are important skills are adolescent and teen counseling can support with. Child and adolescent counseling in Southeastern Connecticut at Wisdom Within supports positive, healthy coping tools.
Holistic, creative therapies foster emotional safety.
Your child’s therapist can help them feel confident to go out into the world and navigate social situations.
From the inside out, your child can learn to speak up when they need help rather than having a meltdown or panic attack.
Child and adolescent counseling in Southeastern Connecticut supports emotional expression tools and confidence.
To begin, book your free phone consult for child and adolescent counseling in Southeastern Connecticut using the button below.
Just knowing that your child or teenager has an outlet where they can move around and their counseling session can help them feel secure and interested in therapy skills.
The last thing you want is a therapist that makes your child sit still and listen. Having a therapist who really understands your child and can relate to their needs is key. Children at Wisdom Within Counseling love coming to therapy and don’t feel forced to see their counselor.
In child and adolescent counseling in Southeastern Connecticut, we allow children to learn about emotions and social skills in fun ways. Essentially, at Wisdom Within Counseling, we help children fun coping tools that work for them. Whether your child wants to use a game, chalk outside, or a walk by the beach, they can do so. Each child can find personalized outlets for big, intense, overwhelming feelings through holistic therapy.

What is holistic and creative about child and adolescent counseling near Gales Ferry, Connecticut?
Some children have a higher level of energy, and it feels more comfortable for them to be moving around while talking about emotions. We have options like art materials, clay, painting, and tie-dye that they can do in a session to build confidence.
Creating art can be a great outlet for a child with ADHD. Also, we help children identify different emotions they are feeling from anxiety to anger to loss.
From there, we help children and teenagers find healthy ways to cope while building self-love and self-esteem skills. Holistic, creative counseling options can help your child be less angry and communicate what they feel more clearly.
Art therapy, music therapy, yoga therapy, walking therapies, and drama therapy support lifelong self-confidence.
The team at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize in child and adolescent therapy in Southeastern Connecticut.