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Poly vagal therapy in holistic therapy in Connecticut

Polyvagal theory in holistic medicine is helping you gain the ability to notice when your internal system is activated. A lot of times, we grow up and anxious families, with high conflict arguments, and internalize a lot of nervousness. Some people call this trauma. In your nervous system, you have two halves, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. Polyvagal theory isContinue readingPoly vagal therapy in holistic therapy in Connecticut

Why is parental alienation so painful?

Family estrangement happens and it can be very painful. Often, when contact is cut off between family members, it creates anxiety, loss, anger, and grief. Parents who are cut off feel sad, shame, regret and may even blame themselves. Therapy can help parents stop blaming themselves and build a healthy life. Estrangement between family members can last for long periodsContinue readingWhy is parental alienation so painful?

Family Estrangement Therapy – Should I stop speaking to my parents?

When should I seek the help of a family estrangement therapist? If you are wondering if you should stop being speaking to your parents, you are not alone. A lot of people feel angry, hurt, betrayed, or even abused. If your parents were alcoholics, you might feel like the only thing you can do is cut them off. Often, cutContinue readingFamily Estrangement Therapy – Should I stop speaking to my parents?

How to heal after my child cut me out? Family Estrangement Counseling

Why is my son leaving me as a mother? How can my daughter just cut me off like this? Your daughter or son may have their own emotions that they are working through. Regardless, cut offs are very painful emotionally. Sometimes, it is easier for an adult child to cut you off rather than deal with difficult conversations. For manyContinue readingHow to heal after my child cut me out? Family Estrangement Counseling

How can music therapy help my adolescent?

First off, music therapy helps adolescents because they are struggling with friendship issues, school drama, parental divorce, perfectionism, eating disorders, self harm, and low self-esteem. Teenagers are struggling with depression and the pressure to get into a good college. Music therapy supports a healthy sense of self, the confidence to say no to the bad crowd, and lifelong relaxation tools.Continue readingHow can music therapy help my adolescent?

What is erectile dysfunction therapy and how can it help your marriage?

Erectile dysfunction is when a man in a relationship cannot keep his penis erect or hard. This can lead to low self-confidence, low self-worth, depression, and anxiety. In this article, we will talk about the causes of erectile dysfunction as well as treatments. Within the framework of marriage counseling and couples therapy, our team supports the treatment of erectile dysfunction.Continue readingWhat is erectile dysfunction therapy and how can it help your marriage?

Is It Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

Can a relationship survive without empathy? First, there are a few reasons why your significant other or spouse cannot show empathy. People with narcissistic personality disorder can not show empathy or emotional awareness. When your spouse can’t show empathy, you’ll probably feel like you are being used. You may feel sad, cry alone, feel confusion, and doubt your abilities. And,Continue readingIs It Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

How to see signs of emotional abuse? Trauma therapy for emotional abuse

Within the context of romantic relationships, a person abusing you could be a spouse, a significant other, even someone you are dating. It is important to know that emotional abuse involves more than just physical violence. A lot of people think that domestic abuse is just punching or hitting. In addition, domestic violence is also emotionally abusive words and actions.Continue readingHow to see signs of emotional abuse? Trauma therapy for emotional abuse

A Spotlight on the Effects Of COVID-19 On Children

The sweeping effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have not only struck the world at large-scale, but have impacted us on an individual level as well. Every person adjusted their current ways of living as new guidelines were implemented. Children are among one population that are affected most by the restrictions set in place.  As an intake coordinator at Wisdom WithinContinue readingA Spotlight on the Effects Of COVID-19 On Children

The Benefits of Child Therapy in Today’s Society

There is a growing conflict between how society expects children to act versus the support children actually need to succeed. Child therapy can help children distinguish this difference and grow in a positive and supportive way. Oftentimes, society places increasing demands on children to present themselves as fully functioning individuals. This pressure can inhibit healthy growth and development among youngContinue readingThe Benefits of Child Therapy in Today’s Society

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