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Is Marriage Counseling Right For Me? Couples Therapy Questions Answered!

What is couples therapy like? Marriage counseling and relationship therapy supports distance, frustration, loneliness, betrayal, and sadness. You might feel hurt that there is something coming between you and your significant other. Perhaps, your partner has been lying or has been keeping a secret from you. Couples therapy is not about blaming one another. Rather, marriage counseling is a processContinue readingIs Marriage Counseling Right For Me? Couples Therapy Questions Answered!

LGBTQIA+ queer and bisexual therapy in Connecticut for teens and couples

Teenagers and adults may be questioning their gender, exploring their sexuality, and needing help in LGBTQIA+ therapy. Your teenager may struggle with school, the dating world, or their sexual orientation. As well, teenagers may show perfectionism. LGBTQIA+ therapy in Connecticut supports gender exploration for teens and couples. There may be fears around rejection, or depression that lingers with being inContinue readingLGBTQIA+ queer and bisexual therapy in Connecticut for teens and couples

LGBTQIA+ Queer Couples Therapy in Litchfield County, Connecticut

Why Start In Litchfield County Couples Counseling? Definitely going to marriage and couples therapy will help you improve your communication issues. There might be yelling, name-calling, or it might feel like you’re never heard. Sometimes, distant, high conflict couples experience difficulties around sex or sexual pleasure. Other couples have high levels of anxiety, demands, or criticism. Your couples therapist canContinue readingLGBTQIA+ Queer Couples Therapy in Litchfield County, Connecticut

Child and Teen Therapy in Essex, Connecticut

What Age Can A Child Start Therapy? Did you know, toddlers and preschoolers can feel emotions and need help processing them? Children who can’t talk can use play therapy to express their feelings. As well, children can tell their story of change, loss, or fear through play therapy in Essex, Connecticut. At Wisdom Within Counseling, our team helps children andContinue readingChild and Teen Therapy in Essex, Connecticut

Abusive Relationships and Signs that Tell

When we are in a relationship, it is often difficult to understand and process the dynamics that are occurring between us and our partner. You may be completely unaware that we are even in an abusive relationship.Taking a step back and reevaluating your relationship from an outsider’s perspective, however, may be able to offer you new insight. Wisdom Within CounselingContinue readingAbusive Relationships and Signs that Tell

What You Need to Know about Therapy for POTS in Connecticut

Have you or your child received a diagnosis of POTS? As more is learned about this chronic illness, more and more individuals are being diagnosed. Additionally, with the increase in COVID long-haulers, more people find themselves with a diagnosis of POTS. Are you looking for therapy for POTS in Connecticut? At Wisdom Within Counseling, we help individuals diagnosed with POTSContinue readingWhat You Need to Know about Therapy for POTS in Connecticut

3 reasons to work with an Old Lyme, CT child therapist – holistic family counseling

Deciding to take your child to see a therapist is not an easy decision. You may not know which one to pick. Your child’s pediatrician may have recommended counseling. As well, working with an Old Lyme, CT child therapist can help your child process feelings like sadness, anger, stress, and grief. Your child might be dealing with problems due toContinue reading3 reasons to work with an Old Lyme, CT child therapist – holistic family counseling

The Best Books to Help Children Build Emotional Coping Tools

Wisdom Within Counseling has compiled our favorite children’s books for emotional coping tools. Click on the titles to look more at each book. We hope you find this resource list helpful. The Recess Queen by Alexis O’neill, Laura Huliska-Beith When Sadness Is At Your Door by Eva Eland I Love You The Purplest by Barbara Joosse Don’t Feed The Worry BugContinue readingThe Best Books to Help Children Build Emotional Coping Tools

Poly vagal therapy in holistic therapy in Connecticut

Polyvagal theory in holistic medicine is helping you gain the ability to notice when your internal system is activated. A lot of times, we grow up and anxious families, with high conflict arguments, and internalize a lot of nervousness. Some people call this trauma. In your nervous system, you have two halves, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. Polyvagal theory isContinue readingPoly vagal therapy in holistic therapy in Connecticut

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