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3 Reasons to Try Family Therapy in Canton, CT

When thinking about going to therapy, many people think about individual therapy. They have the image of one person sitting in the room with a therapist. However, therapy is not just for individuals! If you are thinking about bringing your adolescent or teen to therapy, you might consider pursuing family therapy. Wisdom Within Counseling has therapists to help you getContinue reading3 Reasons to Try Family Therapy in Canton, CT

Therapy for Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) in Branford, CT

Are you or your child struggling with sensory processing disorder (SPD)? Our therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling can help those with SPD. What is Sensory Processing? During the day, you experience sensory aspects of life. For example, you may find that walking your dog helps you feel more relaxed during the day. You may also find that listening to musicContinue readingTherapy for Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) in Branford, CT

Intimacy In Relationship And Marriage Counseling In Westport, Connecticut

Are you walking on eggshells around your spouse? Feeling upset by something they have done or said to you? Intimacy is taken away in the same way it is given. You’re in the right place! There are many different types of intimacy too. The one that people miss and crave a lot is emotional intimacy. Essentially, emotional intimacy paves theContinue readingIntimacy In Relationship And Marriage Counseling In Westport, Connecticut

Understanding the Different Types of Anxiety Disorders (+ Diagnosis and Treatment)

Anxiety is something that affects almost everyone in our daily lives at some point. However, if your symptoms affect your daily life, you may experience an anxiety disorder. Mental health disorders, physical conditions, drug interactions, or a combination of these cause anxiety. Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress and can help in certain circumstances. It can make you moreContinue readingUnderstanding the Different Types of Anxiety Disorders (+ Diagnosis and Treatment)

3 Reasons to Do Drama Therapy in Family Counseling near Guilford, Connecticut

Getting to know how family members are feeling can be hard when people are not wanting to share. In creative arts and drama therapy, you and your family can communicate in more positive ways. However, many families are not ready to listen to each other. Also, families may not fully understand what is preventing connection. Drama therapy in family counselingContinue reading3 Reasons to Do Drama Therapy in Family Counseling near Guilford, Connecticut

What Is Sensory Processing Disorder in Child Therapy in East Lyme, CT

What Is Sensory Processing Disorder? During the day, you experience sensory aspects of life. For example, you may find that walking your dog helps you feel more relaxed during the day. Also, you may also find that listening to music can help you feel more energized. Everything you do has a sensory aspect, even if you don’t think about it.Continue readingWhat Is Sensory Processing Disorder in Child Therapy in East Lyme, CT

3 Tips for Navigating Family Gatherings During the Holiday Season

The holiday season can be exciting and fun! It can also be overwhelmingly stressful and frustrating. As we come together with family members we haven’t seen all year, we may find ourselves in the middle of dysfunction. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we can help support you during your family gatherings during the holiday season. Tip #1: Don’t Be Afraid toContinue reading3 Tips for Navigating Family Gatherings During the Holiday Season

Fighting like lawyers in your marriage? Marriage counseling in Old Saybrook, Connecticut

If you are fighting like lawyers in your marriage, you might want guidance around gaining closeness and hope. As well, fighting like lawyers means that you are in conflict all the time and hurting emotionally. You may feel afraid, like you are walking on eggshells, angry, and hopeless. Deep down, you know you want to stay together, but the fightingContinue readingFighting like lawyers in your marriage? Marriage counseling in Old Saybrook, Connecticut

3 Fun Ways You Can Practice Self-Care This Year

Self-care isn’t always the first thought on most people’s minds. Too often, many people tend to put themselves last on their list to care for. But, as the old saying goes, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” Constantly caring for others and leaving no time for yourself is a clear path to burnout. It is important to practice self-care!Continue reading3 Fun Ways You Can Practice Self-Care This Year

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