If your child is experiencing bullying, it can be a nightmare for them to goto school.
You might not understand the bullying that is happening at school. Your child might not want to go to school anymore because they longer have friends. To add, teasing and sarcasm at school can quickly become hurtful. Other children might say unkind words or constantly annoy your child. When your child is experiencing bullying, it can be really hard for them to stop it and even learn in school. And, they might feel helpless. Some children get bullied emotionally, physically, and on social media. Wisdom Within offers holistic, unique arts, and creative Old Lyme, Connecticut child counseling.

To begin, click the button below for your phone consult for child counseling in Old Lyme, CT for confidence and self-esteem.
What is physical bullying?
For instance, another child may hit, shove, annoy, name call, or even steal money from your child.

Emotional bullying
At other times, your child might be experiencing bullying when they hear rumors. A child who is spreading rumors about your child in the school hallway is bullying them.
Social media bullying
For some teenagers, they are experiencing bullying on social media. Or, pictures go around school to hurt their feelings.
What not to do?
Parents may make the mistake of telling their child to tough it out. However, there are many negative affects of experiencing bullying such as low self-esteem. Additionally, a child who is experiencing bullying may develop a fear of the social outing and other people.

How can Old Lyme, Connecticut child counseling help with understanding bullying?
A child’s sense of safety is changes when experiencing bullying. In severe cases, suicidal thinking occurs. Sometimes, children will begin bullying others from enduring harassment. Child therapy can help your little one stop criticizing themselves. It can provide outlets for the stress and anxiety of bullying. As well, Wisdom Within Counseling offers art, yoga, music, and creative outlets for building confidence and self-esteem.
Your child may show you that they are experiencing bullying in ways beyond words.
For instance, your child might seem anxious going to school in the morning. Also, when bullied, you child may become nauseous before school. They may seem more upset than usual, or avoid social gatherings. Your child may return from school with bruises. Additionally, your child might not be able to tell you that they are being bullied or harassed verbally. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we offer Old Lyme, Connecticut child counseling to help rebuild self-esteem after bullying. Art therapies give children a voice beyond words.

To begin, click the button below for your phone consult for Old Lyme, Connecticut child counseling for confidence and self-esteem.
In addition to Old Lyme, Connecticut child counseling, how can parents support their child after bullying?
Read books or watch a TV shows on children bullying and harassment. And, have an open conversation with your child about it. You can ask your child, “Have you ever seen this happen to anyone you know?” Essentially, this opens a conversation on bullying and harassment. As well, having good communication helps your child know you are a person they can trust.
As well, if your child does come to you that they are experiencing bullying, child counseling be a great way for them to develop better self-esteem. Improving self-esteem and self-worth can help your child stop blaming themselves and understand behaviors of the bullies. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we offer Old Lyme, Connecticut child counseling for improving self-worth.

How can working in child counseling in Old Lyme, Connecticut support holistic, positive coping strategies?
As a family, and with your therapist, you can determine the right course of action with the school. Working with a therapist can give your child a safe place outside of school and home.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we offer creative arts, yoga, music therapies, drama therapy, and meditation to help children build confidence.
As well, counseling can help children learn skills like “cooling down,” relaxing breathing, or walking away.
Children can learn how to release anger instead of reacting to the bully. Old Lyme, Connecticut child counseling at Wisdom Within helps your child develop resilience and believe in themselves.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, we specialize in creative arts and play therapies with children who need confidence.
What is play therapy in Old Lyme, Connecticut child counseling?
Play therapy is the language of a distressed child. And, in holistic play therapy sessions, children can have a voice beyond words. Many times, children cannot talk or verbalize what they need, so they will play it out. Through play therapy in Old Lyme, Connecticut child counseling, we teach children new coping mechanisms. In addition, play therapy can help your child reduce aggressive or angry behavior.
To begin, click the button below for your phone consult for child counseling in Old Lyme, Connecticut for confidence and self-esteem.
From Old Lyme, Connecticut child counseling, children can cope with anxiety, grief, loss, and depression in a positive way.

Play therapy is very beneficial for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder.
Creative play therapies can help children who are facing anticipation of death or loss of a parent or grandparent, chronic illness, or even learning disabilities. Many times, toys, puppets, and books can act as symbols and take on greater meaning. In play therapy in Old Lyme, Connecticut child counseling, we specialize in joining a child in their world. We meet your anxious child at their unique level through play therapy. Preschoolers and toddlers won’t be able to talk about what they feel directly, so play therapists observe the play. In addition, play therapy helps children develop self-control.

What does play therapy do for emotional relief?
Children can learn how to play and act out anxiety, stress, and fear. Additionally, play therapy and holistic counseling for children in Old Lyme, Connecticut can improve conflict resolution. Lastly, play therapy in Old Lyme, Connecticut child counseling supports trauma healing and helps your family work better together.

What holistic tools are available in Old Lyme, Connecticut child counseling?
Play therapy may include creative visualization, storytelling, musical instruments, and emotional expression. Your child can use puppets, stuffed animals, action figures, dolls, or even arts and crafts. As well, we offer tie-dye, nature therapies, and dance in creative movement and therapy. Variety of different musical instruments including South African drums, rain stakes, and shakers help children release emotions in a healthy way.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we would love to help your child develop social skills and self-confidence.