Going through heartbreak is one of the most difficult experiences you can face. Sometimes, break ups are more clear, and other times they are sudden. It feels like the world you knew is gone and you have to start a new life. Break up counseling at Wisdom Within can give you healthy coping tools to feel whole and confident in yourself again.
Often, there will be moments you feel consumed with sadness and grief. It is always okay to cry, to feel sad, and grieve. Therapy can be a safe place to process these difficult feelings and overcome the pain. Learning how to move on, even when you are still in love, is a process.
You are not alone if you are going through a difficult break up or heartbreak. Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut offers holistic break up counseling to support self-esteem and empowerment.
To begin, click below for a phone consultation for self-esteem and empowerment through your recent break up, heartache, and to get over your ex.
Feeling all the feelings in part of break up counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut
It is okay to still feel in love or that you loved your ex. As well, you may know that they are a negative person to keep in your life, or have hurt you deeply. Even if you left your last relationship due to issues like anger, domestic violence, a trauma bond, or cheating, it does not make heartache less. It is normal to miss someone who you loved even if they were abusive, harmful, or if you were in a trauma bond.
Anxiety, fear, loss, heartache, grief, and happiness are all okay
If you were the one to leave a negative relationship, you may know this person is not good for you, but there is still massive pain that comes along with it. Love is one of the most powerful feelings. When you are in love, you may feel closer than you ever had before. Then, the loss and grief feel immense too.
With loss of love comes a process of recommitting to yourself and taking good care of yourself. Break up counseling can help you move on, know your self again, and if you choose, one day, start a healthier relationship.
It is okay to feel sad and grieve the past and the effort you put in
No matter the reasons for your break up, it can be difficult to get over an ex. In a break up, it might be difficult to learn to do things on your own, or by yourself. First, know that going through a break up will be difficult, painful, and can be emotionally challenging at times. Walking away from someone you love or have loved is very challenging. The holistic therapies available at Wisdom Within Counseling provide positive coping outlets. For instance, art, yoga, music, and outdoor walking therapies support you after heartbreak. Break up counseling helps you release intense emotions in a variety of holistic, mind-body ways.
To begin, click below for a phone consultation for self-esteem and empowerment through your recent break up, heartache, and to get over your ex.
Deal with grief, loss, and sadness in a healthy way with counseling
With counseling, you can learn to cope with sadness, loss, and grief in a healthy way. Many times, the pain can feel so intense that you may feel an urge to numb your feelings.
What are unhealthy coping mechanisms?
Spending money, losing yourself in work, and sleeping around with a variety of people become numbing behaviors. Alcoholism, pornography addiction, spending lots of money, drug use, working too much, and other negative mechanisms can cause additional mental health issues. Counseling can help you learn what coping tools help you move past it. You want to try hobbies that are an achievement, rather than numbing out.
Find coping tools and focus on important things that help you feel your life matters.
Counseling can help you find a sense of possibility within yourself for a brighter future and gain self-esteem tools. Learning to be with your feelings and comfort yourself are key parts moving forward and getting over an ex. Alleviating pain can be done in a healthy, holistic way rather than negative, unhealthy mechanisms through therapy. Right now, it might be a difficult day, or very sad moment. You might feel triggered to sleep with someone new, work a fifteen hour day, getting drunk at the bar, or eat a bunch of junk food.
How to cope with a break up in a healthy way?
Instead, learn to be your own best friend through a work out class at the gym or take a yoga class. Maybe, you want the courage to take voice lessons or a music lesson to spend you time doing something healthy.
Take the time to journal, do art, paint, and create peace within yourself. Find a hobby you are interested in and focus your energy in a healthy way on that. This way you gain confidence, self-confidence, and self-esteem. These emotions won’t take away the heartbreak or heartache, but they will help you get through.
To begin, click below for a phone consultation for self-esteem and empowerment through your recent break up, heartache, and to get over your ex.
Trust the process and see a bright future ahead for yourself
On a more positive note, there are elements of self-acceptance, meaning, and purpose in life that can come from a break up. Through this most difficult emotional pain, you can shine more brightly than ever before. Counseling can help you heal from the inside out. A break up can help you have a more healthy, loving, respectful relationship than you did in the past.
Even though you are leaving behind what is familiar, it may have been abusive or negative for you. From moving on, you can manifest a healthier, more positive relationship, with friends and a romantic partner.
Know that within heartache, you deserve to have a happy relationship if you want one
One important step in moving on after a break up is knowing that someone else can bring you a healthier version of love that you’ve had before.
You deserve respect, love, and all that you want in life. If someone has cheated on you, they were not giving you what you deserve. As well, if someone you were dating didn’t check all the boxes, it is okay to let them go and move on. You deserve a romantic partner to love you in the ways you want to be loved.
What are healthy boundaries for a future romantic relationship?
If someone you were dating was lying to you, this is not an accountable person and they don’t respect you. Furthermore, if your ex yelled, got drunk, or was angry, you didn’t deserve this type of treatment. People often stay in relationships that are unhealthy, abusive, but familiar for way too long. Breaking free from a trauma bond can be very difficult, but a healthier choice for your future.
Living with yelling, name calling, or an ex who is belittling you can become a dysfunctional state of normal.
If you were in an abusive relationship, learning to live without abuse can be a new feeling and a new chapter for you. It might be new at first to live at peace or even live out of fear of abuse. Learning to live in a peaceful environment with yourself, even if being single is scary or unknown, can be very positive.
Working with a therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you take back your personal power after an abusive relationship.
How can holistic therapy and break up counseling help me get over my ex and gain a healthy sense of self?
You can start to learn what respect means to you and you boundaries for stepping away, if necessary. As well, if you choose to get into another relationship, you can have a therapist to support you fully in creating something healthier. By talking with a therapist, you can learn to share parts of your traumatic past. However, you can also learn to joyfully share quality time together as you gain dating a new romantic partner. Also, you can learn to have fun and stay true to yourself while being on the lookout for unacceptable behavior that is a deal breaker.
Break up counseling can help you reach new goals and develop things in your life just for you.
After a break up, it can feel like you are lost, and incomplete. Depression is a normal part of loss and bereavement. For some, going through a break up can feel like your life is falling apart. Everything you once knew seems different and skies are not as blue. Therapy can help you process all the memories you have from the past. Also, therapy can be helpful when you feel a part of your life is gone. Regular break up counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut can help when it feels like you no longer have purpose or direction. After a painful heartbreak, it might feel like you want to keep engaging or talking with your ex. It might feel like you “need” your ex.
Moving on is a process in break up counseling
However, a break up is a time to learn to rely on yourself in a healthy, confident way. You can find new purpose and independence by enjoying your life all by yourself. Your therapist can boost you up and help you feel confident in your abilities. Learning to get your needs met from yourself is a key part in healing from a break up. Therapy can also help you deal with the loss, fear, anxiety, and stress of this new chapter. Within a romantic relationship, each person needs to bring a healthy, whole sense of self.
As well, you can use break up counseling to manage daily tasks, organize your life, and be prepared for a healthy romantic relationship.
Counseling after a break up can help you get over your ex in a healthy way.
Maybe, you want to develop yourself personally like going back to school. Your therapist can help you reach new goals in your personal life. Even within a healthy romantic relationship, continuing to pursue personal goals supports a healthy sense fo self.
Each person needs a healthy sense of individual identity to the relationship. Therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut can help you regain a healthy sense of self after a painful, difficult break up and feel whole again.
Meeting with a relationship therapist helps you identify potential red flags in a new romantic partner as well.
If your ex had been calling you bad, degrading names, this is not respectful and should be unacceptable in a future relationship. In abusive relationships, you may have experienced gaslighting, emotional abuse or physical abuse.
It is never your fault for experiencing gaslighting or intimate partner violence. Part of healing from a break up where there was domestic violence is knowing you deserve better treatment in the next relationship.
If you liked going to restaurants with your ex, trust that another person in your future will like going to restaurants with you too.
Or, if you like to go hiking on the weekends with a romantic partner, trust that someone in your future will truly enjoy that with you too. What you had with your ex may have been a mixture of good times and bad times. With a future romantic partner, you can create more good times that bad.
With the help of a therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut, you can process all emotions. It is normal to need help expressing betrayal, loss, grief, sadness, anger, to hurt. You can manifest an even healthier, more loving, stable, and playful bond than you had before. All relationships will have some ups and downs. Your break up therapist can support you in a future relationship.
As well, your break up therapist can help you understand what is a normal part of a healthy, romantic relationship verses abuse or unacceptable behavior.
Learning to identify red flag behaviors, abuse, or things you find unacceptable are part of holistic counseling after a break up.
Vocalizing needs and wants in a romantic relationship is a key skill in building a healthy relationship. In your next romantic relationship, you deserve trust, honesty, and good communication.
Working with a therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut can help you use healthy communication skills to create a positive relationship. Sharing your feelings and emotions is an important part of all healthy bonds and marriages.
Working with a therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you feel open for new love to come into your life. When the time is right, you may want to start dating again and pursue new love. Our team at Wisdom Within Counseling would love to help you heal from painful emotions, remember that you deserve nothing less than the best, and feel strong in yourself again.