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Art Therapy Tree of Life Painting Experience

Art therapy has been shown to benefit people of all ages. Research indicates art therapy can improve communication and concentration and can help reduce feelings of isolation. This type of therapy has also been shown to lead to increases in self-esteem, confidence, and self-awareness, katie ziskind, art therapist, holistic alternative therapies, niantic, ct

Narrative Art Therapy Group at East Lyme High School in May 2018

Secondly, below is a photo taken on May 21, 2018 when Katie Ziskind, the owner of Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, volunteered at East Lyme High School with a Life Skills class hosted by Jen Carney-Brush. Then, Katie Ziskind, LMFT, RYT500 guided a narrative therapy Tree of Life exercise. Likewise, the art of life exercise brought creative, expressive art therapy into the classroom. Lastly, Katie Ziskind shared different approaches to self-care and emotional expression.

October 2018: Art Therapy Tree of Life Experiential Exercise at the Deep River Library in Deep River, Connecticut

October 2019: Art Therapy Tree of Life Experiential Exercise at Uconn Avery Point in Groton, Connecticut

Painting together can free your mind from stress and help you think more clearly about your goals

Also, this, “Art Therapy Tree of Life Painting Experience,” offers a form of emotional expression and creativity beyond just words. Whether you are looking for a peaceful afternoon, positive coping outlets, or a team building activity, this can help. Therapy with art, painting, glitter, and tie dye are some of Katie Ziskind’s specialities.

Uconn Avery Point Creative Art And Painting Workshop for Relaxation – October 2019

In Southeastern Connecticut, this, “Art Therapy Tree of Life Painting Experience” is adapted from Narrative Therapy. Often, this experience has great success in helping young people with eating disorders gain inner beauty. However, Katie Ziskind, of Niantic, Connecticut, chooses to expand this training for all people.

At Uconn Avery Point in Groton, Connecticut, Katie Ziskind supported college students during mid-terms in October 2019.

Looking for an out-of-the-box way to feel calmer? Try the “Art Therapy Tree of Life Painting Experience” with Katie Ziskind

Art, a healing creative outlet, is offered in holistic Niantic, CT therapy. Furthermore, painting and doing art in counseling supports people of all ages. To add, multiple research studies indicate how holistic art in therapy can improve communication of negative emotions.

What are some benefits of doing art, painting, and trying something new?

Stepping beyond just words, art in counseling also supports imagination, self-esteem, and concentration. Plus, doing art in a community, like this can help reduce feelings of isolation and depression. Plus, art and painting can relieve your mind of stress, worries, and fears. Overall, art therapy is a creative, alternative type of therapy in Niantic, Connecticut. At Wisdom Within Counseling along the shoreline of CT, our team finds that art increases self-esteem, confidence, and self-awareness.

To book a presentation for your team, call (860)-451-9364.

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