A common misconception about mental health is that it is only a concern among people who suffer from mental illnesses. In reality, everyone should focus on maintaining their mental health. Anxiety can be challenging. Often, when you have anxiety, you may push it aside. But, overtime anxiety snowballs into an avalanche and becomes overwhelming. To note, anxiety symptoms are connected to physical health. You may have trouble eating, digestive pain, and headaches when anxious. As well, you may have irritable bowel syndrome due to anxiety and worries. Working with an anxiety therapist in Old Lyme, Connecticut supports lifelong coping skills. Learning to handle anxiety and depression in healthy ways takes professional support.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we believe that emotional health is just as significant as maintaining your physical health.
Stressful life situations such as financial problems or losing a loved one lead to anxiety and worry. As well, stressors can include dealing with multiple children, or going through a terrible divorce. Often, you may push through these life stressors without talking about them. Learning to talk and process these anxious life events are ways to improve mental health. As well, anxiety without therapy can lead to mental health deterioration.
Untreated anxiety may even increase a person’s risk of developing a more severe mental illness.
When people don’t take care of their anxiety, they may develop addiction issues, alcoholism, and problems with daily life. And, irrational fears may take over leaving some people afraid to leave their house. As well, untreated anxiety and depression cause marital issues and relationship problems.

What is one tip from an anxiety therapist in Old Lyme, Connecticut for when you feel unstable?
Notice when your mental health is suffering as a first step. Now, for children, they may not be able to notice this by themselves. So, paying attention to yourself is key. From there, observe your children and teenagers on a daily basis. Working with a therapist can help you and your children pay attention to anxiety symptoms. To note, pay attention to times when you feel emotionally unstable. Then, you can implement a positive coping skill.
To begin, book a phone consult below to work with an anxiety therapist in Old Lyme, Connecticut and build confidence.
Signs that you are emotionally unstable include rapid mood changes.
As well, you your child may experience trouble calming down when having a panic attack. Additionally, you may see or demonstrate, impulsive and irritable behavior. When anxiety, it is common to find it hard to contain your emotions. Children and adults need help from a therapist to learn calming skills.
Fortunately, dealing with these instances is straightforward, and you can stop your mental health from deteriorating if you act quickly.

Reassure Yourself That You Are in Control
Gain control of your emotions by reassuring yourself that you are in control. To add, working with a holistic therapist can help you learn breathing skills, meditations, and DBT skills. To add, these holistic tools are lifelong coping strategies. Also, Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut offers art therapies. Painting, clay, and watercolors can help you relax your mind. The mind is a powerful thing, and by shifting your perspective, it can sometimes be easy to stabilize emotions.

Let go of self-blame for anxiety
Now, normalize all feelings as okay within your self-talk. Naturally, many individuals’ initial reaction to unstable emotions is to feel guilty, ashamed, or embarrassed. Allowing yourself to shift into the headspace of self-blame and guilt makes it harder to gain control. So, just feel all emotions without judgement. So, remind yourself that you have control of your breath.

Fears and anxiety around foods can be a sign of an eating disorder
At times, you may experience anxiety or fears around eating certain foods. Sometimes, adolescents and teenagers fear getting fat. So, body image issues can lead to an eating disorder. Teenagers with food feats may restrict certain food groups or types of food. Notably, anxiety around mealtimes can come from many places.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we help children and adults who suffer from eating disorders.
Eating disorders and disordered eating habits impact children and adults alike. Many times, fears about becoming nauseous are very real. Children and adults may have anxiety about food due to food textures. As well, food anxiety can cause problems growing and developing. Counseling can help reduce food anxiety and understand where it comes from.
What positive affirmations and mantras from an anxiety therapist in Old Lyme, Connecticut help?
That is why it is crucial for you to remind yourself immediately that being where you are mentally is okay and controlling what you are feeling. Here are some statements you can say to yourself to reassure you are in control of your emotions:
- I am strong and courageous. And, I cannot control things around me, but I can control how I think.
- I can get through anything.
- I am capable of uplifting myself through my thoughts and emotions.
- Negative thoughts have no power. I am calm and safe in this moment.
- I trust my body and my intuition. I choose to accept life as it is.
Many people struggle with regaining control of their emotions because they battle with anxiety or depression.
To begin, book a phone consult below to work with an anxiety therapist in Old Lyme, Connecticut and build confidence.
Anxiety counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut, can help you reassure yourself that you are in control of your feelings.

Instead of Focusing on Your Feelings, Focus on Your Thoughts
When our thoughts become severely negative, we easily forget that we control what passes through our minds. In many ways, your thoughts are capable of affecting aspects of who you are.
Your thoughts are powerful and dictate your feelings about yourself, others, and how much effort you put into a single day.

Working with a holistic anxiety therapist in Old Lyme, Connecticut can help you rebuild self-love
Believe that you can shift your thoughts. Often, negative thoughts take over with anxiety. Your counselor can help you believe in yourself again. And, to have good self-worth and believe in yourself, you can repeat positive statements. Your mind starts to believe everything you are saying in your head. So, if you are saying insults or criticisms to yourself, you want to switch that around. From therapy, you can repeat positive affirmations to remind yourself of your worth.
To begin, book a phone consult below to work with an anxiety therapist in Old Lyme, Connecticut and build confidence.
What are benefits of positive self-talk?
Talking positively to yourself can soothe your nervous system. Essentially, you get to be your own best friend and nurture yourself. Therapy is a safe place to learn anxiety coping tools. To note, working on changing negative thoughts with more positive and uplifting thoughts is part of Southeastern Connecticut anxiety counseling.
Working with an anxiety therapist in Old Lyme Connecticut can help you speak kindly to yourself.

Anxiety Therapists in Old Lyme Connecticut Help You Build A Balanced Lifestyle
Therapists recommend lifestyle, sleep, and exercise changes to fight depression. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we focus on holistic lifestyle changes to sleep habits and yoga. Art therapies, yoga therapies, music therapies, walking therapies, and creative therapies help anxiety. What you eat makes a huge impact in your mood and anxiety too. Looking at your lifestyle and your mind, body, and spirit as a whole is part of holistic counseling. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you gain lifelong self-care and self-love skills.

What about anxiety and depression?
Most people who suffer from depression usually isolate, rarely exercise, or have poor sleeping habits. And, choosing to cave in to those feelings only intensifies the depression symptoms. The same applies to people dealing with anxiety, panic attacks, and unstable emotions. Meeting with a holistic anxiety therapist in Old Lyme, Connecticut supports depression and anxiety coping tools. You can learn to build a self-care toolbox from counseling in Old Lyme, Connecticut.
Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut helps people stop allowing their anxious feelings to control them.

Adapt Self-Care Habits Into Your Everyday Life
Adapting self-care habits into your everyday life is the very next step to take after you figure out how you can stop allowing your feelings to control how you live your life.

Practicing self-care is hard when you let your feelings control you, but if you push through the negative feelings and stick to healthy self-care habits, it is easy to remain in control over your emotions. It is crucial to ensure the habits you pick up are not habits you need to avoid when you feel emotionally unstable.
To begin, book a phone consult below to work with an anxiety therapist in Old Lyme, Connecticut and build confidence.
Practice self-care skills to reduce anxiety outside of counseling in Old Lyme, Connecticut
These habits can be as simple as exercising. Also, getting enough rest and going to bed at the same time nightly are anxiety coping skills. Additionally, eating foods that give you energy and make you feel good inside reduces anxiety. To add, talking with your therapist helps solidify positive routines.
If you struggle with bed time routines or rush around in the morning, you may have high anxiety.
Essentially, managing anxiety outside of Old Lyme, Connecticut counseling means doing self-care. Venture into the woods for a hike. Or, start reading a good book, going out with friends or family, and painting. At Wisdom Within Counseling, art, yoga, music, and holistic therapies lessen anxiety.

If you do not have regular self-care mentioned above, it will have an effect on your emotional stability.
Asking for help with household responsibilities or children from your family members could be beneficial. Marriage counseling in Mystic, Connecticut, can assist with initiating these types of conversations about anxiety with your spouse. Whether your child is struggling with anxiety, or you are, Wisdom Within Counseling helps in creative ways. Additionally, art, yoga, and creative yoga therapies support lifelong coping mechanisms.

Lastly, you should never shame yourself for needing help if all of the tips mentioned throughout this reading have little to no use in gaining control over your unstable emotions. A therapist or professional could help in redirecting you toward treatment specific to your situation. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling would love to help you overcome anxiety.