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Animal Therapy in Southeastern CT

First, service dogs are different than animal emotional therapy dogs. Did you know that emotional support dogs don’t necessary need any specific training? So, there is a huge difference between a service dog. Service dogs are trained for their entire life, rather than an emotional support dog. Also, emotional support dogs are not allowed in grocery stores or restaurants. To note, you can’t take an emotional support dog anywhere. Whereas, you can do this with. service dog. Now, service dogs may or may not need to wear a vest.

Child specialists Niantic Connecticut Katie Ziskind adhd
Animals in session is very healing. Animal therapy in Southeastern CT is holistic and offers healing for children after pet loss, PTSD, moving, and ADHD. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern CT loves helping children and teenagers love themselves and heal holistically. Also, art therapy is very healing for adolescents and offers creative expression.

What’s the difference between a service dog and an emotional support dog?

And, service dogs are for PTSD or for someone who has a disability. Perhaps, you went to a restaurant and and the end you saw a lab leave. You were thinking, “Wow, I never knew that dog was sitting under that table!” Service dogs are trained to focus on their owner’s needs. So, you’ll never see a trained service dog jump for food off your table. After extensive training, service dogs have one mission and that is to protect their owner.

Animal therapy for kids. Anger management for kids. Niantic counseling for children. Niantic Connecticut.
Ever held a cockroach? Well, in holistic animal therapy in Southeastern CT children are so focused, attentive, present, and involved when they get to hold a cockroach! And, Katie Ziskind and Kim Conley were there too! Call us to help you child who needs play and animal therapy! 860-451-9364.

What animal therapy services are available in Niantic, Connecticut?

Well, at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, we offer animal therapy. For depression, relaxation, and laughter, we bring animal therapy into Niantic counseling sessions. Animal therapy in Southeastern CT improves mental well-being, self-esteem, and self-love. Additionally, animals are so healing for sadness, loss, and grief. Further, only talking about depression doesn’t help. It just leads to sadness and regret. When you talk, it’s easy to get stuck in the negativity of the past. Instead, animal therapy in Niantic brings life, laughter, better mood, and playfulness into therapy. Lastly, animal therapy in Niantic in Southeastern CT, leaves your angry teenager with presence and feeling good right in session. Call us for a phone consultation for animal therpay in a Connecticut 860-451-9364.

Animal therapy Southeastern Connecticut Katie Ziskind Family therapy child therapy
Animal therapy Southeastern CT: In June 2019, Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic has an animal therapy group for children with ADHD to feel supported. Animal therapy is a hands on experience where counseling becomes children look forward to! Also, it is a sensory experience for social connections and touch! Call us 860-451-9364

What are some benefits of animal therapy in Southeastern Connecticut?

Likewise, animal therapy helps decrease stress hormones. Stress hormones, like cortisol are decreasing every time you pet an animal. Also, animal therapy increases oxytocin and serotonin in your brain. Oxytocin is an important chemical for feeling good. It is released during breastfeeding, sex, and 30 second hugs. And, oxytocin is released during animal therapy! From petting an animal, you release oxytocin in your brain and your dogs brain too!

How can dogs in animal therapy help improve social skills and friendship?

Dogs are also a social lubricant and takes the focus off your child. Often, children will get anxiety when they feel like the center of attention. Or, they’ll act out, be the joker, and misbehave. So, in play therapy and animal therapy, having an animal can help develop social skills and social connection. In animal therpay groups, children can learn to connect with each other. Also, with a dog being the center of attention, children also don’t feel like a problem child. Many times, children who misbehave for emotional reasons get labeled as a bad child in school. So, Niantic, Connecticut animal therapy can provide a new identity for children and teenager and newfound confidence.

Looking for something out-of-the-box beyond talk therapy?

Well, animal therapy in Southeastern CT helps children and young adults thrive. After animal therapy sessions for trauma, people experience less depression, anxiety, and overall more social confidence. Also, animal therapy in Niantic promotes positive coping skills and deep emotional release. Instead of anger, animal therapy supports a bond and a let go that is healthy. Often, crying into an animals fur is very healing and teaches teenagers a lifelong coping outlet. Anxiety levels decrease and coping skills increase, which is very positive for teenagers in therapy.

Animal therapies in a Southeastern CT are not offered anywhere else within 50 miles.

Plus, animal therapy in Niantic can help children with insecure attachments trust more. After trauma, children are more likely to build trust with an animal than a human. Further, dogs in counseling children in East Lyme can lay a foundation for a trusting human relationship. If your son. Has been through trauma, loss, and may have ADHD, animal therapy and outdoor movement therapies help develop compassion and social skills.

Animal therapy Southeastern CT

PTSD therapy in Southeastern Connecticut

Call us for a phone consultation for animal therapy for confidence in Southeastern Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling

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