When you are addicted to pornography and masturbation, you may spend an excessive amount of time touching yourself. As well, you may feel moody, anxious, angry, or irritable when you don’t get to watch pornography or masturbate. When you struggle with a sex addiction, you may feel helpless and out of control, like you can’t stop yourself from watching pornography and masturbating. You feel regret, shame, guilt, self-hatred, and complex emotions after masturbating. Marriage counseling with the intimacy specialists for sex addiction can help you better understand the connection between childhood trauma and hyper sexual behaviors.
Couples counseling and individual counseling can help you understand the link between having emotionally abusive, narcissistic or sexually abusive parents, and sex addiction. When you have a pornography and sex addiction, you may find your spouse or romantic partner less physically attractive, or find you have unrealistic expectations around real-life partner sex. Additionally, due to your sex addiction and masturbation addiction, you may be secret keeping, lying, and keeping your pornography use from your real-life partner. You may struggle with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and other sexual dysfunctions.

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How To Recognize the Signs of Pornography and Masturbation Addiction?
In today’s digital era, the accessibility to pornography the internet contributes to the widespread addiction to pornography, sex, and masturbation. While engaging in occasional viewing or masturbation is a personal choice and can be erotic, compulsive, impulsive use can be problematic.
Using pornography with your partner to become sexually aroused can be a positive, normal behavior for many people. However, addictive, excessive, and compulsive pornography use can be damaging for your life and marriage. As well, may may have a fixation, obsession, or addiction to sex and masturbation. Overall, when you struggle with pornography, sex, and masturbation addictions, you may have feelings of sadness, guilt, shame, regret, and other complex emotions.
Recognizing the signs of pornography and masturbation addiction is crucial for recovery and a healthier relationship with sex. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we help individuals and their loved ones get support and professional help for pornography, sex, and masturbation addictions. At Wisdom Within Counseling, marriage counseling with the intimacy specialists for sex addiction can help you gain positive coping tools.
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Some common signs below may indicate an addiction to pornography, sex and masturbation
Does your body hurt, look chaffed, or do you have dry skin from masturbating too much?
It is common for people who have a masturbation addiction to experience genital chaffing, dry skin, and even scabbing from compulsive masturbating.
Do you spend more time thinking about and acting upon your pornography, sex, and masturbation addiction?
One of the primary signs of pornography, sex, and masturbation addictions is the increasing amount of time and energy on these topics. For instance, you are now dedicating and consuming pornography and engaging in masturbation more than you’d like.
You may find yourself spending hours upon hours viewing explicit content or engaging in self-pleasure. When you spend hours upon hours with your pornography, sex, and masturbation addiction, you may miss out on other parts of your life. Your other hobbies have faded away.
As well, the things you used to enjoy, you no longer enjoy. It feels like pornography, sex, and masturbation are the only activities that bring you joy. But, that pleasure is often comforting and fleeting for a short time. To note, this excessive investment can interfere with daily responsibilities, work, and personal relationships.

Are you experiencing a loss of control regarding stopping your pornography, sex, and masturbation addiction?
Also, another clear sign of pornography, sex, and masturbation addictions is the inability to exercise control over pornography consumption and masturbation habits.
Notably, pornography, sex, and masturbation addicted individuals may frequently attempt to reduce or quit their behavior. But, you may only to find yourself repeatedly relapsing in your pornography, sex, and masturbation addiction. There is an impulsive to self-soothe and feel calmer by engaging in pornography, sex, and masturbation addictions. You may struggle with a compulsive need for sexual gratification through pornography, sex, and masturbation.
Overall, the urge and craving to take part in your pornography, sex, and masturbation addiction becomes overpowering, causing distress and feelings of powerlessness. You may struggle with patterns of stopping and starting over hours, days, weeks, months, and years when struggling with pornography, sex, and masturbation addictions.
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Do you neglect other responsibilities or romantic partner due to your pornography, sex, and masturbation addiction?
Furthermore, pornography, masturbation, and sex addictions often lead to neglecting important life responsibilities. For one, you may find yourself missing deadlines at work due to your pornography, masturbation, and sex addiction. As well, you may be neglecting your personal hygiene, or see a decline in academic or professional performance. Maybe, you don’t want to have sex with your romantic partner or spouse because you would rather watch pornography or masturbate.
Overall, the team of intimacy specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling help adults and couples recovery from compulsive sexual behaviors and sex addictions.
Additionally, addicted individuals may lose interest in previously enjoyed activities, hobbies, and social interactions. When you struggle with pornography, masturbation, and sex addictions, your focus becomes solely centered on pornography and masturbation.
The team at Wisdom Within Counseling offer and specialize in sex addiction counseling. Individual therapy and marriage counseling with the intimacy specialists for sex addiction can help you learn healthier alternatives to using porn, online chat rooms, and excessive masturbation to cope.
Is your marriage or romantic relationship suffering and conflictual as a result of your pornography, masturbation, and sex addiction?
In general, addiction to pornography, impulsive sexual behaviors, and masturbation can strain personal relationships. Your marriage may be in the dumps because of your pornography, masturbation, and sex addiction. A pornography, masturbation, and sex addiction can lead to marital conflict and isolation.
Plus, pornography, masturbation, and sex addicted individuals may struggle to form and maintain intimate relationships. To note, you may only be able to satisfy your sexual fantasies and compulsive sexual desires through pornography, masturbation, and virtual sex.
Would you rather use pornography, masturbate, and have only sex over sex with your romantic partner?
You may be choosing virtual sex experiences over sexual activities with your spouse or partner. Moreover, pornography, masturbation, and sex addictions can result in a decline in emotional intimacy in your marriage too. You and your spouse may be dealing with trust issues, and communication breakdown. Due to your pornography, masturbation, and sex addictions, you may have strained and distant relationships with your spouse, friends, and family members.

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Do you feel guilt, shame, low self-esteem, anger, regret, and complex emotions around your pornography, masturbation, and sex addictions?
Essentially, your sex, pornography and masturbation addiction can have significant emotional and mental consequences. Furthermore, pornography, masturbation, and sex addicted people often experience feelings of guilt, shame, and low self-esteem. You may feel anxious when you use pornography, fearing your spouse will find out. As well, you may struggle with intense conflicting emotions due to your inability to control your compulsive sexual behaviors. To add, these negative emotions can lead to panic, anxiety, and even depressive thoughts.
Are you experiencing physical symptoms like premature ejaculation, diminished sexual satisfaction, headaches, being sick to your stomach, irritable bowel issues, or erectile dysfunction?
Excessive pornography consumption and masturbation addicts can have physical issues. Pornography, masturbation, and sex addicted individuals may experience physical ailments. For instance, you may experience physical fatigue, sleep disturbances, and a decrease in overall energy levels. You may feel like your stomach is upset, or that you have a headache.
Maybe, you also have irritable bowel issues that go along with your pornography, masturbation, and sex addiction. Furthermore, engaging in pornography use, masturbation, and hyper sexual activities excessively can result in sexual dysfunction. For example, due to your pornography, masturbation, and sex addiction, you may experience erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, or diminished sexual satisfaction.
When it comes to sex with your partner, you may have anxiety about your sexual performance. You may be conditioning yourself to only be able to become sexually aroused from pornography use, masturbation, and online sex. Marriage counseling with the intimacy specialists for sex addiction can help you verbalize anxiety and insecurity, and gain self-confidence.
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If you are suffering from any of these signs of pornography and masturbation addiction, it is essential to get help right away.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can seek professional and specialized help. Addiction to pornography, online sex, and excessive masturbation can have detrimental effects on your personal life, relationships, and overall well-being.
The team at Wisdom Within Counseling approach pornography, masturbation, and sex addiction with empathy and understanding. We encourage you to seek professional help from our team of intimacy therapists that specialize in sexual addiction recovery.
With proper guidance and support, you can embark on your journey towards healing, recovery, and a healthier relationship with your sexuality.

How can a pornography and masturbation addiction cause marriage problems?
Pornography and masturbation addiction can indeed cause significant marriage problems. Your pornography, masturbation, and sex addiction can negatively impact your marriage.
Is there emotional distance in your romantic relationship or marriage due to your pornography, masturbation, and sex addiction?
Essentially, excessive pornography consumption and masturbation can create emotional distance between you and your spouse. When you become heavily involved in pornography, masturbation, and online sex activities, you withdraw emotionally from your spouse.
More often than not, you prefer the virtual world of pornography over intimate connections with your romantic, real-life partner. This emotional disconnection can lead to a breakdown in communication. Your marriage may be having intimacy issues and your spouse may even feel confused. Individual counseling and couples therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can help improve intimacy and sex within your marriage.
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Has your pornography addiction created unrealistic expectations around sex with your romantic partner?
As well, regular exposure to sexually explicit content can distort your perception of sex and real-life relationships.
Also, pornography, masturbation, and sex addicted individuals may develop unrealistic expectations about partner sex. For instance, these unrealistic expectations can include their partner’s physical appearance, sexual performance, and sexual desires. Pornography is paid actors and actresses. But, from watching too much pornography, you may believe that what you see in pornography can be done in real-life.
You may experience sexual dissatisfaction and disappointment within your marriage due to your pornography, masturbation, and sex addiction.
Compulsively watching pornography can create an environment of constant comparison, insecurity, and pressure. Furthermore, your pornography, masturbation, and sex addiction makes it difficult for your spouse to meet your unrealistic standards around sex. Marriage counseling with the intimacy specialists for sex addiction can help you develop more realistic expectations around partner sex, and more fully enjoy sexual pleasure with your partner.
Has there been a loss of intimacy and decrease in sex with your partner due to your pornography, masturbation, and sex addiction?
Addiction to pornography, sex, and masturbation can erode intimacy within your marriage. Instead of engaging in sexual activities with your romantic partner, addicted individuals may choose to fulfill their sexual desires through pornography. You may be declining your partner when they kiss you or try to initiate sex.
Often, you sexually reject your romantic partner when they try to come on to you. This can lead to a decline in physical intimacy, emotional connection, and overall sexual satisfaction in your marriage.

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Do you keep your pornography addiction, masturbation addiction, and online sex addiction a secret?
To add, pornography, masturbation, and sex addicted individuals often feel a need to hide their excessive pornography consumption. You may always be worrying that your romantic partner will find out about your compulsive masturbation habits. As well, you may be hiding texts, photos, and online chat room conversations from your spouse.
As well, this secrecy and deception can breed mistrust, suspicion, and a sense of betrayal within your marriage. Spouses may feel neglected, lied to, and left out. Secret keeping behaviors and lying can further damage the foundation of trust and openness required for a meaningful, healthy marriage.
Due to your pornography, masturbation, and sex addiction, have you avoided quality spending time with your spouse?
Plus, pornography and masturbation addictions can consume significant amounts of time and energy. Pornography, masturbation, and sex addicted individuals may neglect their spouse, family responsibilities, and household duties due to their preoccupation with compulsive sexual activities.
Lack of quality time together can make your spouse feel neglected. As well, when you spend time alone watching pornography, this can lead to feelings of resentment, frustration, and imbalance within your marriage. Right now, you may be prioritizing your pornography, masturbation, and sex addiction over the needs of your spouse and family.
In your marriage, do you feel less emotional connection?
Furthermore, pornography, masturbation, and sex addiction can lead to feelings of disconnection. When you are addicted to pornography and masturbation, it can create a disconnect between you and your spouse on an emotional level. Right now, you may rely solely on pornography for emotional and sexual gratification.
Unfortunately, by seeking pleasure from pornography, masturbation, and online sex, you are reducing your emotional availability for your real-life partner. Due to your pornography, masturbation, and sex addiction, your spouse may lack your emotional support, empathy, and understanding.
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Marriage counseling at Wisdom Within Counseling can help improve the emotional connection and honesty within your marriage, after the damage of betrayal.
Individual therapy and couples counseling can help remedy and repair loneliness and isolation caused by your pornography, masturbation, and online sex addictions.
In general, sex, pornography, and masturbation addictions can have detrimental effects on your family and marriage. Your pornography, masturbation, and sex addiction can create emotional distance, unrealistic expectations, loss of intimacy, secrecy, and deception. As well. your pornography, masturbation, and sex addiction may be causing a negative shift in your priorities.
It is crucial for couples facing these challenges to seek professional help, such as with the team of intimacy and sex specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling.
A mixture of individual counseling and marriage therapy can help address your addiction, complex childhood trauma, rebuild trust, and help you both work towards restoring a healthy and fulfilling marital relationship.
Marriage counseling with the intimacy specialists for sex addiction can help you process the root causes of dysfunctional, hyper sexual behaviors.

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How Is Complex Childhood Trauma Connected To Sex, Pornography, and Masturbation Addictions?
When you have experienced childhood trauma of any kind, you may be numbing out feelings of emotional pain through a sex addiction, pornography addiction, and masturbation addiction. Getting to the root cause of your dysfunctional and sexually addictive behaviors is a part of individual and couples counseling.
Childhood trauma is a distressing and painful experience that can have long-lasting effects on your emotional, mental, and behavioral well-being.
When such trauma is complex and involves emotional and sexual abuse, it can profoundly impact your sexual development. As well, when you experience emotional or sexual abuse from a parent, this changes your relationship with sex. Furthermore, experiencing emotional or sexual abuse from a parent can contribute to the development of addictions, like pornography and masturbation.
Marriage counseling with a sex and intimacy specialist can help you understand the intricate connection between complex childhood trauma and sex-related addictions.
Working with the team of sex and intimacy specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling can help shed light on the underlying factors of your porn and sex addiction.
Marriage Counseling Can Help You In Understanding The Impact of Complex Childhood Trauma
In general, complex childhood trauma refers to prolonged and repeated exposure to multiple traumatic events during early developmental years. As well, complex childhood trauma often involves severe physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, neglect, or the witnessing of violence. To note, these traumatic childhood experiences lead to changes in sexual perceptions, sexual beliefs, and even lead to negative coping mechanisms.
Complex childhood trauma influences your future behavior and relationships. Having a narcissistic mother or sexually abusive father can be a form of complex childhood trauma. Molestation, rape, incest, and unwanted sexual touch can be forms of complex childhood trauma. These among other complex childhood trauma experiences, can lead to dysfunctional, compulsive sexual addictions into adult years.
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Couples Therapy and Individual Counseling Can Help You See The Link Between Sex, Pornography, and Masturbation Addictions
For one, complex childhood trauma can lead to negative coping mechanisms. At the time of your childhood, there was emotional pain and chaos. It was difficult to get through your childhood. Now, your compulsive pornography use and sex addiction are forms of numbing out the painful emotions due to complex childhood trauma.
Have your been using your pornography use and sex addiction to numb out emotions from complex childhood trauma?
Now, when you have experienced complex childhood trauma, it is common to develop maladaptive coping mechanisms. Survivors of complex childhood trauma use pornography and compulsive sexual behaviors to deal with your pain, confusion, and emotional distress.
For many addicts, engaging in sexual activities, including pornography consumption and masturbation, provides temporary relief from emotional turmoil. Additionally, your sex, pornography, and masturbation addictions may be a form of dissociation from your intense, traumatic memories.
And, due to complex childhood trauma and emotional abuse, you may seek validation or a sense of control through compulsive, hyper sexual activities. Addictive behaviors related to sex, pornography, and masturbation can temporarily boost self-esteem.

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Do you have low self-esteem from having emotionally abusive or sexually abusive parents?
As well, complex childhood trauma can lead to low self-esteem, self-worth, and sense of identity. Survivors of complex childhood trauma may develop distorted beliefs about their own worthiness. When you have an emotionally abusive or sexually abusive parent, their constant criticism leads to your low self-esteem.
Furthermore, your sex, pornography, and masturbation addiction may also provide a sense of power and control. You may be seeking control over your past trauma experiences and your own body.
Did having emotionally abusive parents or sexually abusive parents call you names, yell, and guilt trip you in your childhood?
When your emotionally abusive parents or sexually abusive parents call you names, yell, and guilt trip you, they created a chaotic childhood environment. To add, traumatic experiences, like having emotionally abusive parents, can disrupt your ability to regulate your emotions effectively.
Engaging in sexual activities, such as pornography consumption and masturbation, can serve as a way to manage or suppress overwhelming emotions associated with your past trauma.
These compulsive, hyper sexual behaviors may provide a temporary escape or numbing effect. Sex addicts often don’t take into account the cost of long-term negative consequences of their addict. More often than not, sex addicts are trying to push away intense emotions and numb out.
Complex childhood trauma can lead to the reenactment of traumatic experiences in adulthood through addictive sexual behaviors.
This may manifest through the repetition of unhealthy relationship dynamics. You may be engaging in risky sexual behaviors, or compulsive pornography and masturbation habits.
These compulsive sexual patterns may be an unconscious attempt to gain mastery over past traumas or to recreate familiar scenarios as a means of seeking resolution or control.
Addressing the connection between complex childhood trauma and sex-related addictions requires a comprehensive and specialized approach. At Wisdom Within Counseling, the intimacy and sex specialists work with sex addicts a history of complex trauma.
Marriage counseling with the intimacy specialists for sex addiction can help you learn relaxation skills like mindfulness meditation, creative painting, yoga, and breathing techniques to cope with trauma in healthier ways.

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The team at Wisdom Within Counseling help sex addicts and pornography addicts through holistic, creative, mind body, and somatic, whole person therapies.
Trauma-Informed Therapy Is Part Of Sex Addiction Counseling
Seeking professional help from therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling, who are experienced in trauma-informed approaches, is crucial. Our intimacy and marriage therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling create a safe and supportive environment.
You get a complex trauma and intimacy specialist who helps you to explore and process your trauma. At the same time, you can work on improving and developing healthy coping strategies, as alternatives to pornography use and masturbation.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, our therapists help you talk about your childhood trauma and the connection to your sex-related addictions. Our team of therapists provide a sense of expertise, understanding, and validation, fostering healing and recovery.

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Holistic, Somatic, and Mind Body Approaches In Counseling Help Sex Addicts
In addition to talk therapy, Wisdom Within Counseling offers creative art, painting, yoga therapy, meditation, and music therapy. Combining traditional therapy with holistic techniques, such as mindfulness, meditation, and body-based therapies, can support positive coping tools. Music therapies and creative art can offer a language beyond words in marriage counseling with the intimacy specialists for sex addiction.
As well, art, yoga, music, and meditation therapies help you in reconnecting with your body and aid in managing emotions. As well, you can work on developing healthier relationships with your sexuality.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we offer education about the impact of complex childhood trauma on sexual behaviors. Education about complex trauma can help in understanding your triggers and cravings too. This knowledge empowers you to make informed choices, pick healthy coping tools, and actively participate in your own addiction healing process.

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Did you grow up with severe blame, guilt, and emotional chaos from a parent?
Growing up with severe blame, guilt, and emotional chaos from a parent can have profound and long-lasting effects on a child’s well-being and development.
Constantly being subjected to blame and guilt can create a pervasive sense of shame and self-doubt within the child, impacting their self-esteem and confidence. The emotional chaos within your narcissistic parent can lead to an unstable and unpredictable environment.
Growing up with emotional abuse from your parent can cause you to constantly feel like you are walking on eggshells. As a child, you have had to adapt to your parent’s lying, yelling, anger, changing moods, and other abusive behaviors.

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Childhood trauma can result in heightened anxiety, hypervigilance, and difficulties in forming secure attachments and trusting relationships.
As a child, you had to internalize the blame and chaos from your narcissistic, emotionally abusive parent. Always facing blame and guilt trips from your parent can lead to self-blame and a distorted sense of responsibility for your parent’s emotional state for years into adulthood.
Growing up in such an emotionally abusive environment can leave deep emotional scars. And, these experiences of childhood trauma requires the help of an intimacy and complex trauma professional, such as at Wisdom Within Counseling. You can begin healing and have the therapeutic support in order to overcome the negative impacts of childhood trauma on your sexual development. As well, you can gain a healthier sense of self-perception and overall improve your emotional well-being.
To add, there is a connection between complex childhood trauma and sex-related addictions. Compulsive use of pornography and masturbation can be directly related to having emotionally abusive, narcissistic parents, and even experiencing sexual abuse. Furthermore, working with an intimacy and sex specialist can help you process early traumatic experiences, and improve your relationship with sex and your own body.

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From counseling, you can learn to have pleasurable sexual experiences with your real-life partner, and learn to express yourself sexually.
You can learn to reduce and eliminate your use of pornography and learn to use other positive coping skills instead. Holistic, creative, somatic, and mind body therapies can help you learn to show love through touch to your real-life partner. You can start to create a more positive, loving, and meaningful association with sexual activities rather than being impulsive, compulsive, and numbing out.
Overall, you can learn to verbalize your needs and desires with your real-life partner through marriage counseling.
Working with a sex and intimacy specialist in couples counseling at Wisdom Within can help you gain insight about childhood trauma and begin the recovery process.
In couples counseling and working with a sex and intimacy specialist can help you learn to emotionally regulate and calm down in better ways than secretive pornography use and masturbation.
You can learn to verbalize your sexual urges, sexual fantasies, and sexual desires, and be more vulnerable with your romantic partner. As well, in marriage counseling, you can feel safe talking about sex, intimacy, emotional abuse in childhood, and childhood trauma.
Our team at Wisdom Within Counseling would love to help you feel safe exploring and healing from sexual or emotional trauma in childhood. Talking about the root cause of your numbing behaviors and compulsive sexual behaviors is a part of recovering from your porn and sex addiction.
Wisdom Within Counseling offers marriage counseling for building a healthy, loving, playful sex life in Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansa, Louisiana, Tennessee, North Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Maryland, Delaware, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, New Hampshire, and Maine.

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Where in Florida does Wisdom Within Counseling offer intimacy therapy and marriage therapy for libido imbalance and mismatched sex drives?
The Wisdom Within Counseling intimacy and marriage therapists offer help for libido imbalance and mismatched sex drives in Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville, St. Petersburg, Tallahassee, Fort Lauderdale, Hialeah, Port St. Lucie, Cape Coral, Pembroke, Pines, Hollywood, Miramar, Gainesville, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Miami Gardens, Pompano Beach, West Palm Beach, Melbourne, Oviedo, Sarasota, Titusville, Cocoa, Cocoa Beach, Cape Canaveral, Merritt Island, Satellite Beach, Indian Harbour Beach, Indialantic, Melbourne Beach, Rockledge, Viera, Port St. John, Port Canaveral, Bradenton, Venice, Palmetto, North Port, Osprey, Nokomis, Englewood, Lakewood Ranch, Longboat Key, Siesta Key, Anna Maria Island, Miami Beach Coral Gables, Miami Shores, Aventura, Coconut Grove, Key Biscayne, Doral, Pinecrest, Kendall, Bal Harbour, Surfside, Sunny Isles Beach, North Miami Beach, Opa-locka, Homestead, Cutler Bay, Palmetto Bay, Orange Park, Fernandina Beach, Ponte Vedra Beach, St. Augustine, Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Middleburg, Green Cove Springs, Callahan, Yulee, Macclenny, Baldwin, Glen St. Mary Hilliard, and Mims, Florida.
As well as Florida, the Wisdom Within Counseling team offers intimacy therapy and marriage therapy for libido imbalance and mismatched sex drives in Connecticut.
Intimacy counseling and marriage therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling is available for libido imbalance and mismatched sex drives in Bridgeport, New Haven, Hartford, Stamford, Waterbury, Norwalk, Avon, Granby, Danbury, New Britain, West Hartford, Greenwich, Meriden, Bristol, Manchester, West Haven, Milford, Stratford, East Hartford, Wilton, Redding, Middletown, Wallingford, Enfield, Orange, West Haven, Shelton, East Lyme, Mystic, Uncasville, Trumbull, Fairfield, Montville, New Haven, Derby, Ansonia, Woodbridge, Seymour, Hamden, East Haven, North Haven, Guilford, Clinton, Westbrook, Killingworth, Old Saybrook, Branford, Essex, Deep River, New London, Waterford, Chester, Old Lyme, Durham, North Branford, Haddam, East Haddam, Higganum, North Madison, Manchester, Wethersfield, Rocky Hill, Marlborough, Portland, Hebron, Bolton, South Windsor, East Hampton, Colchester, Cromwell, Newington, Berlin, Stonington, Torrington, Middletown, Connecticut.
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Marriage counseling with the intimacy specialists for sex addiction can help you take back your power over porn use and sexual urges.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can break the vicious pattern, and learn positive coping strategies for recovering from complex childhood trauma.