Now, do you come from a family of addiction? Do you feel disappointed by your parents your entire life? Were your parents drunk, high, and neglectful of you? And, did you end up caring for your parents emotionally? Were your parents verbally abusive and highly critical? Right now, you really want to have a healthy relationship with yourself, but you tend to drink too much yourself.
As well, a part of you sees yourself taking on the same negative patterns of your parents. Deep down, you wish you had tools to cope in healthier ways with stress. At times, you know you drink just a little too much. But, it couldn’t be as bad as your parents, could it? Counseling can help you identify if you are carrying negative behaviors or patterns into your life. Often, adult children of alcoholics need help reducing their own alcohol consumption too.
Alcohol can be a slippery slope and a generational family pattern.
Drinking at 9pm at night starts off relaxing. Then, you find yourself starting to drinking around 8pm, then 6pm. Before you know it, you are drinking at 11am and all day. And, you have intense memories of your parents struggling with alcohol too. For one, your parents would always have a drink at a restaurant or at home with dinner. Your parents would always get really drunk and get very angry. You hated it when your parents yelled at each other.
Always, your parents were drunk and yelling at you or each other.
It was scary growing up with drunk, angry, violent parents. Yelling, hitting, door slamming, and crying were negative memories from your childhood. Thinking about yourself, you want to have a better ways to handle stress. As well, you want to be the best role model you can be, unlike your parents showed you. Counseling can help you gain awareness about being an adult child of alcoholics.
To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for counseling for adult children of alcoholics.
How can counseling help adult children of alcoholics?
Also, counseling helps you gain skills to resolve conflict in a healthy way to be a good role model for your children. You can learn more about your family patterns and generational trauma. Our team can help you get there. Confidence, self-worth, and creativity are positive parts of counseling at Wisdom Within. Attracting a healthy partner that also wants to live a sober life is possible!
Do you struggle with feeling good enough?
Adult children of alcoholics struggle with self-worth, tend to take care of others over themselves, and need help with confidence.

Adult children of alcoholics in therapy
For one, adult children of alcoholics commonly seek therapy in their 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s. At one time, it wasn’t safe to cry or show your feelings. Growing up around alcoholics caused you to lose out on your childhood. First, you main task was to keep your parents happy. If they wanted a beer, you brought it to them. For peers, childhood was playful and creative. For your friends, going home after school was fun. However, in your childhood, you dreaded coming home. Then, when you got home, you did the adult tasks.
Did you have to be the parent to your emotionally immature parents?
As a child, you did the dishes, laundry, and parented your siblings. And, you had to be a caretaker to your parents. You wished that they were there for you. Sadly, you had to be a parent and parent yourself from a young age. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we help your reach you goals of better self-esteem and a balanced life. From fear and conflict, you can gain a strong and healthy sense of self. Plus, you can gain a positive coping skill tool box for emotional release.
Do you worry that you aren’t worthy of a healthy relationship?
Sometimes, it can be hard to get up for your day. Other times, you have so much energy, you don’t know what to do with yourself. One moment, you’re exciting and the next you’re frustrated. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling, owned by Katie Ziskind, can help you create a healthy relationship with yourself.

Did you grow up walking on eggshells? Commonly adult children of alcoholics do.
On one hand, you became independent, resilient, and responsible from a young age. However, you also missed out on emotional support. Now, with the help of counseling, you can learn tools to be confident and mental well!
Read this book until you get your first session is on the calendar.
To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for counseling for adult children of alcoholics.
Did you feel emotionally neglected?
From a young age, you walked on eggshells. One moment, your parents were happy. Another moment, they were filled with rage. Then, they were drunk and sobbing uncontrollably. Also, adult children of alcoholics often struggle with addiction and alcoholism. Going to your own therapy sessions can help you learn positive coping skills.
Do you find yourself turning to alcohol now too?
So, instead of drinking, you can learn how to journal, go for a walk and paint. Lastly, adult children of alcoholics benefit from holistic therapy for a few reasons. For one, it supports healthy self-worth and confidence. Secondly, holistic therapy helps you speak your truth and be your own best friend. If you’re a perfectionist, we can help you be kind to yourself. Let go the the guilt and shame your endured in childhood. Emotional confidence will help you in your life for years to come. Call us for a phone consultation 860-451-9364.
Did you grow up as an adult child of alcoholics?
Likewise, adult children of alcoholics often attract narcissistic partners. Now, because you grew up being a care taker, it is normal to fall into this role as a care taker in future relationships. And, if you’re good at care-taking, you’ll attract a narcissist for a partner. These are the behaviors narcissists prey upon. So, commonly adult children of alcoholics pick partners that need help, too much help. And, caring for another person can lead to exhaustion. But, it’s hard to remember that you deserve respect.
Ian your partner a narcissist or alcoholic?
Likewise, adult children of alcoholics also find partners who are alcoholics. Unintentionally, you may find yourself with an alcoholic and wondering why you pick the same type of person.
Do you wonder why you always find yourself with the bad ones?
Often, adult children of alcoholics struggle to create healthy, balanced relationships. Usually, an To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for counseling for adult child of alcoholics gets too close and attached. Or, an To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for counseling for adult child of alcoholics attracts an abusive, alcoholic person in a romance. Counseling supports attracting a healthy, loving, and compassionate romantic partner. As well, having a partner who is sober is more supportive for your recovery. It can be difficult to stay sober when your romantic partner is drinking alcohol. So, you may find yourself in a pattern of drinking with your significant other, and need help.
Wisdom Within Counseling specializes with complex trauma and adult children of alcoholics in therapy.
If you like drinking, your partner may like drinking a little too much. You both tend to negatively influence each other to get drunk. Then, you find yourself in high conflict, yelling matches. The cycle of conflict gets worse with alcohol and drug use. Right now, you’re doing the same things you disliked about your parents. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling supports positive coping skills for lifelong emotional confidence.
To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for counseling for adult children of alcoholics.
Are you fighting in front of your children? Well, we can help!
Our team helps adult children of alcoholics learn to express emotions. In general, adult children of alcoholics learn coping skills to handle negative feelings in healthy ways.
You’ve found the right place for help and healing if you are an adult child of alcoholics. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut, we help adult children of alcoholics thrive confidently.

Couples counseling for adult children of alcoholics
Now, adult children of alcoholics need help with dating skills and creating healthy marriages. Right now, couples counseling in Niantic, Connecticut helps you develop a plan for communication.
Also, adult children of alcoholics can get triggered easily. Do you get road rage?

Often, adult children of alcoholics shirt down and need help creating calmness
Withdrawal and shut down? Calmness, can be hard to create, even for a moment.
The team at Wisdom Within Counseling teach adult children of alcoholics skills to create family calmness and better communication. Furthermore, are you struggling with anger?
Or, do you feel like you can not openly share your feelings with your partner?
As a child, you grew up doubting yourself. You didn’t know if your parents were angry or calm. So, as an adult, you are afraid to talk to your partner(s). Right now, you’re afraid to be rejected. And, you’re been rejected in the past, so you’ve stopped trying. In the past, your partner has angrily rejected you and it was devastating.
Really, you only wanted acceptance and to be loved.
Now, you hold your emotions inside paralyzed in fear. As a child, you grew up too fast. And, you want to slow things down now. Your parents, who you wanted to rely on, were emotionally unstable. In counseling, we teach you how to express anger in healthy ways.

Looking for coping strategies to be healthy and cope with depression?
For one, adult children of alcoholics often have parents with depression, anger, and alcoholism.
To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for counseling for adult children of alcoholics.
Do you feel consumed by loneliness?
At Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut, we help adult children of alcoholics learn to speak confidently.
From therapy for adult children of alcoholics in Southeastern Connecticut, you can learn to emotionally express yourself.
In individual and couples counseling in Southeastern Connecticut, you can develop strategies to relive stress and stay sober.

Looking for holistic counseling and coping skills?
At Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut, our team of therapists help alcoholics and adult children. Likewise, you can choose from creative art, yoga, music and outdoor walking therapies. For example, outdoor movement and walk and talk therapies help ease depression.
Also, creative art therapy helps you learn anger management skills. Further, yoga and meditation helps you handle with anxiety and panic attacks with calmness.
Creative art, yoga, music and outdoor walk and talk therapies in Southeastern Connecticut
Overall, a holistic, creative approach supports emotional confidence on a mind-body level. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut, you learn skills that you can use for the rest of your life. Couples counseling helps you have a safe place to let go and be role models for your children. By learning to manage anger and frustration, you can set a foundation for emotional stability.
Holistic support for adult children of alcoholics in Southeastern Connecticut
We offer you art, yoga, music, and outdoor therapies for self-esteem. Painting, meditation, walking therapies by the beach, and art therapies support adult children of alcoholics. You can gain healthy ways to practice self-love and heal after trauma.