How can adolescent and teen therapy in Florida help stop self-harming?
Why do teenagers cut themselves or self-harm? Often, teenagers who cut, scrape, or burn themselves are taking part in non-suicidal self-injury. This is to escape emotional pain. At times, self-harm can be life threatening, but many teenagers are not attempting suicide. Instead, adolescents who self-harm have an unhealthy coping mechanism. Maybe, a friend of their has been self-harming and it feels contagious. Teenagers use self-harm to deal with difficult emotions.
So, adolescent and teen therapy in Florida can help your teenager stop self-harming.
Have you noticed your teenager losing or gaining weight due to depression?
Does your teenager wear long sleeves and long pants in the hot, summer months and possibly self-harming?
Is your adolescent more hyper, manic, and then experiencing extremely low moods or crying a lot?
Does your teenager say that the world would be better without them or say they want to die?
Is your adolescent struggling with peer friendships, a break up, or losses?
Do you see cuts on their arms, body or legs?
Does your teenager have a friend who is self-harming that could be influencing them?
Have sleep habits changed?

Why do teenagers partake in self-harm behaviors?
Self-harm and cutting in adolescents and teens is a way to release feelings of overwhelm, pain, tension, fear, and anxiety.
Sometimes, a teenager does not feel they have anything else but cutting in their control. Other times, wanting to numb out the pain feels impulsive. Many teens try to avoid feelings of fear, worry, rejection, or even guilt. As well, if you teenager does not have positive coping tools for anger or anxiety, they are more likely to self-harm. Adolescent and teen self-harm therapy in Florida supports lifelong coping tools.
In adolescent and teen therapy in Florida, Katie Ziskind teaches teens alternatives to cutting.
Adolescents who self-harm try to avoid and push away painful emotions like anger, shame, grief, frustration, insecurity, guilt, and self-loathing. Many teenagers see self-injury as a way to feel more in control of their choices. Your teenager can learn to cope with all of their emotions, no matter how big. As well, your teenager can learn yoga therapy tools and relaxation techniques. From counseling, your teenager can learn to self-soothing instead of self-injure or cut.
Distress tolerance skills and DBT therapies help teenagers stop self-harming.
To begin, book your free phone consult for adolescent and teen therapy to stop self-harm in Florida below.

Moreover, adolescents who feel overwhelm, anxiety, or anger, may take part in self-harm.
There may be frustration or anxiety about things out of their control. Learning to cope with these intense feelings takes the help of a teen specialist. When an adolescent feels they have no other options to release, they will begin cutting. Many times, there is a connection between teen depression, anxiety, and self-harming behaviors. without treatment, self-harming can become obsessive. Katie Ziskind, specializes in adolescent and teen therapy in Florida.
How can adolescent and teen therapy in Florida build coping tools for self-harm?
Self-harm, cutting and self-injury are negative communication tools. For one, these behaviors signal to others, friends, and family, “I am not okay.” Your teen may not be able to vocalize their emotional pain from friends or family. Each teenager has a different emotional trigger for self-harming. But, it is important to know that it is not a mental illness. Instead, self-harming is an unhealthy coping mechanism that teens use to release feelings.
Positive coping tools through adolescent and teen therapy in Florida reduce and stop self-harm.
Your teenager may also be using drugs or alcohol to numb out. Overall, adolescent and teen self-harm therapy in Florida promotes healthy outlets for stress.
What are positive coping tools for adolescents and teens as alternatives to self-harm?
In counseling, your adolescent can learn that crying is okay. Crying can be a form of a healthier release of intense, angry emotions. Also, your teenager can find new hobbies to unload stress like painting, clay, or being with pets. As well, adolescent and teen therapy in Florida helps teenagers to feel confident being themselves. Peer pressure, the need to belong, feeling left out, and more can trigger cutting.

Many teenagers who have self-harm behaviors deeply need a safe place, like adolescent and teen therapy in Florida, to unload stress.
Childhood trauma, parental divorce, multiple moves, and even COVID-19 can lead to self-harm behaviors. Teenagers who cut themselves and self-harm may also have a history of trauma. So, your teenager may have been physical abused and sexually abused and be vocalizing that through self-harm. Adolescents who are self-harming, may experience depression, eating disorders, anger issues, social challenges, self-criticism, self-doubt, anxiety, and PTSD. Therefore, self-harm needs professional treatment as soon as you see marks or cuts. Your teenager will not be able to resolve self-harm by themselves.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, Katie Ziskind helps teenagers love and accept themselves through video therapy in Florida.

To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for adolescent and teen self-harm therapy in Florida.
How does social media impact adolescent and teen self-harm therapy in Florida?
Often, teenager spend time alone self-harming. It is not a public event. Social media apps can lead to feelings of inadequacy or insecurity. Sometimes, adolescents and teens with self-harm out of jealously, anger, and anxiety. If you find your teen looking up self-harm online, this is a red flag that they could benefit from counseling. As well, feeling like an outcast can lead to suicidal thinking and self-harm behaviors. In addition, technology addiction and obsession is very common.
Adolescent and teen self-harm therapy in Florida helps young adults overcome grief, loss, and anxiety in healthy ways.
Your teenager can understand how much time they spend on social media and create life balance. Lastly, your adolescent may be on social media for long hours of the day. This takes times away from friendships, real life conversations, exercising, and even a good night of sleep. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling help teens develop positive coping tools in adolescent and teen self-harm therapy in Florida.
Teen Self-Harm Depression
What are the symptoms of self-harm depression in teens?
If your adolescent or teenager has depression, you may notice some symptoms. Your teenager may not directly share that they are self-harming. So, be on the look out for these behaviors. Your adolescent may be more tearful, more sad, and feel empty inside. As well, any sense of hopelessness, overwhelm, or fear can cause self-harm. If your adolescent is easily irritated from small issues, they may need an outlet for their emotions. Holistic, creative adolescent and teen self-harm therapy in Florida supports self-love and optimism for life.
How do the symptoms of depression impact adolescents?
Additionally, your adolescent may be self-harming because they are also depressed. Unfortunately, when depression goes untreated, self-harm can increase to suicidal thinking.

PTSD and Trauma in Childhood Can Contribute To Self-Injury and Cutting
A child or teenager with PTSD has a host of emotions inside. Teenagers with PTSD and trauma symptoms need a therapist to help them build coping tools. Right now, your adolescent is moody, impulsive, and it is difficult. However, their mood swings may be from experiencing a traumatic event. For instance, traumas include, a hurricane, parental conflicts, domestic violence, multiple moves, and losses of family members. If you teen has been through or witnessed a traumatic event, they may be more prone to self-harming.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for adolescent and teen self-harm therapy in Florida.
Building positive coping tools is possible through adolescent and teen self-harm therapy in Florida.
Teens who have trauma symptoms and PTSD need positive ways to release emotions. And, teenagers and young adults often have trauma symptoms that last long after the trauma is over.

What trauma symptoms impact self-harm and cutting?
For one, if your adolescent experiences PTSD flashbacks or negative flooding memories, they may wan tot self-harm. Cutting is more common when trying to avoid trauma memories. In addition, your teenager may wake up with bad dreams or nightmares.
Waking up from a nightmare may cause a teenager to want to self-injure. Even thought it is a harmful behavior, your teen may so deeply want to rid themselves of their feelings. If your teenager feels more easily scared, jumpy, or sensitive, they are be more likely to cut themselves.
Adolescent and teen self-harm therapy in Florida can help youth recover from PTSD.
Young adults also need understanding, comfort, and support from their family members.

What is a trauma and how do we heal it?
Also, a trauma can be being bullied. Or, a trauma can be a stressful move to a new city or town. In addition, trauma can be big or small. For some, sexual abuse is a severe trauma. A trauma could be having a parent in the military. A parent arriving home and departing can create attachment traumas. Any neighborhood violence or even a house fire is a trauma. Maybe, your teenager was in a car accident. Or, your adolescent overheard and witnessed domestic violence. Essentially, a trauma is an event that makes an adolescent fear for their safety. After a major trauma, your adolescent may try self-harming to numb their feelings.