A toxic workplace culture resembles one that leads to stress, burn out, and impacts personal life. For one, you might feel stressed out, anxious, or a sense of depression due to your work environment. As well, you may have low self-esteem now from having a critical boss. When you have a toxic workplace and stress from work, you don’t want to goto work. Often, your body starts hurting and chronic pain increases. Many times, people who have stress from work end up carrying it in their body. A person who doesn’t feel fulfilled at work may have chronic depression or anxiety. Right now, you may be doubting the field you are in or that you picked the correct career path all together. A toxic workplace culture leads to low self-confidence too.
A toxic workplace impacts stress at home as well.
As well, you might be coming home feeling angry, irritated, and taking out some work stress on your loved ones. If your working environment is negative or stressful, your mental health will suffer. Often, the energy of a toxic workplace gets brought home. And, working with a therapist can help you overcome the stress and pressure at work and develop positive thinking.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for counseling to overcome your toxic workplace culture and set boundaries.

Often, negative work environment can lead to tearfulness, depression, and you might even be easily annoyed.
Over time, working in a toxic environment can hurt you physically and emotionally. As well, it might feel like you once new your boss and your organization, and now everything is being changed because the company has changed hands. Often times, people who have worked with one company for 20 years feel a sense of frustration when someone comes in new and changes everything. It is really normal to feel frustration if a larger company has purchased your smaller branch and are now making large changes.
Do you work for a large company?
In general, working for large companies can lead to more burn out. In large companies, it can be harder to appreciate and single out one employee who did a good job. In addition, it can be hard for a large company to recognize one person.
So, part of therapy can be thinking about changing jobs and working for a smaller company.
Essentially, working with a therapist can help you if you want to stay in your job. From therapy, you can learn to reduce negativities and stay positive. Not everyone needs to change jobs if they experience workplace stress. But, gaining positive coping tools and holistic stress outlet can help you perform better in a stressful work environment. And, you can learn to leave stress from work at work. Counseling supports coping strategies for work stress. You can learn to return home feeling excited and happy to see your family even if you have a stressful job.
What creates burnout in a work culture?
Sometimes, lack of communication will create burn out and frustration. If your boss is doing one thing but saying another, this incongruence can be frustrating. As well, for now in a toxic work environment can be from negative energy.
Too much competition
If your working environment is highly competitive or there are negative cliques, you might feel left out. Any drama plays a role in workplace stress. As well, if there is bullying or racism in your workplace, it can be very challenging to maintain good mental health. You may be an activist, passionate about equal rights, and not aligned with the company’s values. In addition, bad leadership, and inappropriate comments from a boss can lead to a toxic work environment.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for counseling to overcome competition, and gain clarity about your toxic workplace culture.
From having a toxic work environment, you might notice high turnover.
There might be coworkers that are leaving every few months. Maybe, they are overworked and burnt out. In addition, people at work may be developing chronic pain, back pain, mental health issues, alcoholism, and even addictions related to a negative work environment.

Sometimes, a big company will imply or require employees to work more.
When you work for a negative company, they reward for overtime and don’t set boundaries. Essentially, in a toxic environment, employees who work overtime are seen as better. And, the employees who leave at 4pm eat dinner with their family are seen as inferior. Even if these employees work a full 40 hours a week, they are still seen as less. Often, if a person doesn’t accept the overtime offer, they are left out or gossiped about.
There can be a very negative environment when it comes to a toxic work culture.
Often times, when there is toxicity in a work environment, people will want to quit and will not want to continue doing good work. A negative work environment affects everyone. So, seeking counseling can help you develop positive coping strategies for work stress. Working with a counselor can help you identify if you need to leave your job. You can gain mental clarity. As well, having a therapist can help you understand the imbalance of power related to status and race. Furthermore, you can talk about special attention given to others in your toxic work environment. Lastly, you can learn to communicate with your boss and set healthy boundaries to let them know you will not be working more than what is required.
How is a toxic and negative work culture defined?
As well, a toxic work culture is one that does not allow you to value self-care or family time. Maybe, your boss is requiring you to stay late after work which means missing dinner at home with your family. Maybe, you are stuck in choosing between a dinner at home with your family, or doing what your boss wants to get the promotion. To add, this is a negative work environment. A work environment that is healthy will reward you for self-care, and encourage life balance. Many times, malicious behaviors, or guilt tripping employees are parts of a toxic work environment. In addition, during these late night meetings when everyone else is home at a family meal, gossiping occurs.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for counseling to gain coping tools to manage stress from your toxic workplace culture.
Gossiping and talking negatively about others can be a sign at your work environment could be sucking energy out of you
Furthermore, a sign of a negative work environment is that your boss has anger management problems, gossip, and talks negatively about other employees in the workplace. To add, your boss may unload some stress or frustration on you occasionally. However, if your boss or manager is bashing, criticizing, or talking very poorly about employees in front of you on a daily basis, this can create negative mental health. When it happens occasionally, it’s not a big deal. Each employee has to encourage their boss at times. However, when your boss is spreading rumors about others, it can create peer pressure, low self-esteem, and make employees doubt their work.
Having a critical boss can make a work environment toxic
In addition, having a boss that talks critically about others can make it hard for you to feel like you can go to them. As well, when your boss criticizes others, it can feel scrutinizing. Employees can start to feel like they can’t do anything correctly. And, they feel nothing is satisfying or good enough. So, when you have something wrong, criticisms can make it hard to goto your boss for support. When it comes to workplace toxicity and a negative work environment, having a leader that you can trust is really important. Overall, you want to be able to trust that your boss or your leader has your best interest in mind. In a positive work environment, your boss can help you feel confident about your work performance.
How can counseling help with work environment stress and negativities in your workplace?
Often times, starting a new job is a time of excitement and joy. For one, it can feel like a big compliment to be hired at a huge company. And, to be offered a large salary can be a sign of success. However, if you are noticing a negative work culture as time progresses, it is okay to leave your job. Sometimes, fear is around getting a new job or how to make money arise. Remember, you can talk with your therapist about any red flags regarding your work environment.
Many times, people stay in potentially emotionally hazardous work environment because they feel like they don’t have other options.
So, working with a therapist can help you see different options for your future related to your career. Maybe, you always have wanted to start your own business. Counseling can give you mental clarity for this next step. Or, you have wanted to work for a small private company and just have never felt the necessary support. Essentially, any negative energy at work is an indicator that you might be happier somewhere else. And, working with a therapist can help you feel confident staying and setting boundaries with your boss. Also, therapy can help you make the clear decision to leave a toxic work environment and step into a more authentic work environment.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, the team of therapists love helping people create a work life they love.
What can you do if you have a negative, toxic work environment?
If you are stuck in a negative working environment, but you feel like you have to keep working this job, here are some tips. For one, you might have to be the positive morale and enthusiasm. So, for instance, you can try to start fun events that bring a positive attitude. You could organize a mug exchange and try to get everyone out of their gloomy energy. Everyone can pick out a mug to give to another person at your workplace. By organizing a fun event once a month, you can start to help your colleagues feel happy about going to work. And, they may laugh more during the day too. You can work with your boss to help others develop camaraderie.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for counseling to combat your toxic workplace culture and build positive morale.
How does it feel to have a positive, healthy work culture and work environment?
In addition, when you have a positive work environment, you wake up excited to go to work. For one, you might think about what you are going to wear to work and you are excited to see your coworkers. Essentially, positive relationships with your boss and coworkers in your workplace can result in positive mental health. You feel satisfied. As well, once you get home from your day of work, you still have energy. And, you have a large passion for life, and are excited to see your family.
When you have a healthy work environment, it is easy to maintain work life balance.
You could go to work and have something fun for yourself planned to decompress after work. So, instead of reaching for more alcohol because you hate your job, you can go for a bike ride or goto a yoga class. Working with a holistic therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling supports positive lifestyle changes. In addition, when you work with a counselor, you can start to improve your work environment and reduce toxicity in your life.
Your therapist can help you understand how your physical health, work environment, and family life are all connected.
Essentially, if your work and career environment is stressing you out, your counselor at Wisdom Within can offer you a safe space to slow down intense thoughts. You can think about what might be the next best steps to bring positivity into your career. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we believe you have the wisdom within you to know what is best for you. So, therapy is a process and safe place to listen to your intuition once again. At the end of the day, if your work is causing burn out and is negative or toxic, your mental health and physical health will continue to suffer.
Let the team of holistic therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling support you in healthy work life boundaries and loving work again.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, the team of therapists help adults with work stress to develop a stronger, healthier and more holistic lifestyle. For instance, your therapist might go for an outdoor walking session with you. Or, your therapist may offer for you to paint or use clay in an art therapy session. We step outside the traditional setting and talking box to offer emotional validation. A lot of times, if you are the primary breadwinner, and you are feeling like you’re working in a toxic place, you may feel internal shame and pressure. You might have anxiety, so art therapies, yoga therapy, and outdoor walking sessions can provide stress relief.
In counseling, you can gain positive coping strategies for releasing work stress in a healthy way.
As well, you can do drama therapy, role-play, and try out talking and communicating and healthier ways. Drama therapy is a great way to build confidence when it comes to managing workplace stress. In addition, yoga therapy, meditation, yoga poses, and gentle movement along side breathing skills can help you manage stress at work. Right in counseling, you can gain positive coping tools for managing stress using holistic, creative outlet. Expressive arts in holistic therapy are very effective for helping develop healthy work life boundaries. A lot of times, traditional talk counseling does not provide positive coping tools right in counseling.
So, your holistic therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling will provide expressive art and holistic therapies to help you develop confidence and mental clarity.